Space is the Place
I understand in other part of Afrika Christianity did flourish but I’m talking specifically about Nigeria pre-colonization.
Good point, I don't think it did for the Igbo until right before or right after.
I understand in other part of Afrika Christianity did flourish but I’m talking specifically about Nigeria pre-colonization.
I'm Igbo and I cosign this statement. Most Southern Nigerians hate Nigeria. Thus, anyone that opposes Islam is cool to the old heads. My grandma told us stories of how they had to flee the north. Their neighbors burned their house down. Slaughtered their friends. My family lost everything in the war.
I don't share their viewpoint but I understand it.
Yeah omotic is afro Asiatic.
I personally think the Afro asiatic language is native to northeast/horn of Africa. So I wonder how the Hausa ended up speaking it. I don’t think it’s impossible that they could have migrated from that region. It makes more sense with them than other west African ethnic groups.
My mother was 10 when the Biafra war took place and her brother was 13 when he fought in the war. The stories my mom told during that time, will tell you how much Igbos are hated. Graphic accounts of Nigerian soldiers slicing pregnant women bellies and killing them. How many other tribes turned their back on them and over a million Igbos died and children with swollen bellies due to malnutrition. Igbos who had bank account linked with the Nigerian government accounts were clean out with no return of funds after the war. How after the war in the late 70s early 80s, an Igbo will go to Lagos after college for work and no one will hire them, completely ostracized. That is why there are significant if not higher numbers of Igbos living abroad compared to other ethnic tribes. I have met only 1 Hausa person living in America my entire life.
Nigeria needs to split as a country ho ha. At this point 200 million people and the government being completely incompetent with the rising numbers of youth, it is a powder keg ready to combust.
Yep. Put yourself in a Nigerians shoes. The average Nigerian lives in a shythole.
Let me explain. I am in Enugu right now sitting on my aunt's couch. Is her house a shythole?
Nope. Her house is mad nice. She drives a Lexus too. But after I exit her security gate the surrounding infrastructure is a shythole.
The roads are made of dirt, there are sink holes, trash everywhere. Basic shyt the government should be maintaining they don't maintain.
So the average Nigerian was happy when Trump said that because it shines the light on the corrupt Nigerian government.