Nicki Minaj, Hot 97 & hypocrisy in Hip Hop

Hussein Fonzarelli

The Whitey Corp.
Jun 1, 2012
U trying to sound too smart. You using the wrong words B. Sellout doesnt equal getting paid to do what you do.

When James Brown was singing and getting paid for "Say it loud, Im black and Im proud" he wasnt being a sellout. I like where you were going but you using the wrong words

There's nothing wrong about being a sell out. You SELL your talents or "product" (music) for money. You won't GIVE OUT for free. You want $.

It's business.

it's not "boom bap" "trap" "east" "west" "gangsta" "real" "fake" or any other shyt. It's business. You got fans for each bracket. Who the fukk has the audacity to judge between the brackets but the utmost faggets who think they're ENTITLED to any of those shyts? It's music that's being sold to promote big business and that's that.

No rapper in this world would be relevant rockin fake J's, hand me down clothes and drivin 93 Camry. It's smoke and mirrors on its purest levels, and only the "old heads" who still want to believe they were "doing somethin fresh yo" in 84 with their jhery curls and fukkin shell toes poppin and lockin are the ones who'll get all chaffed up in the but trying to convince people about REAL hip-hop. What's REAL about, let's say, being a 100% GANGSTER (lmfao at that word), killin a dude, fukkin his wife, slangin a key of coke to a cop and then making a song about it? That just makes you an incredibly retarded motherfukker.

Grow the fukk up, its 2012.

OG Talk

May 1, 2012
Heaven on Earth
Starships as obviously a pop song....

But lets talk about whats been allowed to happen to urban music...

I have an issue with the messenger more than the message...

Peter Rosenberg is no more hip hop than Nicki...Infact he should ALWAYS be viewed as an outsider from people that truely care about the culture..

Hip hop was formed on 3 major concepts or principles that people keep trying to ignore..

1-It's an art form created for and by the youth..

2-It's an art form created for and by innercity/urban/street kids..

3-It's an art form created for an by Blacks and Latinos (minorities)

By those standards of the purity and origin of "real hip hop" Rosenberg is 0 for 3..He's a 36 year old, white guy, from the suburbs (an outsider)...He can be the worlds biggest fan but he's still and outsider.. All of the Wu-Tang bumper stickers and crates of vinyl will never change that..

He can have an opinion.. But when you're such an outsider, it's arrogant to pretend that you have a role as a lieutenant or a shot caller in the culture..He carries himself like a boss, when in reality he's just a super fan.. His opinion shouldnt be considered as highly as some 19 year old black kid from Camden..

He's 0 for 3... His whole existence is the antithesis of what the culture was intended to be...

There should be a hiearchy to things...Im not saying you have to be all three to be involved in the culture (young, minority, from the hood) but people that are none of the above should pretty much be ignored imo..

I don't wanna hear old men dictating what the culture should be (and I'm older myself) because it's always evolving and just because it was a certain way when you were younger doesnt mean that its etched in stone..

It bothers me when people from the suburbs in middle America criticized young ghetto kids in Bankhead for Laffy Taffy or snap music..When that was THEIR expression of a culture that was theirs by birthright and circumstance..

And it goes without sayin that I feel how most white folks (there are exceptions) should keep their mouths closed about Black culture...

U gotta earn stripes.. And even when you do, you should keep your mouth closed when grown folks (insiders) are talking...

L. Deezy

May 25, 2012
I think people really dont think before they speak on hip hop or in this case what Nicki Minaj is doing with her music.

Is what she doing that much far off than what happened in the late 80's when Hip house rap was going on. You had artist like Jungle brothers, Special Ed, Queen latifah etc rapping over house beats.

Latifah with "Come into my house" was rapping and singing. She wasnt called a sellout. Musically the sound wasnt that far from what Nicki does. Rap in 2012 is way more global than when Latifah and Jungle brothers was doing that shyt.

Cole Cash

They took a hammer and sickle to my back
May 1, 2012
Baltimore Maryland
Starships as obviously a pop song....

But lets talk about whats been allowed to happen to urban music...

I have an issue with the messenger more than the message...

