Finished this last night and even if they did kill her the defense poked so many holes in the prosecutions' case that there was no way they should've come back with a guilty verdict. You have officers lying on the stand, evidence tampering and evidence planting. Yet there were no investigations, the judge allowed all the illegally gained shyt into evidence for a jury to hear. They coerced a confession out of someone who wasn't mentally capable to stand trial. All this is documented on video and both of them get life. How much more blatant does shyt have to be for a judge to give them another trial?
Once Brendan confessed you kinda had to figure he was done. Changing up your story on the stand like the teenage white girl did only makes it seem like you are protecting someone. The part that got me was when Brendan was like, I got the details from a book.
Nobody believing that shyt. Lack of education and knowledge of the criminal justice system killed any chance he had of getting off.

Once Brendan confessed you kinda had to figure he was done. Changing up your story on the stand like the teenage white girl did only makes it seem like you are protecting someone. The part that got me was when Brendan was like, I got the details from a book.