Psalm 149:5-9
The government knows that they are screwing with people's lives. You go to prison for punishment and rehabilitation, but once you have served the time, you should be given the tools necessary to become a productive citizen. A lot of these guys that come out have kids and will have a hard time finding a job, they NEED at leasr a way to feed themselves until they get on their feet.
I know dude that was in a gang and killed someone when he was 17 and he spent 10 years in jail. When he got out he was very serious about being a productive black man and mentor to troubled youth. He got his GED in prison and enrolled in college ASAP. He has one more year to finish his bachelors.
These type of bills hurts a man like him that is doing everything he can to change peoples perception of who he is. This bill should be considered cruel and unusual punishment. It goes beyond the punishment of prison time.
I know dude that was in a gang and killed someone when he was 17 and he spent 10 years in jail. When he got out he was very serious about being a productive black man and mentor to troubled youth. He got his GED in prison and enrolled in college ASAP. He has one more year to finish his bachelors.
These type of bills hurts a man like him that is doing everything he can to change peoples perception of who he is. This bill should be considered cruel and unusual punishment. It goes beyond the punishment of prison time.