3/31/99-3/31/14. It's Official. "The Matrix" is 15 Years Old. Damn:
3/31/99-3/31/14. It's Official. "The Matrix" is 15 Years Old. Damn:
The prequels aren't canon to me just like Reloaded and Revolutions aren't canon to me.
But chronologically the next Star Wars is a sequel to ROTJ, so chances are the story will be able to stand on it's own without having any link to the events that occurred during the prequels.
But if there's another Matrix movie, I'm gonna assume it takes place sometime after Revolutions. So that means it's gonna take place in a world where those movies actually happened.
time flies3/31/99-3/31/14. It's Official. "The Matrix" is 15 Years Old. Damn:
So now there Iis talk that treatments are already done because in order for the wachowskis to get the 200 million budget there blockbuster summer film Jupiter Ascending they had to make a new Matrix Trilogy. All 3 staring actors will return but the 1st film will be a prequel and sequel ala godfather 2. Filming is rumored to begin late 2015 for a summer 2017 release.
where you read this at breh
So now there Iis talk that treatments are already done because in order for the wachowskis to get the 200 million budget there blockbuster summer film Jupiter Ascending they had to make a new Matrix Trilogy. All 3 staring actors will return but the 1st film will be a prequel and sequel ala godfather 2. Filming is rumored to begin late 2015 for a summer 2017 release.
to me Reloaded was more enjoyable than the original. to this day the scene that starts here
and transitions into the freeway chase is one of the greatest action set pieces i've ever seen in a movie. that sequence alone shyts on the first movie in its entirety.
So now there Iis talk that treatments are already done because in order for the wachowskis to get the 200 million budget there blockbuster summer film Jupiter Ascending they had to make a new Matrix Trilogy. All 3 staring actors will return but the 1st film will be a prequel and sequel ala godfather 2. Filming is rumored to begin late 2015 for a summer 2017 release.
theater i was in damn near did a standing ovation after that entire sequence....it's one of the greatest things i've seen on film...morpheus hovering over the explosion and then neo swoops in and snatches him...crazy
one of the brothers is now a woman..