Neil deGrasse Tyson responds to Terrance Howard

Feb 12, 2015
Watched the entire video and Tyson was adequate and thoughtful in his responses. One thing I did not see was a dismantling of the other claims concerning symmetry, energy, electromagnetic fields,and his claim concerning the geometric shapes that tell us something about objective reality. I would have liked to have him talk about that more than harping on the square root part and then in broad statements son Terrance for being misguided. I agree with his conclusion but he seemed to thread lightly on some of the other claims besides the mathematics.
Because it needs to be digestible to the avg person. You mention those concepts, but unless you are in the world of math you don't really kmow what "symmetry" means for example. These are complex ideas that require higher year university math to explain it properly.


May 25, 2022
Black Self-Sufficiency
No, NDT is right on this one.

Multiplicative identity applies to pure numbers. But when you're working with real-life objects, you have to include the units in your operation as well. You ALWAYS have to include your units when you are making calculations in physics.

A penny times 1 is denoted: 1 cent x 1 = 1 cent The unit of the first quantity is "cents", and there is no units on the second quantity, so the final units are still just "cents".

However, a penny times another penny is denoted: 1 cent x 1 cent = 1 cent^2 The unites of both quantities are "cents", so you have to multiply them together to give you "cents squared". And cents squared is meaningless, it doesn't exist, because you can't multiply a penny by another penny. It doesn't make any sense, there's no way to combine pennies via multiplication. You can add pennies together, and you can multiply pennies by any pure number you want (which in reality is the same as adding), but you can't multiply pennies by each other.

If you are working in physics it makes more sense. You can multiple velocity by time, and the units work out to give you distance. You can multiply mass by velocity, because those units give you momentum. You can multiply mass by acceleration, because that gives you force. You can multiply velocity by velocity, because that gives you acceleration, which is velocity squared. You can multiple distance by distance, because that gives you area, which is distance squared. You can even multiple distance by distance by distance, because that gives you distance cubed, which is volume.

But you can't multiply a penny by a penny. It's meaningless, pennies squared are not anything.
You know what, you are right. I was thinking about the value it represents as an object, and not the actual denomination itself. I was thinking wrong in this, and should have considered the cents unit needed to be squared too. Which is an impossibility. So my mistake to @Doomsday and everyone else. A penny squared and cents^2 do not exist, which is why I incorrectly just considered the value it represents of 1 instead of the units being used and incorrectly stated a penny squared = a penny in the actual physical form.

Thanks for the full correction.


Feb 19, 2014
But you can't multiply a penny by a penny. It's meaningless, pennies squared are not anything.
:mjlol:Which again, is what Terrence Howard stated.
Watched the entire video and Tyson was adequate and thoughtful in his responses. One thing I did not see was a dismantling of the other claims concerning symmetry, energy, electromagnetic fields,and his claim concerning the geometric shapes that tell us something about objective reality. I would have liked to have him talk about that more than harping on the square root part and then in broad statements son Terrance for being misguided. I agree with his conclusion but he seemed to thread lightly on some of the other claims besides the mathematics.
:mjlol:Exactly. You would think that if Terrence Howard is a quack, it would be simple and easy to just attack his main theories and be done with it. Why is everyone ONLY talking about the clickbait of 1x1= 2 (in monetary context)? It would appear that Terrence Howard knows more than they would like to admit.

You brought up sex, vaccines, and Ben Shapiro to try to prove a point…

You maga brehs never stray from the talking points you’ve been given lol.
:mjlol:Aren't you the guy who claimed that there is no controversy, even though this very thread is proof of that?

:mjlol:Also, aren't you Mexican? Don't worry about black politics. It doesn't concern you.

Ish Gibor

Jan 23, 2017


Ish Gibor

Jan 23, 2017
This is like the B.O.B scenario all over again but instead of B.o.B it's Terrence Howard.
What If the Earth Was Actually Flat? (Extended).

"If the Earth had an edge, I hope it would look like this. The edge of a flat Earth. I know, I know, we've talked about it before. But there's something mesmerizing about it. A flat Earth solar eclipse. Diagonally growing trees. The great wall of ice, guarded by NASA, of course. The flat-Earthers sure have a great imagination. But what if they were right? How would the Earth hold up in space? Would it revolve around the Sun, or would the Sun rotate around it? And why would you never walk to the Earth's edge?"



