Nearly half of new HIV infections are among young, black males


May 24, 2012
Tha Land
They're too poor to buy condoms? :beli:

No they are too poor to have proper education on sexual health. They are too poor to get proper diagnoses and treatment. They are too poor to afford food, so they turn to crime, which lands them in jail, where they are more likely to contract aids. Poor people are more prone to drug use and needle sharing. No healthcare means weak immune system, which leads to more infections.


May 20, 2012
No they are too poor to have proper education on sexual health. They are too poor to get proper diagnoses and treatment. They are too poor to afford food, so they turn to crime, which lands them in jail, where they are more likely to contract aids. Poor people are more prone to drug use and needle sharing. No healthcare means weak immune system, which leads to more infections.

I don't agree with this.

Going to jail isn't found to be the cause of hiv rise, it is the fact that the risky behavior starts there, meaning men who may have not had any homosexual acts before prison, including oral sex, will try it out in prison, and when on the outside keep doing it, but instead of oral, they may go onto actual penetration, but without protection, and this leads to catching hiv and passing it on to the women.

Or they are iv drug users in prison, they end up sharing needles which undoubtedly will happen, and they catch hiv that way, then spread it to women when they get out, she may leave him, go to a straight guy, perform anal sex or period sex, and boom he has it, then passes it on. A lot of people shoot up drugs in prison, so you can't discount this causing the rise in hiv.

I think a lot of people just don't want to learn about sex itself, so learning how to protect yourself by using condoms is very low on their to do list. Most people just think it won't happen to them. Add the fact that a lot don't want to take the time out to learn about condoms, lube, how the body works, and you can see how std's rise. I hate to admit it, but a lot of the cause of the std rise is people not willing to take the time out to learn about sex, and everything involved with it. Just using a condom will cause a drop in hiv, but condom use won't be high(consistently) because most people just see it as a hindrance, and take away the feeling instead of a form of protection. Street people will carry a gun, before they carry a condom but they both protect you. It's all about perception. There are ways to help the condom to feel good, but you have to take the time to try new things, sex products like lube, and be honest with yourself, and admit, you are fukking for a nut, and not because it just happened due to you being the man. A lot of people can't admit this because it will feel like they are saying they are sexual freaks, and are worried what the women would say about them carrying lube. It's even worse for women.


May 24, 2012
Tha Land
I don't agree with this.

Going to jail isn't found to be the cause of hiv rise, it is the fact that the risky behavior starts there, meaning men who may have not had any homosexual acts before prison, including oral sex, will try it out in prison, and when on the outside keep doing it, but instead of oral, they may go onto actual penetration, but without protection, and this leads to catching hiv and passing it on to the women.

Or they are iv drug users in prison, they end up sharing needles which undoubtedly will happen, and they catch hiv that way, then spread it to women when they get out, she may leave him, go to a straight guy, perform anal sex or period sex, and boom he has it, then passes it on. A lot of people shoot up drugs in prison, so you can't discount this causing the rise in hiv.

I think a lot of people just don't want to learn about sex itself, so learning how to protect yourself by using condoms is very low on their to do list. Most people just think it won't happen to them. Add the fact that a lot don't want to take the time out to learn about condoms, lube, how the body works, and you can see how std's rise. I hate to admit it, but a lot of the cause of the std rise is people not willing to take the time out to learn about sex, and everything involved with it. Just using a condom will cause a drop in hiv, but condom use won't be high(consistently) because most people just see it as a hindrance, and take away the feeling instead of a form of protection. Street people will carry a gun, before they carry a condom but they both protect you. There are ways to help the condom to feel good, but you have to take the time to try new things, sex products like lube, and be honest with yourself, and admit, you are fukking for a nut, and not because it just happened.

:what: you said you don't agree, then you proceeded to agree with me. Prison leads to more HIV as does miseduation on sexual health. What are you disagreeing with?


May 20, 2012
:what: you said you don't agree, then you proceeded to agree with me. Prison leads to more HIV as does miseduation on sexual health. What are you disagreeing with?

