Magic in heavy rotation for me. My girl love that 40-16 buildingI bet you more time was spent talking about Nas’ views on backpackers than listening/streaming the Magic album.

Magic in heavy rotation for me. My girl love that 40-16 buildingI bet you more time was spent talking about Nas’ views on backpackers than listening/streaming the Magic album.
Chill out..I bet you more time was spent talking about Nas’ views on backpackers than listening/streaming the Magic album.
This thread is full of some of the biggest Nas stans in the US (and other countries)…I bet you more time was spent talking about Nas’ views on backpackers than listening/streaming the Magic album.
ExactlyThis thread is full of some of the biggest Nas stans in the US (and other countries)…
You sound mad about a surprise project dropped in between holidays, with no promo and no physical copies. It did ok given the circumstances. No rapper 30+ years deep in the game is dropping surprise albums during holidays and doing good numbers (outside of Jay). Enjoy the super positive album reception and plan a proper rollout for KD3…respectfully.
I bet you more time was spent talking about Nas’ views on backpackers than listening/streaming the Magic album.
I play Hollywood Gangsta everyday
Yea. I wish we could’ve gotten those songs I remember him even speaking on it and saying Eminem of all people told him to chill. Lol
Black Thought woulda been an Afterthought if he tried to place hands on Nas
I bet you more time was spent talking about Nas’ views on backpackers than listening/streaming the Magic album.
On the street level, could be true.
But on the Mic? Im a huge Nas stan, but Black Thought would give Stillmatic/God's Son era Nas some serious lyrical problems, and I do not take that lightly.
That could have been a more potent version of Jada/Beans battle, with mad stray causalities.
This thread is full of some of the biggest Nas stans in the US (and other countries)…
You sound mad about a surprise project dropped in between holidays, with no promo and no physical copies. It did ok given the circumstances. No rapper 30+ years deep in the game is dropping surprise albums during holidays and doing good numbers (outside of Jay). Enjoy the super positive album reception and plan a proper rollout for KD3…respectfully.