Nicole vs. The World, Pt. II: 2020 TLR WOAT Thread

Who Will Be The 2020 TLR WOAT?

  • LaBellaNicole0416.NYC

    Votes: 181 59.7%

    Votes: 9 3.0%
  • SirReginald

    Votes: 18 5.9%
  • G.O.A.T. Squad Spokesman

    Votes: 34 11.2%

    Votes: 21 6.9%
  • Stringer Cochran

    Votes: 7 2.3%
  • number21

    Votes: 6 2.0%
  • Rozay Oro

    Votes: 8 2.6%
  • pazzy

    Votes: 8 2.6%
  • thekingsmen

    Votes: 11 3.6%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Mar 1, 2015
Oh this thread just took an interesting turn with mod/admin intervention

This what y’all wanted tho :pachaha:

Low End Derrick

May 8, 2014
That’s the problem - the woat banner needs to go to someone who actually cares. Clearly I do not. 3 yrs and counting.





The Prim Reaper
Aug 10, 2017
NYC and FBA Riverboat Retaliation
Ahahahahaha :mjlol: :russ:

You're fukking pathetic. Nothing but facts and you can't discredit it no matter what you dig up about the messenger

I know you will never get banned but I hope the community keeps this energy together for the whole of next year. We might be able to run your worthless ass out of here :pacspit: :camby:
Who in the fuk are you. Whatever goals you need to make it through the day. Or you could simply hit that ignore. “Run me out of here” lmao. How the fuk do you run someone off by posting quotes and making comments. instead of the racist cacs . Log the fuk off.


The Prim Reaper
Aug 10, 2017
NYC and FBA Riverboat Retaliation
Ahahahahaha :mjlol: :russ:

You're fukking pathetic. Nothing but facts and you can't discredit it no matter what you dig up about the messenger

I know you will never get banned but I hope the community keeps this energy together for the whole of next year. We might be able to run your worthless ass out of here :pacspit: :camby:
Nahhhhh - you’re not even black and you live in Australia. The pattern continues... next.

I'm Indian breh

I'm Indian and I've been called ****** as an insult by white kids when I was about 12, 13. In Australia too. There aren't many black people here, so I guess they use it anybody who's darker than white.

I don't know what to make of it. I mean it's just a word to me, and I'm not black so I don't get why it's used against me
. What's more important than the meaning and whether or not it's relevant to me, is how it's said you know? The way those kids called me that, it was the tone that got me more than the word. They said it with this disgust in their voice, like I was less than human or something.

By the sounds of it, you should be gone yourself.

Let me say something on behalf of all Indians: if we identify as Indian instead of black, you say we're the white man's monkey and we hate black people etc.

If we identify as black, you clown us and don't accept us as your brothers.

So what the hell are we supposed to do? I'm all for minority unity but it seems with the Coli militant folk, no matter what we do it's not good enough, whether that's seeking unity with black people or going our own way.

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All Star
Mar 11, 2017
Ahahahahaha :mjlol: :russ:

You're fukking pathetic. Nothing but facts and you can't discredit it no matter what you dig up about the messenger

I know you will never get banned but I hope the community keeps this energy together for the whole of next year. We might be able to run your worthless ass out of here :pacspit: :camby:

Nicole aint going anywhere. Too many mods here and others kiss his ass and protect him for some reason. Nicole got a legit fan club. Bussy kissers.


The Prim Reaper
Aug 10, 2017
NYC and FBA Riverboat Retaliation
Ahahahahaha :mjlol: :russ:

You're fukking pathetic. Nothing but facts and you can't discredit it no matter what you dig up about the messenger

I know you will never get banned but I hope the community keeps this energy together for the whole of next year. We might be able to run your worthless ass out of here :pacspit: :camby:
Of course this is the same INDIAN from AUSTRALIA who thinks that he can speak on AA reparations

5 billion ain't shyt

If $5bn was the allocated sum for reparations, then each black person in America would receive just $135.14.

To get a fair amount, the bill runs into the trillions. It's not economically possible to get compensation in the form of a lump sum cash payment, unless you're talking about some trifling amount of money.

this is an Indian trying to Calcuttalate, ooops I mean, calculate what he’s not a part of.

