This was really dope. Willem getting a LOT of spotlight this past month. Hoping Bradley Cooper gets deserved recognition for this because as of late, the man hasn’t gotten much of any praise. I like how the film started off with his character hardly speaking and then gradually he fully takes over and I’m just like
Production design in the first half made me wish HBO brought Carnivale back. Second half dragged a bit and could’ve been trimmed but I was never outright bored with the film. The finale was the ultimate pay-off and I don’t think an ending has stuck with me as much as this did.
It’s Guillermo so the cinematography being good wasn’t a shocker. There are some set pieces in this that are stunning though - Dr. Ritter’s office being the one that sticks out the most. Wow, I could spend all day and night in there.
It’s crazy how Rooney is that much finer than her sister. Like, come on. Blanchett oozed sex appeal in every scene she was in and there’s no doubt in my mind that she would’ve killed it during the 1950s when all of those noir films were more prominent.
I’m glad this was weirdly marketed. Didn’t do any research on this. I didn’t know if I was in store for a straight-up carnie tale or what, so the 2nd half was a welcomed surprise. Not my favorite Del Toro, but it’s up there.

Production design in the first half made me wish HBO brought Carnivale back. Second half dragged a bit and could’ve been trimmed but I was never outright bored with the film. The finale was the ultimate pay-off and I don’t think an ending has stuck with me as much as this did.
It’s such a perfect punch to the gut.
It’s Guillermo so the cinematography being good wasn’t a shocker. There are some set pieces in this that are stunning though - Dr. Ritter’s office being the one that sticks out the most. Wow, I could spend all day and night in there.
It’s crazy how Rooney is that much finer than her sister. Like, come on. Blanchett oozed sex appeal in every scene she was in and there’s no doubt in my mind that she would’ve killed it during the 1950s when all of those noir films were more prominent.
I’m glad this was weirdly marketed. Didn’t do any research on this. I didn’t know if I was in store for a straight-up carnie tale or what, so the 2nd half was a welcomed surprise. Not my favorite Del Toro, but it’s up there.