as far as "modern" movements go, it's pretty old (founded in the 1820s/1830s). The membership is larger than most modern offshoot religious movements like Nation of Islam, Rastafarianism etc..
unless you want to count something like Pentecostalism (late 1890s to early 1900s)
some people say that it's also a cult
I wouldn’t consider Mormons or Jehovahs witnesses “Christianity”
same like Hebrew Israelites aren’t really “Christians” (although I’m not sure what they actually believe half the time)
they’re an off shoot like NOI of Islam was strictly for black people with views centered around the hatered/judgement of the “white man”.
im curious what form of Christianity you don’t see as a cult? or what is the “original Christianity” or the oldest
since every denomination/type of church organization to pop up since 2,000 years ago can be seen as a new “cult” by people on the outside looking in
I figure since Pentecostal gets their name from “Pentecost” from the Bible “day of Pentecost” story I don’t see them as a new (1890s) form of Christianity but more of a throwback version to practicing how things were during early Christianity
maybe you know more about this history and can post some newspaper clips/video that shed some more light on the topic
but to me a cult is some movement that obviously
Goes left with extreme new teaching new teaching not found in the Bible. Usually received by some sort of revelation (dream, angel, alien, leader/messiah god figure, etc...) with an answer to or a correction of what other religions got it wrong.
Cults have the same origin story pretty much every time.
Basically Islam was a cult of Christianity/Judasim back when Muhammad started it. Same idea
Islam might be the biggest Cult of all time

I guess it stood the test of time though