Peter Rosenberg is no more hip hop than Nicki...Infact he should ALWAYS be viewed as an outsider from people that truely care about the culture..

Hip hop was formed on 3 major concepts or principles that people keep trying to ignore..

1-It's an art form created for and by the youth..

2-It's an art form created for and by innercity/urban/street kids..

3-It's an art form created for and by Blacks and Latinos (minorities)

By those standards of the purity and origin of "real hip hop" Rosenberg is 0 for 3..He's a 36 year old, white guy, from the suburbs (an outsider)...He can be the worlds biggest fan but he's still and outsider.. All of the Wu-Tang bumper stickers and crates of vinyl will never change that..

He can have an opinion.. But when you're such an outsider, it's arrogant to pretend that you have a role as a lieutenant or a shot caller in the culture..He carries himself like a boss, when in reality he's just a super fan.. His opinion shouldnt be considered as highly as some 19 year old black kid from Camden..

He's 0 for 3... His whole existence is the antithesis of what the culture was intended to be...

There should be a hiearchy to things...Im not saying you have to be all three to be involved in the culture (young, minority, from the hood) but people that are none of the above should pretty much be ignored imo..

I don't wanna hear old men dictating what the culture should be (and I'm older myself) because it's always involving and just because it was a certain way when you were younger doesnt mean that its etched in stone..

It bothers me when people from the suburbs in middle America criticized young ghetto kids in Bankhead for Laffy Taffy or snap music..

And it goes without sayin that I feel how most white folks (there are exceptions) should keep their mouths closed about Black culture...

im sorry, call me a c00n, but rosenburg is a hip hop dj, hes allowed to feel the way he feels. he commented on the genre he loves and participates in, he should have his say, white or not. he thinks starships isnt hip hop, he should be black to have a say? come on man.

latino isnt even a race regardless, if i come from pure spanish lineage from puerto rico, because i speak spanish that means im somehow validated because im "latino"?

this narrows the issue to ignorant standards in my opinion.

L. Deezy

May 25, 2012
Yeah I think Rosenberg, regardless of race, can speak on hip hop. Im sure he embraced the music all his life. He's true to it. Only thing he is guilty of is generalizing what Hip Hop should be. Hip Hop started over disco beats for gods sake.


May 2, 2012
NY all day..Da Stead & BK..
Any rapper who raps for money is a sell-out? What about the people that what their raps to spread out across the world? If you want millions of your people to hear your music you're a sellout? Cause most of the time they are the people making "sellout" music. If you want to explore new territory and make a song like Wiz Khalifas "I roll up" or if he wants girls to have a joint they can ride to is that selling out?

The goal is to live of rap, the goal is to catch fans preferably fans who appreciate the shyt you want to put out.

Roberto Dinero

Dropped from #TnT
May 5, 2012
The Infamous World's End Houses
im sorry, call me a c00n, but rosenburg is a hip hop dj, hes allowed to feel the way he feels. he commented on the genre he loves and participates in, he should have his say, white or not. he thinks starships isnt hip hop, he should be black to have a say? come on man.

latino isnt even a race regardless, if i come from pure spanish lineage from puerto rico, because i speak spanish that means im somehow validated because im "latino"?

this narrows the issue to ignorant standards in my opinion.

I agree with this. 1st of all dude used to be young at one point as well u know? He hasn't been in his 30's all his life. I don't know that much about Rosenberg but if he's in the position he is now that means he has been in the game for 20 years plus. That qualifies him to have an opinion in hip hop.

And rapping for money and selling out is not the same thing. For money is when ur tryina make a living out of rap. Selling out means, changing ur music, ur beliefs and ur views for a buck. Prostituting yourself for money.

Like ODB said "Who the f*ck wanna be an MC? If u can't get be a f*cking MC!"

L. Deezy

May 25, 2012
If any true Hip Hop head can call Planet Rock a classic record, you shouldnt have a problem with rap over techno or simplicity in the lyrics

Hussein Fonzarelli

The Whitey Corp.
Jun 1, 2012
And rapping for money and selling out is not the same thing. For money is when ur tryina make a living out of rap. Selling out means, changing ur music, ur beliefs and ur views for a buck. Prostituting yourself for money.

