This is just me thinking out loud, but is there a possibility that Blacks also have a lower immunity to these types of diseases? Like say a black person has a better chance of catching the disease from an HIV+ person then a white person? 

This is just me thinking out loud, but is there a possibility that Blacks also have a lower immunity to these types of diseases? Like say a black person has a better chance of catching the disease from an HIV+ person then a white person?
CCR5 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaThis is just me thinking out loud, but is there a possibility that Blacks also have a lower immunity to these types of diseases? Like say a black person has a better chance of catching the disease from an HIV+ person then a white person?
Latinos and native Americans have rates which are higher than the national average.
Again I didn't make this up. It is the conclusion that health organizations such as the CDC have published
They have higher rates than the national average but that still doesnt explain why this is only an epidemic in the black community.
HIV/AIDS among American Indians and Alaska Natives | Factsheets | CDC HIV/AIDS
HIV/AIDS in 2005
(The following bullets refer to the 33 states with long-term, confidential name-based HIV reporting. See the box, before the References section, for a list of the 33 states.)
HIV/AIDS was diagnosed for an estimated 195 American Indians and Alaska Natives (adults, adolescents, and children), representing 0.5% of the total number of HIV/AIDS diagnoses reported for that year [1].
The rate (per 100,000 persons) of HIV/AIDS diagnosis for American Indians and Alaska Natives was 10.4, compared with 71.3 for blacks, 27.8 for Hispanics, 8.8 for whites, and 7.4 for Asians and Pacific Islanders.
Women accounted for 29% of the HIV/AIDS diagnoses among American Indians and Alaska Natives [1].
STD Rates by Race or Ethnicity
In 2009, African Americans had 8.7 times the reported chlamydia rates of Whites.
In 2009, African Americans had 20.5 times the reported gonorrhea rates of Whites.
In 2009, African Americans had 9.1 times the reported syphilis rates of Whites.
In 2009, American Indians/Alaska Natives had 4.3 times the reported chlamydia rates of Whites.
In 2009, American Indians/Alaska Natives had 4.2 times the reported gonorrhea rates of Whites.
In 2009, American Indians/Alaska Natives had 1.1 times the reported syphilis rates of Whites.
In 2009, Hispanics had 2.8 times the reported chlamydia rates of Whites.
In 2009, Hispanics had 2.2 times the reported gonorrhea rates of Whites.
In 2009, Hispanics had 2.1 times the reported syphilis rates of Whites.
Because ATL being a gay Mecca is a false Myth that folks been spreading around the past few years...
I wouldn't call it an epedemic. That word is overused in my opinion. All time in america less than 200k black people have died of aids. Yeah it's bad but it's not an epidemic.
There are multiple reasons why black people's numbers are higher than others. First and foremost is poverty. Poverty raises the risk of contracting std's exponentially. Studies have shown if you only take poverty into account STD rates are equal amongst all races. Black people ate the most likely to be in poverty. Second is diversity Latinos and Asians come from all different walks of life and from all different parts of the world, with different cultures and practices. African Americans on the other hand mostly come from the same place, and are more than likely still living where they were born, this causes STD's to spread inside the closed local communities.
I've been to ATL a few times. GA may be the peach state, but in ATL all I see is mangos.
Easy answer, nikkas are pressed for sex like no other race, why is that so difficult to admit?
Today, AIDS continues to directly affect thousands of gay and bisexual men and injecting drug users every year, but it has also become a serious problem among Black Americans and, more recently, among the Hispanic/Latino population. However, it is not necessarily individual behaviour, but rather a person's sexual network which determines an individual's HIV risk in the USA. Therefore, black males are much more likely to be infected because of the high prevalence in this community and a tendency to choose racially similar partners as opposed to simply high-risk behaviour.
Top Ten Reported AIDS Cases (Metropolitan Areas)
New York City: 126,237
Los Angeles: 43,448
San Francisco: 28,438
Miami: 25,357
Washington DC: 24,844
Chicago: 22,703
Philadelphia: 20,369
Houston: 19,898
Newark: 17,796
Atlanta: 17,157
AIDS Statistics - State and Metropolitan Statistics
Gays are supposedly the primary spreaders of AIDS.. but look at those numbers... ATL cant be the gay capital... the shyt don't add up
I live here and yes, there are gays, but I definitely...don't see anymore here than anywhere else ive been...
Uh, most of those cities have way more people than ATL bruh.