Jun 15, 2018
No, NDT is right on this one.

Multiplicative identity applies to pure numbers. But when you're working with real-life objects, you have to include the units in your operation as well. You ALWAYS have to include your units when you are making calculations in physics.

A penny times 1 is denoted: 1 cent x 1 = 1 cent The unit of the first quantity is "cents", and there is no units on the second quantity, so the final units are still just "cents".

However, a penny times another penny is denoted: 1 cent x 1 cent = 1 cent^2 The unites of both quantities are "cents", so you have to multiply them together to give you "cents squared". And cents squared is meaningless, it doesn't exist, because you can't multiply a penny by another penny. It doesn't make any sense, there's no way to combine pennies via multiplication. You can add pennies together, and you can multiply pennies by any pure number you want (which in reality is the same as adding), but you can't multiply pennies by each other.

If you are working in physics it makes more sense. You can multiple velocity by time, and the units work out to give you distance. You can multiply mass by velocity, because those units give you momentum. You can multiply mass by acceleration, because that gives you force. You can multiply velocity by velocity, because that gives you acceleration, which is velocity squared. You can multiple distance by distance, because that gives you area, which is distance squared. You can even multiple distance by distance by distance, because that gives you distance cubed, which is volume.

But you can't multiply a penny by a penny. It's meaningless, pennies squared are not anything.

I just laughed at the thought of somebody changing the properties of 2 Pennie’s to melt them together. Then being like “see! 1 penny squared”


Thread Killer
May 30, 2012
It’s a microcosm of a bigger issue.

Black ppl are taught to think and behave like children who can’t see far into the future by not learning about their history in completion.

• One who doesn’t know its history (prior to enslavement)
• Doesn’t know about their enslavement in its completion (Diaspora)

Can’t understand its present conditions in detail.

Therefor, can’t make accurate well-calculated predictions of the future and adjust its actions based off of the historical knowledge that got us to our present conditions.

Anyone should know that it’s division and fukkery that let us here.

Anyone that knows these things,
would know that Diaspora wars is White Supremacy in action.

That initial microcosm enlarged.

I just read this as black folk checking other black folk in public view is white supremacy.

You know there's altercations and events that remain private right ?


Oct 8, 2014
:mjlol:Which again, is what Terrence Howard stated.

:mjlol:Exactly. You would think that if Terrence Howard is a quack, it would be simple and easy to just attack his main theories and be done with it. Why is everyone ONLY talking about the clickbait of 1x1= 2 (in monetary context)? It would appear that Terrence Howard knows more than they would like to admit.

:mjlol:Aren't you the guy who claimed that there is no controversy, even though this very thread is proof of that?

:mjlol:Also, aren't you Mexican? Don't worry about black politics. It doesn't concern you.
1. NDT clearly stated he wasn’t going to go over every correction he made and just started with the initial example in the beginning of Terrance’s paper. Trying to claim he is going after “clickbait” is disingenuous as fukk. He is a scientist. He sees inaccuracy and calls it out.

2. When I said there is no controversy I meant in the context of the scientific world. The internet is a whole other can of worms. There’s controversy over whether the earth is flat, birds are real, or if Jamie foxx is a clone. EVERYTHING is a controversy on the internet… so much so that the word itself loses its meaning. So I don’t speak in internet terms about scientific claims.

3. Mexican huh… you down for a ban bet?


Feb 19, 2014
2. When I said there is no controversy I meant in the context of the scientific world. The internet is a whole other can of worms. There’s controversy over whether the earth is flat, birds are real, or if Jamie foxx is a clone. EVERYTHING is a controversy on the internet… so much so that the word itself loses its meaning. So I don’t speak in internet terms about scientific claims.
:mjlol:You're not a scientist, and you are feeding into said controversy. And no, it doesn't lose its meaning unless you define the word controversy itself to mean something different from its norm. You can't simply wave something away as non-controversial when all the evidence contradicts that.