For me the issue with cash payout reparations is that the mathematics of it don't work out. There's what, 45 million African Americans? So what's a reasonable amount? It can't be too low or else it wouldn't be adequate reparations for the crimes and the injustices African Americans have suffered over the hundreds of years. If you give a low payout then that's it, end of story, the government's hands are washed clean forever. Every time the question of addressing specifically black issues comes up, they're just gonna be like "we already paid reparations, what more can we do." The number has to be high because no government will make an African American agenda their priority for a long time if cash payout reparations is made. You have to keep the end game in mind, what happens after reparations? What's the next thing the government needs to provide? They likely won't do it for a long time.

So what's a reasonable number? Let's go with 100,000 for each individual. I think that's a fair amount, it's about two year's salary tax-free. It should be enough to justify the fact that no government will make addressing black issues a priority for the next several decades.

100,000 x 45 million = 4 500 000 000 000. That's $4.5 trillion in total.

The 2017 GDP of the US was $19.39 trillion. A reparations payout of 100,000 dollars each is almost 25% of the total annual GDP of the US. The problem is that total government revenues in 2017 was just 17.3% of GDP, $3.3 trillion. So the reparations payout would more than wipe out total government revenue for a single year, which means everything else - social security, medicare, medicaid, defense, transport, education, housing, and all other government expenditure - has to take a time out for a couple of years. It's not possible under the present tax schemes.

Now if you think a lower amount is acceptable then I would say you're mistaken because once reparations have been made the political will for addressing black issues will evaporate. Nothing is ever for free, reparations are a trade off. The cost you pay for reparations is that politically black issues will take a back seat. So you've got to make sure that your political capital is exchanged for a decent amount of money, otherwise you're being ripped off.

I think the best solution would be payments in cash and kind. So something like $100,000 in total value, but only $20,000 of it issued through cash. The rest can be made up through things like debt forgiveness, providing government jobs, awarding government contracts to black businesses, tax breaks for black families and businesses, guaranteed free or subsidised education and health care, and so on.
I would guess the problem is they can't pay what they owe the black community. The debt is too large. There's about 40 million African-Americans. At $100,000 each - a sum which does not, in my opinion, adequately compensate for slavery and everything that came after slavery - it comes to a bill of $4 trillion, or 25% of America's GDP. It's larger than the entire federal budget. And it isn't even enough, that's just a ballpark figure I picked for easy multiplication.

Hmmmm- this backs up what fba, Ados are saying about ..nvm
Oh for sure, its plenty of countries all around the world that profited big from slave trading. But unlike the USA they owe reparations not only to African-Americans but also to Africans, Chinese, Indians, various indigenous people worldwide; every place that was plundered during colonial rule. They wouldn't even be able to meet any of the colonial reparations before stepping up to split the American bill.

It's because reparations cannot be paid that immigration occurs. We don't come to these countries because we love the white man so much that we are willing to leave our own homes and put up with the racism, the shyt food and worse weather that characterize white societies. We do it for money. Money that isn't available at home because it was taken away. Immigration is basically a roundabout way of getting reparations. But we still lose. Immigration is very damaging because net exporters of immigrants tend to lose their best people all the time to the western world. How is the homeland supposed to improve if the best and brightest keep leaving all the time because you can't get paper at home?


And look who is co-signing him. HaraRishna from Aussieland would have been better shutting the fuk up and passing the knoifffe.

From the Book of Never Ends Well- Vol 254487665; Ch. 20.
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The Prim Reaper
Aug 10, 2017
NYC and FBA Riverboat Retaliation
That's the truth. TLR can clown as much as it likes, but the objective fact is it's been at least half a decade since UK rap overtook mainstream US rap for quality. For things that actually matter, i.e. skills on the mic and skills in making beats, there is no comparison at all, the UK is miles ahead.


