My Quest to Read All X-Men Related Comics in Order from Beginning to Present time

Mr. Negative

Conspiracy Weirdo
Aug 10, 2012
A Mississippi Cotton Field
I wish they would have kept Nate/X-Man the same. That was my favorite book at one time.

They should bring back Therenody. Cyke's wife Maddie, too.

It would have been interesting to see how all this "mutant Power struggle" shyt that's been going on since Hope was born would have played out had Nate been alive.

ESPECIALLY involving Apocalypse/X-Force.


May 1, 2012
:salute: you on your quest.

I just finished watching entire 90s X-men Aminated series that was part of the Fox Kids lineup. :blessed:

Bud Bundy

A Bundy never cares
May 1, 2012
Go to They have every xmen related comic listed.


Street Terrorist
May 1, 2012
I'll always take Nate Grey and Stryfe over that Cable bullshyt. But Domino was ALWAYS GULLY. Need to read the rest of her mini series.


Hate White People
Dec 26, 2012
I'll always take Nate Grey and Stryfe over that Cable bullshyt. But Domino was ALWAYS GULLY. Need to read the rest of her mini series.

I wish they would have kept Nate/X-Man the same. That was my favorite book at one time.

They should bring back Therenody. Cyke's wife Maddie, too.

It would have been interesting to see how all this "mutant Power struggle" shyt that's been going on since Hope was born would have played out had Nate been alive.

ESPECIALLY involving Apocalypse/X-Force.

Not sure what's going on currently, but I agree about Nate. I had already heard that he pretty much disappears which is wack. It might be my favorite title that I'm reading currently as well.

do you mind posting the checklist of all the issues up?

some of these pics are bringing back memories :to:

Not sure what you mean... this is what I use to read them all in order.

The Complete X-Men Readingorder (READ-ONLY!!!)

That help?


Hate White People
Dec 26, 2012
Uncanny X-Men #338
Archangel begins shedding his metallic wings and regrows his original wings, and Ozymandias appears to tell him it is all part of Apocalypse's plans, as he sees him as one of the true survivors.


In San Diego, Iceman and Cannonball are undercover as members of Graydon Creed's campaign in order to keep an eye out for what's going on there.

Archangel finds himself drawn to a church where Pyro, dying from the Legacy Virus, is out of control starting fires. The X-Men arrive in time to stop the fires and question Pyro, who is about to warn them about a woman who plans to assassinate Graydon Creed (Mystique?), but is suddenly taken by Avalanche before he can say the name.

We also see that Psylocke now has the ability to melt in and out of the shadows.

Cable #37-39
Starts off with G.W. Bridge and SHIELD searching the Weapon X facility, which has been destroyed and all record removed. Cable and Domino are in San Fran where it seems the people of the city are growing increasingly angry. They arrive at an abandoned theater where they find Garrison Kane and Copycat. They are desperate to move on with their lives and stop fighting the good fight. Suddenly, Psycho-Man shows up and has apparently been playing with the emotions of the city. He teleports away with Kane, which was revealed to be Copycat in his form, and Cable/Kane/Domino go after them in a random giant spaceship that appears out of no where -____-


They wind up in the Microverse where Psycho-Man resides and team up with the remaining members of the Micronauts. On their way to finds Copycat, Kane believes that he lost her and Psycho-Man messes with his emotions, convincing him that he must kill Cable for what happened to her.

Ok this little saga is pretty wack. They wind up beating Psycho-Man, going back home and Domino/Copycat finally put aside their differences and Kane and Copycat ride off to try to find a quieter life for themselves.

X-Factor #128
Jamie Madrox aka Multiple Man is back! He was supposed to have died from the Legacy Virus, but apparently not. X-Factor was on a government order mission to track down some human-killing mutants and when they did they found out in the end it was him. We will probably get more answers about it all next issue.

X-Men v2 #58
Storm catches Gambit paying his respects to the Morlocks on the anniversary of their massacre and wonders why he cares so much. Later, Gambit fights Magneto because he catches him coming out of Rogue's bedroom, even though nothing happened between them. Meanwhile, Havok seems to be working for Graydon Creed as he is stalking Jonah Jameson, the writer of the Daily Bugle who has been publishing bad stories about Graydon.

