Nikkas Out Here Hitting Chicks With Bricks Over Being Rejected?


Oct 8, 2014
Gotta come to her defense right here. A lot of people are jumping to conclusions adding in their own personal feelings. I dont see how shes a man hater for smacking a guy on camera. You can barely hear whats going on. He could have said or done some disrespectful shyt such as touch her inappropriately or forced himself on to her which would have warranted that response from her. That could have happened but not been taped as it appears that someone started recording an ongoing incident. That clip doesnt provide enough context for people to make these conclusions that arent even confirmed from the footage.

And regardless, nobody deserves that shyt IF it happened. Notice that it was a white male that got smacked by her. How did the convo become about black men harming her and basically another "lets attack black men" moment? These incidents revealing peoples preconcieved notions about black men. Very telling. The problem im noticing with this overall is multiple people are jumping into conclusions off of assumptions that others whether its her or the twitter users with agendas want to be made besides the incident itself. Everyone has an ulterior motive.
I'm not sure why you wrote all that in a reply to me...

80% of what you wrote has nothing to do with what im saying in this thread...

im just commenting on my opionion that physical violence is only justified in a case of self defense...

regardless of what that cac said or did before the video...

in the video his hands are down, he's smaller than her.. and he's not actively threatening her..

for her to use physical force in a non self defense situation shows alot about her character

that's all... this has nothing to do with "black men"... this is between the girl and the dude who threw the brick...

question is... would she be the type to instigate a situation then play victim?

the answer is yes... even thought throwing a brick isnt justified...

if a man challenges another man... and that man gets shot... we have less sympathy for the man...


and if we had video of that man crying about getting shot.... we would laugh


Aug 19, 2013
:youngsabo: nikkas doing the same thing ppl do when BM get murdered is crazy to see real time. With that, you need to be smacked.

It's crazy. I guess ppl need to be shy, nice, quiet, well mannered folk for violence against them to be justified.

Colic00n's don't care.


Dec 29, 2016
I need to pick my words carefully on this one.

Hitting her with a brick was unacceptable. The person who did it should be punished to the full extent of the law.

However what women need to understand is that you can't write cheques and just expect other people to cash it. I don't know what happened but I've seen her profile and she comes across as a drunk loud mouth.

The person who bricked her is the sort of person who most men would just ignore when they intentionally bump into them. There is an understanding that they exist in this world to cause mayhem. When people actively limit their engagement with certain types of people, it is a tall order expecting them to risk their safety over a stranger, especially if you made moves they wouldn't have made.

It is shyt that no one got involved, but if we are going to be honest it kept the casualties low. Most people aren't going into that situation matching his aggression, because it is not normal, which would put them at a disadvantage.


Oct 8, 2014
I need to pick my words carefully on this one.

Hitting her with a brick was unacceptable. The person who did it should be punished to the full extent of the law.

However what women need to understand is that you can't write cheques and just expect other people to cash it. I don't know what happened but I've seen her profile and she comes across as a drunk loud mouth.

The person who bricked her is the sort of person who most men would just ignore when they intentionally bump into them. There is an understanding that they exist in this world to cause mayhem. When people actively limit their engagement with certain types of people, it is a tall order expecting them to risk their safety over a stranger, especially if you made moves they wouldn't have made.

It is shyt that no one got involved, but if we are going to be honest it kept the casualties low. Most people aren't going into that situation matching his aggression, because it is not normal, which would put them at a disadvantage.
I'm definitely not confronting a random nikka throwing bricks at women in a dirt lot next to the gas station at 1am