So there you go.

All the rappers we know about either

a) dreamed of being big shot rappers
b) hated the "mainstream" until someone recognized them and told them "hey...i can make that shyt play all over...get you some $"

We only dont hear about those who never "sold out" - those are still rappin to their 4 homies.

when it boils down, it's just about the money


If any true Hip Hop head can call Planet Rock a classic record, you shouldnt have a problem with rap over techno or simplicity in the lyrics

Cant wait to hear excuses about this

OH but he was the REAL hiphop pioneer REAL originator .....

GET THA fukk outta here.
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NYC Rebel

...on the otherside of the pond
May 7, 2012
im sorry, call me a c00n, but rosenburg is a hip hop dj, hes allowed to feel the way he feels. he commented on the genre he loves and participates in, he should have his say, white or not. he thinks starships isnt hip hop, he should be black to have a say? come on man.

latino isnt even a race regardless, if i come from pure spanish lineage from puerto rico, because i speak spanish that means im somehow validated because im "latino"?

this narrows the issue to ignorant standards in my opinion.

I'm tired of outsiders who claim to be standard bearers of hip hop. I'm sorry, but what Rosenberg calls "hip hop" was at one time or another us black and latinos living in urban america called "living everyday." A reality that he did not experience.

When he speaks on hip hop, he's speaking on MY reality that I at one time or another lived, but instead of respecting it, he thinks because opted to invite himself to it...yes...invites himself, because what I woke up everyday to living that hip hop experience was right outside my front door, he can speak for it.

If you respect the hip hop, shut the fukk up and know your place.

Rosenberg sounds like the surburban guy who when my black ass from Crown Heights Brooklyn and my business partner from Brownsville walked into his merchandisers office with our wears arrogantly said "It wasn't urban enough" as if he could interpret our reality of what we lived and breathed as urban. Too many of these carpet bagging hip hoppers feel that because they've datamined through crates of records over the years, can win a jeopardy hip hop contest answering facts feel that they can speak for it.

shyt...Rosenberg has no place to define what's hip hop. Espeically when works for the very station that ruins the art form he supposedly wants to protect.

Why doesn't he fall on the sword and bytch to his superiors?

Hussein Fonzarelli

The Whitey Corp.
Jun 1, 2012
shyt...Rosenberg has no place to define what's hip hop. Espeically when works for the very station that ruins the art form he supposedly wants to protect.

Why doesn't he fall on the sword and bytch to his superiors?

It will take a long ass time before simple minded idiots on this forum realize that we all sell out in one way or another...


NYC Rebel

...on the otherside of the pond
May 7, 2012
It will take a long ass time before simple minded idiots on this forum realize that we all sell out in one way or another...



But he wants to police the game by attacking a rapper that the outfit he works for goes about promoting every 10 mintues on that wack ass station.

He isn't no fukking hero.
May 1, 2012
Music is suppose to inspire.

If you fail to do that when making hip hop then your considered not hip hop.

Along side the fact there is no "variety" amongst mainstream artist these days makes it even harder to realize that most artist have sold out but you also have to consider the fact that the radio djs and payola that goes on behind the scenes really created this monster.

I remember reading an article about rihanna and how much the label spent on paying djs to rotate her singles. It's ridiculous. It's brainwashing when you think about it.

So is starships a hip hop record? No.

Is Nikki a hiphop artist? I would say no but that's just my opinion.

Roberto Dinero

Dropped from #TnT
May 5, 2012
The Infamous World's End Houses
It will take a long ass time before simple minded idiots on this forum realize that we all sell out in one way or another...


I still don't consider doing music to make a living selling out. That's not my personal definition of selling out.

I guess they all sell out if u think wanting to make a living out of it is selling out but even then, there is different levels of sell outs.

NYC Rebel

...on the otherside of the pond
May 7, 2012
Music is suppose to inspire.


Music is just music.

Who the fukk was PE inspiring when leaving the "Fight The Power" video set and me seeing niqqas getting stuck up for their Polo jackets?

Yall niqqas apply all of this next level shyt to music when at the end of the day, shyt is just music and people choose to live and operate the way they choose to.