Gettin' It In
Damn I'm the only one here 
This new Gyllenhaal/ Bay movie looks dope

This new Gyllenhaal/ Bay movie looks dope
I give it a 7/10. felt a bit too long, but def more fleshed out than the OG. it just lost a bit of steam to me near the end. of course the production design was incredible being a GDT film. cooper was incredible in that last scene.
I did leave confused about Cate Blanchett character's motive behind the double cross. Not sure if she just wanted the money, or wanted to get back at him for humiliating her during his show.
I'm in here now and I'm the only one heredamn, why they release this against Spiderman? I'll report back. Hopefully it's good.
This was excellent!! A fantastic slow burn. Guillermo del Toro did a great job of executing the noir style. All of the actors brought their A game, but I think this is Bradley Cooper's best performance to date. Cate Blanchett was great too and Willem Dafoe is always on point.
But the real star here is the plot. Like some serious thought went into this. It played like Hitchcock and Rod Sterling decided to collaborate. I know some people will complain about the 2 1/2 hour running time, but I think the payoff was worth it. Some nice psychological character studies and relationship development that ramp up the stakes. I hope it gets more views because I really was the only one in the theatre, which is a shame cause honestly, I can't find anything to complain about. Can't wait to hear what others think of it.
10/10 for me.
I’m the only one in this theater tonight too for thisDamn I'm the only one here
This new Gyllenhaal/ Bay movie looks dope
So I went into this pretty much blind. I upgraded my membership at AMC to A-List and needed a third film to watch besides the new Spider-Man and Matrix movies so with Bradley Cooper starring and GDT directing, I figured why not. And this was worth the watch. I was solo in my theater but for a film like this, I didn’t totally mind. It felt a little slow to pick up in the beginning but got better as time went on, with the ensemble cast all delivering and the cinematography, set design, and soundtrack all helping shape this world extremely well.
If I had any nitpicks to the film, it would be that the runtime did drag at points. At 2 and a half hours and change it is a long film, especially after about a half hour of previews ahead of it. Also, and this is just my own personal thing, but often times with Del Toro films, I find them all visually stunning and well crafted in every sense, but I sometimes don’t always feel what the film would like me to, almost like a disconnect. I enjoy his work but sometimes for me it hits and other times I’m entertained but indifferent.
I would give this a very solid B+. VOD and streaming are gonna be where this film shines, especially when everyone is mostly going to see the other movie with Willem Dafoe in it right now
Exactly. I think sometimes when these scenes and moments are so well crafted and shot, you really need strong, visceral performances to help offset the polish, if that makes any sense. Otherwise it all feels very technically proficient and well done but missing that raw emotion that would help elevate it. I did feel like the film had it at points, in particular especially the final act where you see the depth of Cooper’s character’s despair and anguish, but it’s something that would’ve helped spruce up the runtime just a tad to keep it that much more engaging and gripping throughoutGreat point about Del Toro and that feeling of detachment. I see what you're saying. I was wondering if that was him or if it may have been the novel the film was based on. But now that you point that out, I can recall the same detachment with a few of his other films as well. It's almost as if he's so meticulous about the way a scene is shot that it becomes almost clinical, like a master class on how to capture a moment on film instead of actually evoking the emotion the moment was supposed to spark in the viewer.
Damn I'm the only one here![]()
Probably in my top 5 movies of the year
For the people who saw it
I was confused about her motivation for setting him up and how she did it
I was thinking that she hypnotized him and got him to kill or at least hurt Ezra because she was one of the girls he had brutalized (She had a long scar and stitches on her body)
She drank alcohol and deliberately kissed him to influence his drinking, but I don't know how deep
the hypnosis went
Did she do all of that because she got son'd by him during the show and she wanted to get even for being embarrassed
I was too last night
yes she clearly said something like am I powerful enough for you now?
Idk. I liked this better thoughInteresting. I did not know this was a remake. What would you have cut?