Whole situation reminds me of the Mayweather Pacquiao fight.
Pacquiao fans bragged about his power and swore he was about to knock Mayweather out.
Mayweather wins and Pacquiao fans cry claiming Mayweather was "running" the entire fight.
My response to that was: "Mayweather fought his fight the way he always has. Ya'll aren't mad at Mayweather. You're mad that Pacquiao isn't the guy you thought he was".
Drake stans have consistently shrugged Kendrick off as a corny lyrical miracle rapper that in order to understand a single song you have to listen to it 20 times with 3 volumes of encyclopedia britannica, the Quran, the Bible, and the latest edition of Mirriam Webster's dictionary.
According to them, Drake has never had to take Kendrick serious because of Drake's sales figures and Billboard history.
In comes Kendrick [the complete loser] and beats the ever loving crap out of Drake, rips his head off, whispers "is this your king?" and walks off.
Drake stans respond with "Man that dude corny!" and "You see what that Drake stimulus package does for a career huh? giggle giggle giggle".
Again, like the Mayweather Pacquiao fight...
Ya'll aren't mad at Kendrick. He is who he always was.
Ya'll are mad at Drake for not being who you thought he was.