they are accepted as that though
There are different groups under the banner of "Hebrew Israelites". Most of the groups are more like a black nationalist twist on Judaism + hotepisms
Hebrew Israelites probably practice more traditional Judaic practices than NOI practice Islamic ones
all religions are cults...only the passing of time and growth eventually allow them to be accepted as religions
Pentecostalism was looked down on and considered a cult in its early days
that's like the more obvious/widespread POV on what people see as a cult
all Abrahamic religions were cults in their early days
There are different groups under the banner of "Hebrew Israelites". Most of the groups are more like a black nationalist twist on Judaism + hotepisms
Hebrew Israelites probably practice more traditional Judaic practices than NOI practice Islamic ones
all religions are cults...only the passing of time and growth eventually allow them to be accepted as religions
Pentecostalism was looked down on and considered a cult in its early days
that's like the more obvious/widespread POV on what people see as a cult
all Abrahamic religions were cults in their early days[/QUOTE]
I think your definition of cult is slightly different than mine but I get what youre saying
every other religion is a cult from the perspective to those following the true original religion
I think you’re confusing the revival and Azusa street with something new or never before seen
it just wasn’t normal to those at the time from the outside looking in to see people acting like they were in church
but every church has people different
I think people get caught up on the label “Pentecostal” create stereotypes and run with it when they believe the same as any Christian did from the beginning
I’m judging cults based of their foundation and teachings which aren’t based in the Bible, logic, history or even common sense
But one this is they all borrow from Christianity/Judaism which makes them a cult or off shoot of the real thing
A cult is a bootleg version of something which is why it can’t be trusted
people looked down on Pentecostals and for a lot of reasons not because what they believe or that they weren’t “Christian” which is what really matters.
Mainly because how people in the churches acted and this became stereotypes mostly taken as negative but who are they to judge.
from the outside looking in people though the 1st followers of Jesus were crazy or drunk they the way they were acting at Pentecost in Acts.
they said the same about David
The oldest Christians being “Jewish” has more to do with history, culture and Jewish religious tradition than it has to do with core fundamental Christian belief/ teachings
Jewishness doesn’t make anyone automatically ant better or more “holy” than the next.
All these complex rules and practices and ideas that Jesus exposed in the Pharisees 2 thousand years ago is what Hebrew Israelites are trying to bring back but only from a “original chosen people were black” perspective, which is kinda pointless if the only motivation for even believing in God and living by the laws of the Torah is race. And it’s even more stupid when you realize Jesus came to forgive so it doesn’t matter what you do daily when everyone sins. The most basic understanding of the gospels would make this clear to anyone.
but seem like today black people are looking to the past for something they can connect to that isn’t rooted in faith but instead some ancient lost history, culture and identity that empowers them.
if they wanna be a Jew be a Jew, but don’t try to be a kemetic/Orignial black Hebrew, African Muslim Moor from the ancient tribe of shabazz who were really aliens from Mars
It’s just one big contradiction and that’s what I see as a red flag for a cult
or it could be something as simple as a leader getting a revelations from an “Angel”
And Christians parting ways with Judasim is an interesting topic. I gotta read about it.
I know it was a big topic for debate in the early church when they all were living in that region and mixed culture but it shouldn’t be an issue relevant anymore to today’s Christianity (other than 7 day Adventist maybe)
however, it’s Judasim disbelief in Jesus that has always been the real issue that matters