The Prim Reaper
Aug 10, 2017
NYC and FBA Riverboat Retaliation
Imma need @Sukairain to get back on the stage with that same energy that he had a few comments ago because this:

This right here is the problem. I'm not black and I don't live in America so this is just my opinion and what I've heard about, in the hood any kids who try to work on education and want to be smart get ridiculed for "acting white". That's a really poor attitude to have, being intelligent doesn't make you white!

Also I really dislike the Nation of Islam and related movements because of their mythology surrounding Yakub. What's the problem with him, according to the Nation? He was smart. Too smart. See, that right there to me is indicative of a fundamentally anti-intellectual, anti-educational culture. If the Nation really cared about black people and really wanted to improve your condition then it would hail Yakub as a role model for all black people - I mean this guy is supposed to be one of the smartest motherfukkers of all time, and instead of revering him like a hero, they hate him like a devil! So that sends the message that it's not good to be smart, that anybody who aspires to be a genius will end up destroying the black race just like Yakub did.

Aside from these sorts of cultural problems there's also the schools themselves. They don't teach you shyt, and that's the case whether you're black or whatever, as long as you're too poor to afford going to the most elite tier private schools (I'm talking about like Eton and shyt in England, the ones with hundreds of years of history that all the politicians and society's elites go to - not your average private school), you get the sort of education that's purposefully designed to stifle your creativity and free thinking, that's supposed to indoctrinate you into becoming a good docile consumer and cog in the capitalist machine. Too Short said it in 'Money in the Ghetto':

"And they always say the same things
Don't be a gangster or a dopefiend
Get your high school diploma, go to college
Get a degree and start makin' dollars
Only one thing wrong, and it's a Trip
Inner city schools don't teach us shyt
Got us stuck on stupid, Straight S.O.S

In the state of California
You graduate and can't spell "diploma"
Dip to the hood and get rich
Slangin rocks to a smoked-out bytch
No school'll come close to that
A few transactions make my pockets fat"

I’m trying to translate this shyt but I’m still getting the same vibe - why do nonblack people always seem to have so much say and input?? Or feel enabled to even come out the mouth with this?? And they always seem to justify it by prefacing their clear racial bias with “I’m not black” then he posts 5 paragraphs on his version of black American ideologies.
Then he ends it with a rap lyric bc he’s “so down” - wtf

he became a little too comfortable it seems - he sounds like one of @G.O.A.T Squad Spokesman ‘s henchmen


The Prim Reaper
Aug 10, 2017
NYC and FBA Riverboat Retaliation
Oh - I’m too “pro black” for THEM. Look at the what-aboutism.

At least most of you all seem to have economic reasons to be against immigration rather than racist ones. Cacs are always on that "they are a threat to our way of life", "they don't assimilate and form ethnic ghettos" shyt. Translation: immigrants threaten white supremacy; immigrants don't act white. These are the main talking points for cacs about immigration. They're OK with taking in white immigrants from "culturally compatible countries of origin" :pacspit:

But I have to counter the economic arguments put forward by the pro-black posters on here, such as one post which said immigration should be opposed until black people in the US are fully compensated for slavery and have been given all reparations. That is true - the part that black people deserve reparations. But so do immigrants from most of the rest of the world. During colonial occupation, European states raped the land, plundered the wealth, destroyed local industry for fear of competition, deskilled native populations, and left us devastated economically to such an extent that the economic problems faced today in a lot of countries stems from the brutal destruction of society during colonial occupation. They taught us to drink whiskey and play cricket, but absolutely nothing of value - no trades, no skills. And if we had any such skills they made sure we forgot them.

So what I'm getting at here is that immigrants also have a right to seek reparations and compensation. Although since our experience is different to slavery I don't believe we should just be given reparations like that - instead we should be permitted to come to white countries, take white jobs, dominate the white economy through our superior work ethic and talent. Already in many western countries whites are being pushed out of fields like medicine and dentistry which have become dominated by south and east Asians because we work harder and smarter than whites. Immigrants must push that outwards and dominate all aspects of the economy in order to be compensated for colonialism. When that happens we will have the wealth to transform our own nations and we can return home. We certainly don't come here because we love whites and want to be with them so we can become like them - we just want that fukking money.