Name a conspiracy theory u actually believe

Rozay Oro

2 Peter 3:9 if you don’t know God
Sep 9, 2013
Jesus and Muhammad are fictional characters who never existed.
How come? Religion is for those who seek it. Most just indulge in societal norms and pleasure. Anything is possible, no matter how crazy or weird it sounds. Jesus is the only name that has helped when I’d have sleep paralysis and would see creatures so to speak. I’m sitting here drunk so don’t think I’m perfect or anything. I’m a mess like most people.


All Star
Mar 3, 2015
How come? Religion is for those who seek it. Most just indulge in societal norms and pleasure. Anything is possible, no matter how crazy or weird it sounds. Jesus is the only name that has helped when I’d have sleep paralysis and would see creatures so to speak. I’m sitting here drunk so don’t think I’m perfect or anything. I’m a mess like most people.

If it brings you comfort, then do your thing :ehh: but your subjective experience doesn’t mean that it’s true.

There’s actual evidence that suggest that Jesus was real.

Like what? I understand that my opinion isn’t shared by the majority of historians but
there are no contemporary sources that mention him and the earliest writings about him come decades after the supposed events.

Rozay Oro

2 Peter 3:9 if you don’t know God
Sep 9, 2013
If it brings you comfort, then do your thing :ehh: but your subjective experience doesn’t mean that it’s true.
It serves as a testimony. You can take it with a grain of salt but a testimony should be tested/noted. You know how disrespectful that is. You know how vulnerable and powerful a testimony is. A testimony got Malcom killed. Malcom X was no joke. I can go further.

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
Like what? I understand that my opinion isn’t shared by the majority of historians but
there are no contemporary sources that mention him and the earliest writings about him come decades after the supposed events.

Why would any "contemporary" sources mention him? He was only active in ministry for 3 years. Back then the only writings that were saved were those that were written for the Roman empire and other elite rulers. They aren't the kind of people who are gonna report on random religious leaders. Almost all the common folk and day-to-day shyt was done by word of mouth, not in writing. Who would have been writing in A.D. 30, whose writings we would have today, who would have had any reason to mention Jesus?

Yet the following sources all attested to Jesus's life in the decades after Jesus's death. Most of them wrote within a lifetime of the events of the gospels - in other words, if they were untrue and Jesus never existed, then there would have been living people who would have been able to say it was a bunch of bullshyt:

The jewish historian Josephus
The roman historian Tacitus
The stoic philosopher Mara
The christian writer/leader Paul
The christian historian/gospel writer Mark
The christian historian/gospel writer Luke
The christian historian/gospel writer Matthew
The christian historian/gospel writer John
The christian leader Papias
The christian writer Quadratus

That's a ton of source diversity compared to what we have for pretty much anyone else non-political in that era.

On top of the source argument, there's the logical/historical argument. What would cause a bunch of people in the early 1st century to abandon their previous religious structures and embrace a new one to follow a guy if that guy didn't exist? If Jesus didn't teach them, who did?

Why would they claim that the Jewish messiah had come and been killed when being killed was the clear sign that someone was not the messiah? Why would they claim he had been killed in such a humiliating way? Why would they claim that he preached love of enemies, non-violence, voluntary poverty, extreme service to others - all countercultural things that aren't self-serving at all? Why would they claim that Jesus got rid of the most beloved jewish traditions and said that the jews had been doing things wrong, when they were preaching to jews who were so invested in jewish superiority? Why would powerful Jews like Paul sign up to a movement that forced them to give up their power? Why would all the first apostles sign up to a movement that would cause them to be persecuted and nearly every one of them to die?

Made-up religions in recent history, from Mormonism to Sikhism, are full of characteristics that both borrow from previous religions and then add elements that are self-serving to their creators. They remain focused on their creators and give them a lot of power. Yet you suggest in the Christian story, the creators gave up all that power in order to make up a fake mythical person in recent history as their creator, assumed their audience would not be able to tell this fake mythical person from recent history didn't exist at all, made him into the most humiliated person who died terribly, and then preached that his followers, even the leaders, should voluntarily give up their power, money, ethnic superiority, and even lives.

Logically, it just doesn't make any sense at all. No one would voluntarily create a Jesus-figure as their Lord if they were making up a religion from scratch. No one would place him is such recent history that any middle-aged person could immediately call bullshyt on. And no one would give up so much for something they knew was a lie.
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