I thought you were saying they acquired hiv in prison which why I disagreed on that part.

As far as miseducation, in this day and age there are very few people who don't know condoms protect against std's. Even the box itself let's you know how to use them. To get a better feeling from them is something you can figure out yourself or just do a google search. You don't need a doctor to let you know how to do this. Again, this is just to help the condom feel better, but the actual use is widely known already so there is no excuse to not use one.

Like I stated street people will risk their freedom by carrying guns, but won't protect their lives by carrying and using condoms.

I've seen dudes laugh about catching std's, and act like it's nothing. One dude kept getting burned by white girls, which was the joke, yet he never wanted to wear protection. You would think he would learn how easy it is to get caught, but he didn't. Another one didn't know how he got burned, and he made a joke about it by saying he called the chick and told her, "I'm burning, go check yourself" and hung up the phone. He didn't even know if she gave it to him or someone else. Another guy I knew, just met a chick who told him she just wanted to feel the tip in her, he was hesitant, but he did it anyway, and "a few days later, go see the doctooor". Another one I knew got an std form a chick he knew may have had something, but he let her give him head anyway, a few days later he finds out it's herpes, then instead of learning from that, he figured since he wasn't flaring up, he could have sex with another chick, and a few days later she calls him and tells him that she was burning, and he needs to get checked. I'm thinking she is telling you to get checked but she needs to get checked for herpes. I know some more, but this is making me think how fukked up some of the people around me were. No wonder it's hard for me to trust people. Thank god I'm safe, and made it out of that situation with my sanity, and some knowledge on how people actually act as opposed to what they say. Be safe my brothers.

Here's a jam to lighten things up, while still teaching a lesson. Something for my old school heads

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May 24, 2012
Tha Land
I thought you were saying they acquired hiv in prison which why I disagreed on that part.

As far as miseducation, in this day and age there are very few people who don't know condoms protect against std's. Even the box itself let's you know how to use them. To get a better feeling from them is something you can figure out yourself or just do a google search. You don't need a doctor to let you know how to do this. Again, this is just to help the condom feel better, but the actual use is widely known already so there is no excuse to not use one.

Like I stated street people will risk their freedom by carrying guns, but won't protect their lives by carrying and using condoms.

I've seen dudes laugh about catching std's, and act like it's nothing. One dude kept getting burned by white girls, which was the joke, yet he never wanted to wear protection. You would think he would learn how easy it is to get caught, but he didn't. Another one didn't know how he got burned, and he made a joke about it by saying he called the chick and told her, "I'm burning, go check yourself" and hung up the phone. He didn't even know if she gave it to him or someone else. Another guy I knew, just met a chick who told him she just wanted to feel the tip in her, he was hesitant, but he did it anyway, and "a few days later, go see the doctooor". Another one I knew got an std form a chick he knew may have had something, but he let her give him head anyway, a few days later he finds out it's herpes, then instead of learning from that, he figured since he wasn't flaring up, he could have sex with another chick, and a few days later she calls him and tells him that she was burning, and he needs to get checked. I'm thinking she is telling you to get checked but she needs to get checked for herpes. I know some more, but this is making me think how fukked up some of the people around me were. No wonder it's hard for me to trust people. Thank god I'm safe, and made it out of that situation with my sanity, and some knowledge on how people actually act as opposed to what they say. Be safe my brothers.

Here's a jam to lighten things up, while still teaching a lesson. Something for my old school heads

Kool Moe Dee - Go See The Doctor - YouTube

People know they should use condoms, but they don't fully understand the ramifications to not using them. For example you mentioned the dude who kept getting burned and thought it was funny. To him getting burned isn't a big deal, you have sex, get burned, take medicine, feel better. To him that's the end of story, he doesn't know that getting burned raises his risk for other diseases including HIV. The guy you posted about who caught herpes from oral, probably thought he was safe since they were not having intercourse. Like I said miseducation leads to more infections.

