Kratz is getting destroyed online
where at? twitter?
Kratz is getting destroyed online
way easier to just kill someone then kill someone else then frame someone else for that murder"It's easier to just kill him than frame him."
It's easier to kill him but harder to get away with
Its harder to frame him but easy to get away with
Which also deludes you from ever thinking they could be evil.I feel so sorry for Steve's parents man. His mom is a fukkn trooper. Hats off to her
I want to send her fukkn gift or something man. She's so strong. Every time I look at her I can see how much pain she's feeling on the inside. You can tell she loves her child. You can't teach that. You can't fake that. That's just genuine "you are my everything" love.
No matter what type of pressure the police put on me if I'm truly innocent I would not admit to all the shyt brenden did.
I'm not saying they don't do it, I'm saying unless you were torturing me you couldn't get me to admit I raped and killed a girl.what...gtfoh with that
Cops been locking up innocent people on confessions for years. You think this is the first case? This shyt is well documented from slavery, jim crow, to 2015.
I'm not saying they don't do it, I'm saying unless you were torturing me you couldn't get me to admit I raped and killed a girl.
That's true breh maybe I'm being close minded.Are you 16 year old boy with a 4th grade reading level, sub 70 IQ, growing up in poverty?