Dr. Neely Fuller Jr is the most succinct, clear-headed person I've ever heard speak on white supremacy. He completely removes ego from his analysis, which is very hard for most black people to do. Because you will hear most black people get into their feelings and start spouting nonsense that doesn't fit their reality.
Things like "White man can't control me. I do what I want and I aint scared of no white person." But they are fooled because they are a-l-l-o-w-e-d to have some privileges under the system of white supremacy. Rights are reserved for citizens. Privileges are granted to children and bonded persons by citizens.
So, black people have the privilege of shopping at malls. Black people have the privilege of living in certain neighborhoods. Black people have the privilege of driving cars. Black people have the privilege of having churches. Black people have the privilege of even running for president.
But whenever the citizens decide that they want to revoke said privileges, they can. And they do. Sometimes, so harshly that the black person is killed in the street by paid employees of the citizens - the police. And said police get rewarded for putting the black person "in their place."
As Dr Fuller said, under a system of white supremacy, ALL BLACK PEOPLE, men and women, are prisoners of war. White Supremacy is a prison system. Inside of a prison system, inmates cannot protect other inmates from the guards and the warden. Prisoners do not have rights. Prisoners are not full people in a prison system. They are wards of the state.
Black men cannot truly protect black women under a system of white supremacy now in 2017 anymore than they could in 1817 on a plantation. Why? Because the fundamental status of black people has no changed ONE IOTA since black people stepped foot onto North America.
Do black men have the physical capability of protecting black women? Sure. Do they have the societal and communal means to protect themselves from repercussion after protecting black women? No. So, if a black man sees a black woman being raped by a white cop in the middle of the street, he has the physical capability of stopping said rape. But what happens after he stops the rape and harms the white cop? He has no community that can protect him from reprisal.
And if he has no black male community to protect him, how can he be expected to protect black women en masse?
Same for the black man on the plantation who stops a white overseer from brutalizing a black woman.
Same for a black man in the prison who stops a white guard from assaulting a black woman.
At the most, he can exchange his life for hers. But that's not protection. That's martyrdom.