The irony of this dude defending a full Dominican nationality Zoe Saldana
Oh mi gawd- this is the dude trying to call me not racially identified but here he is a full anti- race diatribe about not identifying. This poster is A half Cac at that. This dude right here boiiii - as if he didn’t expose himself bad enough already. 2012 er. Different type of time. Wowwwwww- Dafuqqq??
Who said anything about making anyone hate you less? She was talking about how she identifies and views herself.
Who said "I don't see race"? She's didn't say that. She's rejecting the present socially-constructed racial hierarchy, which all people of sound mind and soul should. I didn't see her say she doesn't acknowledge racial realities.
It seems a bunch of people in this thread are just adding a whole bunch of shyt they want to grind their axe about on to her comments and reading way more into it than what was said.
I expect to see the usual idiots with their "c00n this, c00n that" comments, but I'm surprised to see some of the more intelligent, respectable posters acting like there's some huge problem with her comments. She's talking about her personal experience as a multiracial black woman.
Ginathataintnodamnpuppy was exactly right. No matter how she worded it people were going to attach a bunch of emotional baggage soapbox rant bullshyt to it.
Oh mi gawd- this is the dude trying to call me not racially identified but here he is a full anti- race diatribe about not identifying. This poster is A half Cac at that. This dude right here boiiii - as if he didn’t expose himself bad enough already. 2012 er. Different type of time. Wowwwwww- Dafuqqq??

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