Excalibur #103
The ruler of Limbo, Belasco, tests Kitty, Nightcrawler and Colossus by sending them to some alternate dimension, but they pass the test. We find out that he has captured Margali and taken the soulsword. When the 3 arrive back home Pete Wisdom and Kitty finally say they love each other.

Uncanny X-Men #339
Spider-Man visits the X-Men to tell them that Jonah Jameson has been tailing Gradon Creed, so they tail Jameson. They wind up being attacked by Havok while aboard a plane, who apparently started his own Brotherhood of Evil Mutants. Magneto actually is able to land the plane magnetically when it is damaged and Havok teleports away. Later we see Bastion shoot a human in the head who was about to tell the world information on Graydon Creed's parents.

X-Factor #129
After finding Jamie Madrox, Multiple Man, the team decides to hide him from the government. When they coming looking for him, Mystique poses as him and is taken into custody. She escapes and has a meeting with Pyro, who is dying from the Legacy Virus, and they speak about a plan involving the Assassination of Graydon Creed.

This is the coolest I've seen Pyro use his powers:


We also find out that Havok is beginning a new Brotherhood, as he approached Madrox about joining but he declined.


Hate White People
Dec 26, 2012
Excalibur #104-105
Kitty & Pete Wisdom start to argue more and more as Kitty becomes worried about Colossus and his state of mind. Kitty, Wolfsbane & Douglock go to America to find out more about Douglock and his mysterious past. While they are gone, the base is attacked by the Mutant Liberation Front, ran by Danielle Moonstar who is working undercover. They plan to take the Legacy Virus research and the Xavier Protocols. They wind up defeating them quite easily and Dani aborts the mission. Meanwhile, Kitty finally accepts the fact that Douglock is not Doug Ramsey.

X-Men Unlimited #13
Juggernaut visits his hometown and pretty much destroys it as payback for the way he was treated there as a kid. Gomurr the Ancient tells him that he better change or forever be cursed by the destruction of the Juggernaut.

Maverick: In the Shadow of Death
Maverick is a Weapon X dude who used to work with Sabretooth & Wolverine. This is a one shot title that will lead to a 12 issue solo series. I'm going to read it because it dives in to Creed & Wolverine's past a little. Maverick is not living inCanada. While there, former KGB agent and mutant telepath Elena Ivanova found him, demanding he help her track down Sabretooth, who had killed her mother during his Weapon X years. Before he could answer her, they were attacked by Omega Red, who had tracked Ivanova to Maverick in hopes of recovering the carbonadium synthesizer. With the help of John Wraith, they succeeded in keeping the device away from the villain

Magneto #1-4
I'm pissed I can't find this anywhere for download, so I just have to read the summary. Hopefully its not crazy important to the other series.

Joseph journeys to Magneto's fallen Avalon station where he meets a group of Acolytes who declare him their leader. Elsewhere, Exodus has his own group of Acolytes and produced a new Avalon. Fabian Cortez finds Joseph and manipulates him into taking on the role of Magneto to stop Exodus, however Exodus knows the truth. He loses a fight to Exodus and is driven to the core of the earth, and when he returns he is more powerful and truly believes he is Magneto. Then he and Exodus must fight together against Humanity's Last Stand and when Joseph realized he can not kill them, he finally accepts he is not Magneto and returns home.

Venom: Tooth and Claw #1-3
Venom is absorbed by Dirt Nap, who has trouble digesting him. He travels to the office of Landau Luckman & Lake where he finds Wolverine, and then regurgitates Venom. All of them travel through a warp as well as Scream and two young kids who got stuck in a transport. They meet up with Chimera in another dimension, who forms an alliance with Dirt Nap after he devours Scream. Wolverine & Venom as well as a young agent from LL&L decide to work together to free her.


They wind up defeating the two and forcing Dirt Nap to release the people that he digested, and then they leave the other dimension leaving Dirt Nap and Chimera stuck there.

I always thought Venom was like a stupid psychopath, but I guess he is pretty smart?

Maverick v2 #1
Maverick finally flatlines, but Elana goes into his brain and brings him back to life. His mutant powers come back and the Legacy Virus goes into remission. They were then captured by a Russian Mob boss named Ivan Pushkin.

Uncanny X-Men #340
After Iceman's father speaks up against Graydon Creed, he finds out that Iceman is a mutant. He attacks his father and leaves him within an inch of his life, and Bobby decides to take some time off from the X-Men. Cannonball is in more danger than ever playing undercover, but he decides to stay in the role of Creed's campaign team.

