I tried

I honestly tried....

couple things actually few...

you can lift Nasirs vocals off any track I mean dam near any track aside from perhaps a couple

and place/replace them over any of his songs

it's just one set monotone

dodoesn'matter if he's talking about his daughter or his in an epic battle
They laid either but I say he didn't have a choice

but to go that route
He has no voice inflection

No feeling

therefore you don't feel his music
Aside from that the excuse he always skated on was bad/ poor beat selection

now that that excuse is gone

I think it really shows him up to be just an average rapper..
He don't got to be trash or garbage

But he's just not this universally excepted top 5 goat
And the beats were sub par to be perfectly honest yes better much better that his previous selections but nothing memorable
A lot of his music / projects just seem forced
It seems he's been forced in to this quote un quote knowledgeable rapper role that's just not him
We all may have moments of inspiration


that don't make you a genius a savant ...
Nor is he up to the task of hit after hit putting out classics

Luke warm tapioca

raps over backwashed beats