The Wii came out and motion controls were all the rage. At a time both Sony and Microsoft looked at what Nintendo was doing and said we can do that too. We all know the reality. Nobody can really do what Nintendo does. Sony comes out with Move and Microsoft with Kinect. In the next console generation instead of deciding to leave the motion controls pursuit of Nintendo behind Microsoft doubles down on it. Sony kinda decides meh we'll let Nintendo have that lane and focus on customers Nintendo doesn't really cater to.
Sony doubles down on what Xbox fans criticize as "movie games." Microsoft tries to force the Kinect to pop bundles it into the consoles costing the price to go up. They skimp on the hardware specs to make up for the expense of the Kinect. In the end Microsoft was forced to abandon it's pursuit of Nintendo and motion controls but not before letting that tank the Xbox brand.
People will play up E3 and the used games controversy but really it was the Kinect and chasing of Nintendo instead of focusing on Xbox's real core gamer crowd that undid everything. Sony made the obvious choice and reaped the rewards. If Microsoft looked hard at the Wii numbers they would have understood that it wasn't worth chasing those super casual gamers that bought a Wii and mostly let it collect dust. Sony was smart to realize they didn't need to chose those folks anymore.
Sony doubles down on what Xbox fans criticize as "movie games." Microsoft tries to force the Kinect to pop bundles it into the consoles costing the price to go up. They skimp on the hardware specs to make up for the expense of the Kinect. In the end Microsoft was forced to abandon it's pursuit of Nintendo and motion controls but not before letting that tank the Xbox brand.
People will play up E3 and the used games controversy but really it was the Kinect and chasing of Nintendo instead of focusing on Xbox's real core gamer crowd that undid everything. Sony made the obvious choice and reaped the rewards. If Microsoft looked hard at the Wii numbers they would have understood that it wasn't worth chasing those super casual gamers that bought a Wii and mostly let it collect dust. Sony was smart to realize they didn't need to chose those folks anymore.