X-Factor #130
Finally Graydon Creed has been killed, but not by Mystique of Pyro. Apparently, Mystique was planning to save Creed from being killed, but was taken into custody. Some unknown shooter turned Creed into ashes with a plasma gun, and left a message saying he was only first and Mystique is next. This event may set human/mutant relations back the furthest its ever been.


X-Men v2 #60-61
Storm has an old beef with Candra (a former External) resurface as she wants a powerful gem back from her, which she stole as a young thief in Cairo. However, to both of their surprises, it is stolen by a young boy who is possessed by the Shadow King.

Meanwhile, Psylocke is being attacked by ninjas of the Crimson Dawn.

We find out that Shadow King is not really there, but is a manifestation of a young child that Candra was holding hostage. They are able to stop the girl from creating the illusions, and Storm tosses Candra the gem, which is her heart. While the gem is in the air, Cyclops zaps it with an optic blast which kills Candra instantly.

X-Man #23
Nate is still having difficulty trusting Threnody even though he loves her. He has a surprise visit from Bishop & Rogue who try to tell him they are concerned about him. He flips out, but eventually calms down and they tell him to come visit the mansion soon. Meanwhile, Madelyn Pryor passes a test to become the Black Rook of the Hellfire Club by literally ripping Mountjoy out of his host body, Scribe (a feat which Sebastian thought impossible).

Madelyn seems like she's gonna be a problem yo. Hellfire club stuff always intrigues me for some reason.


X-Force #62
X-Force tracks down Shinobi Shaw who is working alongside Clear-Cut & Mildmeld on a machine that he hopes can tear the mutant gene out of mutants, so that he can use it on his father. He was working on the siblings of Karma (former New Mutant) when they interrupted him and he had Spiral transport the children away. Clear-Cut betrays Shinobi and helps X-Force take down the base and operation, warning Shinobi that his father is coming for him.

Cable #40
Cable, Domino & Douglock are sent by Moira MacTaggart to protect Renee Majcomb from danger, as she is one of the members of Xavier's Underground. Perfect timing, because Bastion sent his men to attack her and her mutant protector Nils Styger AkA Abyss. They manage to easily defeat First Strike and send them away, but Renee declines the offer to come back with Cable, saying they must still work on the Legacy Virus which Abyss suffers from.


Hate White People
Dec 26, 2012
X-Factor #131-134
Havok once again hating his life and everyone in it, depressed about how he's been mind controlled so many times. So he decided to start the new Brotherhood, and decides to break Dark Beast & Fatale out of the government holding facility and force them to join his team.

X-Factor then refuses to turn over Mystique to the government, and quits working for them. Mystique is then targeted by the same mystery man who killed Graydon Creed, and has now kidnapped a young boy that she cares for. Afterwards, it seems to me that the entire team has faked their own deaths in an attempt to go underground and alleviate the government hounding of them. Meanwhile, Multiple Man declines another invitation from Havok to join his Brotherhood.

After X-Factor is pronounced dead and/or missing, Strong Guy awakes from his coma. He wants to speak to X-Factor, who are currently interrogating a government agent about the whereabouts of the kidnapped boy, who turns out to be a mutant with reality warping powers. They find the boy in the agents home, but he seems to be possessed and keeps saying Mystique is next.

Cool picture of the new X-Factor minus Wild Child:


Uncanny X-Men #341-342 & Imperial Guard #1
Its getting close to Christmas and the X-Men are all in New York City doing their own thing. Joseph actually created some type of device that would allow Rogue to make contact with him, and he kisses her (Gambit U Mad Bro?). Cannonball is then attacked by Gladiator of the Imperial Guard, and somehow manages to beat him. Come to find out he just needed their help, and he teleports the team off to outer space, where the Imperial Guard is in dire straights.



We find out that Gladiator as well as 7 other IG members were sent to earth as protectors now that the heroes are dead (Onslaught Saga) which is why he sent the X-Men to help in space. While on earth Gladiator finds beef with the Underground Militia and winds up being defeated by them.

Cannonball tells the rest of the X-Men about what happened in New York. 5 of the X-Men (Gambit, Joseph, Rogue, Beast & Bishop) as well as Trish Tilby finally reach a giant star ship of the Shi'ar Empire, only to find that everyone is dead except Deathbird (sister of Lilandra, the ruler of the Shi'ar).

