Some of y'all have completely drank the Kool-aid in this doc. It's undoubtedly pro-Avery, and that's cool. The prosecution's idea what of happened obviously didn't occur. Should he have been found guilty? No. Did the police plant somethings? Hell yeah. Did he probably kill her? Yeah. There's additional stuff outside of this documentary that does not look good for Steve, like, at all.
When Brendan first spoke to the police at school he said that Steve disconnected her battery after moving the car ON HIS OWN ACCORD. I kinda see now why Len was a dikk. It wasn't the confession that was really damning where he's talking about throats being cut and shyt. It's Brendan's first initial conversation with the police that's the trump card. He knew too much and offered it up readily without being solicited. They went and ran tests on the hood and found his DNA (not blood, but sweat) on the latch of the car hood. Now, one can say they planted this or whatever, but then they'd have to be psychic to do so -- because they didn't even know about it until Brendan told them, and Steve was in jail. "He could've took a look at something under her hood before." Sure

. There were only two blood spots in the front of the garage according to Brendan's first conversation with police, because she was killed in the front of the garage with the garage door open. They then cleaned the spots with bleach, paint thinner, and gasoline. Moreover, these areas aren't checked for blood until four months later. His own mother notices his jeans have bleach spots when he gets home that night (that were actually state evidence in the trial).
A couple other things:
The people that know him best (excluding his mother and father) think he did it:
[L]ike other teens, he was also impressionable and easily intimidated, say his uncles Chuck and Earl.
“Brendan, he was always like that,” says Earl, 35. “If you would tell him to do something, he would do it. Especially with a manipulative guy like Steven.”
Earl claims his brother, Steven, manipulated him as well. Years ago, when Steven was first sent to prison and Earl was 14 or 15, Steven would call him from his cell block and order Earl to have sex with Steven’s then-wife, Lori.
“Steven was a controller,” confirms Chuck, 51.
The day after Dassey was arrested, Steven Avery placed a call to his mother, says Earl. “He was denying everything that was going on and said Brendan was lying.”
Both brothers side with the boy.
“Brendan was forced on it,” says Earl. “I do not blame it on the kid at all.… He was scared ’cause Steven threatened him.”
Blood Simple
When Brendan calls his mom and tell her that Steve did actually do it in the Doc, she didn't even sound shocked. Brendan also says that Steve was sexually abusing him later in the same conversation (but the doc left that part out). I bolded it. Here's a transcript:
Transcript of a phonecall from Brendan Dassey to his Mom, Barb Janda (05-13-06)
Dropbox - dassey_mom_5_13_06.pdf
Selections reprinted below:
M. What all happened, what are you talking about?
B. About what Me & Steven did that day,
M. What about it?
B. Well, Mike & Mark & Matt came up one day and took another interview with me and said because they think I was lying but so, they said if I come out with it, that I would have to go to jail for 90 years.
M. What?
B. Ya. But if I came out with it, I would probably get I dunno, about like, 20 or less. After the interview they told me if I wanted to say something to her family and said that I was sorry for what I did.
M. Then Steven did do it.
J. Ya
M. (crying) Why didn't you tell me about this?
B. Ya, but they came out with something that was untrue with me
M. What's that
B. They said that I sold crack.
M. I don't think so [that you sold crack].
B. No, I didn't, and they asked me if l smoked a cigarette, and I said I did once, but I didn't like it. Then they said that Travis said that I was always talking about it over by him.
M. Why did you even go over there Brendan?
B. I dunno, I don't even know how I am gonna do it in court though.
M. What do you mean?
B. I ain't gonna face them.
M. Face who?
B. Steven
M. You know what Brendan
B. What
M. I am gonna tell you something. He did it, and you do what you gotta do. Okay.
B. What will happen if he gets pissed off.
M. What makes a difference, he ain't going no where now, is he?
B. No.
M. So did you talk to her family?
B. No
M. Huh
B. They just asked me if I wanted to say something to them, on the tape.
M. Did you?
B. Just that I was sorry for what I did.
M. Did he make you do this?
B. Ya.
M. Then why didn't you tell him that.
B. Tell him what?
M. That Steven made you do it. You know he made you do a lot of things.
B. Ya, I told them that. I even told them about Steven touching me and that.
M. What do you mean touching you?
B. He would grab me somewhere where I was uncomfortable.
M. Brendan I am your mother.
B. Ya.
M. Why didn't you come to me? Why didn't you tell me? Was this all before this happened?
B. What do you mean?
M. All before this happened, did he touch you before all this stuff happened to you.
B. Ya.
M. Why didn't you come to me, because then he would have been gone then and this wouldn't have happened.
B. Ya
M. Yes, and you would still be here with me.
B. Yes, Well you know I did it.
M. Huh
B. You know he always touched us and that.
M. I didn't think there. He used to horse around with you guys.
B. Ya, but you remember he would always do stuff to Brian and that.
M. What do you mean.
B. Well he would like fake pumping him
M. Goofing around
B. Ya but, like that one time when he was going with what's her name Jessica's sister.
M. Teresa?
B. Ya. That one day when she was over, Steven and Blaine and Brian and I was downstairs and Steven was touching her and that.
M. Really
B. Ya.
M. Oh, he makes me so sick
M. How many years are you gonna get?
B. I dunno
M. Well what did you just say to me
B. That they, Teresa's family might ask the judge to be lenient or whatever. They asked me if l wanted to be out to have a family later on.
M. What about when I got home at 5:00 you were here,
B. Ya
M. Ya. When did you go over there?
B. I went over there earlier and then came home before you did.
M. Why didn't you say something to me then?
B. I dunno, I was too scared.
M. You wouldn't have had to been scared because I would have called 911, and you wouldn't be going back over there. If you would have been here, maybe she would have been alive yet. So in those statements you did all that to her too?
B. Some of it.
M, Did he make you do it?
B. Ya. So whose all home?
M. Just me and Blaine...
There's a lot more other stuff. But, basically, Steve probably did kill her. To assert so isn't insane at all. I actually find the idea that someone else killed her on or off site, and skulked about without detection while killing, carrying, burning a body at two different sites, etc. on some American ninja shyt, kinda silly.