NieR Automata OT [PS4 | PC| XB1] NieRly had another exclusive


All Star
Jun 21, 2012
Alright so right off the bat the game is way more similar to the original Nier than the demo had you think.

Secondly the map is fukking huge, and there is no fast travel on the main map. This is a pain in the ass because

You will be doing a massive amount of fetch quests if you are sidequesting (you will be BOMBARDED with sidequests RIGHT AWAY), and you gotta traverse a shytload of land, a kinda bad map system, and you better fukking remember how you got to a certain location or you will get lost over and over. The sidequests are practically FFXV type, though they do give you some character and emotion generally, its still the same idea. Kill this, get this.

Also ran into some glitches during sidequests which pissed me off too.

The Menus are also all over the place and took a minute to get used to.

Just my initial impressions.


Lloyd Banks Stan
Jun 29, 2013
Southside, 2gz Up
Alright so right off the bat the game is way more similar to the original Nier than the demo had you think.

Secondly the map is fukking huge, and there is no fast travel on the main map. This is a pain in the ass because

You will be doing a massive amount of fetch quests if you are sidequesting (you will be BOMBARDED with sidequests RIGHT AWAY), and you gotta traverse a shytload of land, a kinda bad map system, and you better fukking remember how you got to a certain location or you will get lost over and over. The sidequests are practically FFXV type, though they do give you some character and emotion generally, its still the same idea. Kill this, get this.

Also ran into some glitches during sidequests which pissed me off too.

The Menus are also all over the place and took a minute to get used to.

Just my initial impressions.

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May 1, 2012
Alright so right off the bat the game is way more similar to the original Nier than the demo had you think.

Secondly the map is fukking huge, and there is no fast travel on the main map. This is a pain in the ass because

You will be doing a massive amount of fetch quests if you are sidequesting (you will be BOMBARDED with sidequests RIGHT AWAY), and you gotta traverse a shytload of land, a kinda bad map system, and you better fukking remember how you got to a certain location or you will get lost over and over. The sidequests are practically FFXV type, though they do give you some character and emotion generally, its still the same idea. Kill this, get this.

Also ran into some glitches during sidequests which pissed me off too.

The Menus are also all over the place and took a minute to get used to.

Just my initial impressions.
I was on neofag and they said you get a fast travel option at some point.


All Star
Jun 21, 2012
Thing is on the map you unlock spots where you can save, and if those turn into fast travel spots then thats good. Otherwise there is only one fast travel available early on and its practically useless.

When it comes to main story missions they are all pretty cool, and if the sidequests werent so goddamn far I'd be good with that too. If that fast travel thing is true then fine, if not I foresee myself skipping A LOT of them. Going from one spot to another can possibly take 5 or usually many more minutes which is infuriating.Just to give an example, make pretend you gotta go from the end of the demo of Nier, ALL the way to the beginning. And before that you gotta go to where you were located to pick up the quest to that spot which adds a few minutes. This is an actual sidequest.

The other thing is upgrading your character is based on slot space. It looks weird, and it is. Basically you have blocks that are bigger or smaller depending on the number, and you use them to add armor plus x, HP plus x, etc etc. You can purchase at certain stores upgrades to make the slot space larger. Its an OK system but the color schemes make it awkward to see what is what and what space is available.

EDIT- I finally got the fast travel option. You gotta complete a few main missions. So basically if a sidequest is far off, just dont do it until you unlock this shyt.
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All Star
Jun 21, 2012
Alright so

1. Let the game fully download before you play. Game breaking glitch otherwise and you would have to delete your data and start over when it finishes the DL. Probably will be patched by the time of US release.
2. Dont bother with sidequests that are out of the way until you unlock fast travel
3. I ran into a bullshyt glitch in a sidequest named "Lost Girl." You kill a few waves of enemies, but then you cannot progress further. The problem I had was an enemy was not spawning. So I looked around the area and saw a dust cloud sort of appearing and I did a drop down attack with a heavy weapon and the enemy finally spawned. I restarted this shyt 3 times before I figured this out. This is definitely a glitch.

I went through that so you dont gotta go thru that :francis:

But yeah once I got fast travel everything is way smoother. 90 percent of my complaints are gone


All Star
Jun 21, 2012
Im playing on normal and not having much difficulty at all.

I maxed out the store at the camp for upgrading the space for the chip stuff. Got a thing for auto healing as long as you arent taking damage for a few secs, another that makes you invincible for a few seconds after taking damage.....among a ton of other shyt. My inventory I got 100 of each of the 3 types of potions. So pretty much I aint gonna die. :manny:

Tone wise this game is just as grim as the OG. Every sidequest ends up tragic somehow. As far as the main story goes I havent gotten up to any major reveals so I cant really say, but the tone of the game is cool. Not sure where the story will go but Im sure its gonna be some miserable shyt as usual.

Feel like the combat is give or take the same shyt as the original just smoother. Most of the big story missions do give you some bullet hell twin stick shooter type game, or even side or vertical scrolling and none of that was in the original. I also like those kinds of games so it is fun. Though Im noticing in those shooter sections if you melee attack you can take out all bullets, even the ones your gun cannot take out...that is useful in one area where a ton of flying guys are flying right on you. So the only thing that could actually hit you in those sections are the big boss lasers. I wonder if these sections are different on hard or you just take more damage.

Upgrading pods though is a bytch I have yet to do so. And havent gotten any weapon over level 2. Also weird that I have maddd pod things but only 2 that I have are upgradable.

Liking the sword plus spear set up though. shyt is easy mode combos.
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