X-Man Annual 1996
Sebastian Shaw's assistant, Tessa, enters the mind of Madelyn Pryor while she is asleep and recalls the memories of Maddie during the Inferno event. Maddie wakes up and attacks her, but then decides to erase the memory from Tessa's mind. However, now she remembers her past.

X-Man #24-25
Threnody has been depressed, just walking around places where people are about to die, and basically finishing them off, which is like eating their life energy for her. Meanwhile, Nate asks Spider-Man for help against one of his former enemies, Morbius (a vampire or sorts) who has some kind of influence over him at the moment. Together they track both Morbius and Threnody to a cemetery, and Morbius flees with Spider-Man chasing him down. Nate tells Threnody he is aware of what she's been doing and tells her he can not help until she decides to come to him. Shortly after Threnody is approached by Madelyn Pryor who is looking for Nate.


When Threnody would not give Madelyn info on Nate, she attacked her, removing Sinister's neuro-locks and sucking her dry of her energy. Nate & Jean Grey both became aware of her presence as Madelyn let out her powers. At first Nate was on Maddie's side, but eventually he realized she was out of control and pretty much a psycho. Finally, the creation of this Madelyn Pryor became apparent to him. When he was transported to this new earth from the AoA, he psionically wished for the mother he once had, Jean Grey, and instead re-created Madelyn Pryor. He almost kills her out of a failed sense of responsibility, but Jean stops him and Madelyn Pryor leaves and heads back to Sebastian.

X-Force #63-64
The team, along with Nathanial Richards, travel to Latervia to enter Castle Doom. With him dying during the Onslaught Saga, Cable plans to destroy his time traveling device. However, SHIELD shows up and somehow the entire castle is transported with them inside. They wind up in 1941 during World War II and stop Baron Von Strucker from killing the owner of Castle Doom (Not Doom at the time). Eventually they come back to present time and Cable convinces GW Bridge not to turn him over to authorities after he destroys Doom's time travel device.

I finally got up to the Deadpool solo series. I have been introduced to him a few times (New Mutants appearances, plus 2 limited series), but now I officially will get to know the true Deadpool. He just may become my favorite character, I have high hopes

Deadpool #1
Starts out with Wade in the Bolivian jungle where he is on a mission to find a powerful weapon to steal for the rebel army. He gets his payment, but the currency is useless until they win the war, which really pisses him off. He kills all of the rebels and returns home, as Zoe Culloden and her partner Noah (Landau Luckman & Lake) watch on. They decide to prepare him for a test, as they believe he is the man for their job. Deadpool to be the perfect man for their job, and decide to prepare a test for him. They fake a mission in Antarctica, which they make Deadpool’s field handler, Patch, hand over to him. Deadpool teleports to Antarctica, where he finds a scientific building, operated by Sasquatch. Deadpool accidentally breaks the gamma core in the building, and almost causes a meltdown. Luckily, he is able just in time to prevent it. A few days later, Zoe and Noah contact Wade and inform him that the mission was a hoax. They need him in a mission, which will change the entire galaxy, and think that Deadpool will play an important role in creating the paradise. Deadpool doubts that very much and, uninterested, teleports out of their sight. However, Zoe is still convinced that Deadpool is their man, and will be more important than their Psi’s will ever want to imagine.

Yeah, I'm definitely gonna love this series. The dialogue is a lot better than most of the other series I'm currently reading.



Hate White People
Dec 26, 2012
Generation-X #25-26
Black Tom Cassidy has taken over the school who is like a living plant or something:


His plan of revenge against Banshee goes into full swing when he kidnaps M, Husk, Chamber, Synch and Skin, seizes control of Emma’s body and lets the evil Mondo lose on campus. Bastion secretly arrives and kidnaps Jubilee. Franklin, Leech, Artie, Howard the Duck, Beverly Switzler and Tana Nile are rescued from Black Tom by the Man Thing. Then Penance arrives, slicing Tom in half, however the students are still missing. What Emma & Banshee do not know, is they are stranded on a small piece of land somewhere in the middle of an ocean.