As for the dudes who carry guns and not condoms. Guns kill more people in the hood then HIV. If you feel like you need a gun to protect yourself everyday, HIV or other STD's are the least of your worries. They say young black men in the hood are lucky to make it through their twenties, HIV usually takes longer than that to kill you. Again you can see why sexual health is not a big issue to them.


plata or plomo
Oct 27, 2012


May 20, 2012
People know they should use condoms, but they don't fully understand the ramifications to not using them. For example you mentioned the dude who kept getting burned and thought it was funny. To him getting burned isn't a big deal, you have sex, get burned, take medicine, feel better. To him that's the end of story, he doesn't know that getting burned raises his risk for other diseases including HIV. The guy you posted about who caught herpes from oral, probably thought he was safe since they were not having intercourse. Like I said miseducation leads to more infections.

As for the dudes who carry guns and not condoms. Guns kill more people in the hood then HIV. If you feel like you need a gun to protect yourself everyday, HIV or other STD's are the least of your worries. They say young black men in the hood are lucky to make it through their twenties, HIV usually takes longer than that to kill you. Again you can see why sexual health is not a big issue to them.

Yeah, I see what you're saying when you explain it this way. I still think a lot of it is laziness, and wanting a quick satisfaction because even though hiv kills less then guns, you still don't want that stigma or having too much kids or catching std's. I know it sounds crazy, but for me I was scared of having kids before hiv because I saw how kids made your life harder, so that jimmy stayed on me. Plus it made me felt good to know that I was protecting myself because I did not like that feeling that got when I went raw, and learn the chick was fast, and I could have got something. SCARY AS shyt. As I got older, and started seeing how real std's were I really started learning about condom use, lube, and sexual techniques to get the most bang for my buck for lack of a better term. It took time to learn but it was worth it.

I also had to admit to myself, there isn't nothing wrong with me for being extra prepared with lube sachet's and condom carriers , being upfront with what I wanted, and accepting a chick who was the same way, as long as she wasn't fast. A lot of "good girls" get unconformable if you are a guy who is so upfront because they think you are a player, and just want sex, or just a freak, so you have to go through some games, but I always remind myself those are the girls who lie to themselves, and get caught out there with the type of guys I gave as examples, because they think they can change those men or just straight ignore the bullshyt game they run on women. I think this is why std's rates among prostitutes is lower than the general population, including pornstars, because when you are upfront about what you want, you usually look at the pros and cons so you can protect yourself, while square women just deal with it when it comes or women who want fame. It's like they live in a fairytale, even when the bullshyt is right in there face. They just think they have the power to change men, why I don't know, but I have an idea it's because they are narcissist or co-dependents.


Ephesians 6:12
May 2, 2012
It's poverty. Untreated/undiagnosed STD's are much easier to spread. It's not about who has more sex or who uses more condoms.

If its poverty why dont latinos, native americans, and alaskan natives have the same infection rates?:aicmon:


May 24, 2012
Tha Land
If its poverty why dont latinos, native americans, and alaskan natives have the same infection rates?:aicmon:

Latinos and native Americans have rates which are higher than the national average.


Again I didn't make this up. It is the conclusion that health organizations such as the CDC have published

you're NOT "n!ggas"

FKA ciroq drobama
May 1, 2012
Astronomy (8th light)
this can prolly be taken on account of low sex ed info, our distrust of the medical field, and just plain ol poverty :manny:

oh... and this kinda fukked up mentality too

puss so good it could kill a nikka :steviej:
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May 21, 2012
from the home of coca-cola, i'm not referring to s
Baton Rouge area second, New Orleans third in nation in AIDS | New Orleans


I wonder why gay meccas like ATL or San Fran don't make the top of the list? Is it because people in those cities tend to be more affluent and educated to the great risks of unprotected sex??

Did ya'll know if this rate of infection continues as it is, that HALF of gay black males in America will be infected?

Gay black men please get tested regularly! It's like the 80's out there for ya'll. Very alarming.

Because ATL being a gay Mecca is a false Myth that folks been spreading around the past few years... cant speak for San Fran though