waiting on my fukking animal crossing
Bruh, you are the first person I've ever met to hate Mario All Stars. Physics were a lil weird in Mario 1 but you get used to it by World 2. Graphics are the best 2D sprites in a Mario game. Classic stuff. FOH. I should neg you.
Bruh, you are the first person I've ever met to hate Mario All Stars. Physics were a lil weird in Mario 1 but you get used to it by World 2. Graphics are the best 2D sprites in a Mario game. Classic stuff. FOH. I should neg you.
I know its dangerous cooking while playing but I play a pretty farm-heavy game every day and its been a god send to be able to take it with me into the kitchen, bathroom and bed because I’m so busy I rarely get a chance to sit down like normal people and play it on TV frequently. Most other games require my immediate attention but with Warframe I can farm 25k credits, some endo, and 26%+ experience on kills by killing at least 30 minutes then standing on a smoke stack tower to be safe (Seimini on Ceres) while putting my Switch down on the table to continue cooking my (currently) fish, eggs and cheese grits. I know I’m gonna piss some people off by this post but I have yet to burn a dish or cause a fire and if I do and its fatal at least I died doing something I love. Warframe is my new favorite game of all time, my favorite on Nintendo Switch and I even dare say the movement gameplay is better than Super Mario Oddysey. Something super compelling about being able to run up walls indefinitely.
You can double jump without a stupid hat.I reeeeaaally wanted to neg him.
You can double jump without a stupid hat.
You can long jump farther than Mario.
Your long jump damages enemies and breaks crates unlike Mario.
You can jump higher than Mario.
You can probably do Mario's platform stages.
But just the training rooms, clan dojo obstacle and treasure obstacle courses itself Mario can't do without a power up.
You can run up walls indefinitely unlike Mario.
You can float downwards like princess peach if you want with aim glide.
You can bullet time like The matrix unlike Mario.
You can cling to walls like Yoshi in Odyssey.
Everything I listed that you can do is just the base tenno without mods or specialized frames or power ups.
We're not even going to get into the frame's special abilities because they put Mario's abilities whenever he possesses someone to shame.
Warframe is not committed to being a playground obstacle course like Mario Odyssey. I wouldn't ever consider Warframe a replacement for Marioh when it comes to that. That's what Nintendo does best.
A Tenno's base movement abilities is like super Mario, ninja Gaiden and Sonic the fukking hedgehog on crack I don't know why they put that shyt in this game but Got damn it is what made it addictive to me that's why I can't put it down.
Edit: and the game is don't have to pay or grind to get to the point of doing all that from the get-go.
I know its dangerous cooking while playing but I play a pretty farm-heavy game every day and its been a god send to be able to take it with me into the kitchen, bathroom and bed because I’m so busy I rarely get a chance to sit down like normal people and play it on TV frequently. Most other games require my immediate attention but with Warframe I can farm 25k credits, some endo, and 26%+ experience on kills by killing at least 30 minutes then standing on a smoke stack tower to be safe (Seimini on Ceres) while putting my Switch down on the table to continue cooking my (currently) fish, eggs and cheese grits. I know I’m gonna piss some people off by this post but I have yet to burn a dish or cause a fire and if I do and its fatal at least I died doing something I love. Warframe is my new favorite game of all time, my favorite on Nintendo Switch and I even dare say the movement gameplay is better than Super Mario Oddysey. Something super compelling about being able to run up walls indefinitely.