@newworldafro Denies Reality

Is @newworldafro the worst troll in HL?

  • Absolutely

  • Not by a longshot

  • OP is a Democratic shill

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May 3, 2012
In the Silver Lining
"I know you are, but what am I"-ass nikkas :russ:

You and other cult members are in grief.
I'm not upset, I actually have empathy, because I believe people really were seeking justice for what they were told was "Collusion", instead they've emotionally been chasing a Ghost Narrative/Fairy Tale.

Not only is Hillary not running, but the Mueller probe is about to be a Nothing Bacon Burger.
  • If you are deep in CultLand that could really effect your psyche.
I'm here to guide you through the Stages of Grief...I'm so sincere when I say it's not your fault you were fooled, that was the point.....it's gone be alright though, we gone gone detox you off of MsM, breh..:cheers:

Right now YOU specifically are in the Bargaining phase, "seeking in vain for a way out"...

The Silver Lining is you are over halfway to Acceptance though....can't have Coli'Challa on these internets streets looking crazy.
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Black Panther

Long Live The King
Nov 20, 2016
I'm here to help you as you go through the Stages of Grief...it's gone be alright, breh.

Let's go through them:

  • Denial :whoa:
Jerome Corsi doesn't work for InfoWars anymore.

So Infowars didn't retract anything.
I'm not denying reality, I'm providing a nuanced view, from a poster that actually regularly listens to the show.
I'm not wrong Corsi retracted on Infowars website in some weird relationship they have.

Notice how no one has refuted anything I said about Trump Collusion Delusion....because it can't be done.

I'm not the troll. I'm not even Top 1,000 for trolling.

Some of yall like living in a Fairy Tale World, mind state, even when presented with the facts.

  • Anger :damnshakebp:
Extremely unintelligent. :damn:

Dunning-Krueger...so I'm just bloviating.

Nothing I say is true?
I'm just making shiit up?
I'm not providing documents/articles, or trying to show connections?
I answered the questions and comments. :dahell:

  • Bargaining :ld:
Is he being paid by InfoWars, that would make him an actual employee?

Or is Infowars just posting the article?
  • It says Jerome Corsi retracted, not that InfoWars retracted.
IDK, because As you can clearly see A.Jones was shiiting on Corsi for months, so the relationship is really weird, with this retraction situation.

  • Depression :mjcry:
A thread that I can't even post in anymore, they blocked me from that thread like Mutombo in his prime :dead:. All I and many other critically objective thinking posters have tried to do is show yall how yall are being played by the MSM.

  • Acceptance :upsetfavre:

Ok. Alright.

Alright. Ok.