Uncanny X-Men #343-344
The 5 X-Men still stuck in outer space come to find out that a new version of the Phalanx is trying to take over the universe, and they are the ones who killer over 4,000 Shi'ar members. They escape and head back to a base with Deathbird, not knowing if they can trust her or not. Hank McCoy is about to come up with a computer program to defeat the Phalanx, however they did much damage to the Shi'ar empire. Meanwhile, Bastion has Jubilee locked away in some tank, and we see that Senator Robert Kelly and Henry Peter Gyrich are having second thoughts about starting the whole Zero Tolerance program.

Deadpool #2
Issue starts out with Deadpool basically stalking Siryn outside her window while she sleep. Comes back home to find his partner Weasel is missing, taken prisoner by the Taskmaster. Taskmaster has the power to mimic any fighting move he observes which makes him a tough match for Deadpool, but he eventually wins by sporadically dancing during their fight (something Taskmaster could not have predicted). Basically, Deadpool is way too unpredictable in all aspects, fighting or otherwise.


^I hope he hits that eventually, but I doubt it.

Excalibur #107-110 & X-Man #26
Captain Britain & Meggan are in London when Spiral appears, with the Crimson Dawn markings on her face warning them that they will be attacked. Suddenly, 3 beings emerge from the sky claiming to be the Dragons of the Crimson Dawn.

Meanwhile, Nate Grey visits Moira MacTaggart to find out why his powers are no longer working, and he finds out that it is he himself who is suppressing them. When he leaves Muir Island he is approached by Havok & Fatale. Also, back at Muir Island, Nightcrawlers girl Amanda Sefton leaves Excalibur without even telling him why.

Later, As Brian Braddock is fighting the Dragons of the Crimson Dawn, we find out that Spiral is actually in cahoots with them, as it was her job to bring them to Captain Britain. After Brian is captured, Spiral teleports the rest of Excalibur to go help him. While the rest of Excalibur temporarily held the Dragons of the Crimson Dawn at bay, Meggan helped Brian redirect the power flow, releasing it safely into the atmosphere. While Brian survived, he was Captain Britain no more, his powers gone. The Dragons left by melting into the shadows, vowing that one day they would succeed and rule Earth. Captain Britain tells Meggan that he will be leaving Excalibur for some time.

Deadpool #3-5
After his fight with Taskmaster, Deadpool has lost a finger and for some reason it isn't growing back. Then he receives a package with a glove of his in it from Black Tom Cassidy (mocking him because he took his hand in an early series). He goes off to find Siryn so she can take him to Black Tom, her uncle. When they arrive, they find that the message was sent by a doctor from the Weapon X program named Dr. Killebrew, who was responsible for Wade's horrific past. He is about to kill him when Siryn pleads to hear the man out, so he does and the doctor tells him that the healing factor is not working because he is indeed dying as the healing factor is devouring him.

Killebrew realizes that Deadpool's recent exposure to Gamma Rays is what is killing him, and he suggests finding the Hulk to get a sample of his blood to cancel out the problem. Wade has a tough time with the Hulk, but eventually outsmarts him.


They inject the Hulk blood into Deadpool's system and it looks like its going to heal him, however Wade still plans on killing the doctor. Siryn is able to convince him not to and then she puts him in the FRIEND ZONE smdh.

One of the mercenary killers who reports to Hell House like Deadpool has a serious grudge against him for some reason, and is definitely more or a merciless killer. He has like 6 names carved into his skin and they are all crossed out except for "Wilson".

Cable #42
Callisto and Marrow, 2 Morlocks the latter of which was believed dead when Storm ripped out her heart, but now we see that she had 2 hearts, have set a bomb to explode at one of Lila Cheney's concerts. Thornn, another Morlock, warned Cable and Storm and they are able to prevent the explosion.

Only important thing about this issue is the fact that Marrow is back, because I think she is a pretty important character judging by the length of her Wiki page.

Domino #1-3
A 3 issue mini-series starring Domino, unfortunately I couldn't download it but I read the outline of each issue. It gives some insight into her past, which includes a marriage to a man name Milo Thurman. During her mercenary days she was assigned to guard him, but they fell in love. They separated after an AIM raid on their facility and he believed she was dead.

In present time, she learns he is kidnapped by Donald Pierce and the Reavers, who play to turn him into a cyborg. With the help of Alpha Flight's Puck, they are able to defeat the Reavers, but her long lost love dies in the process.

X-Force #65-66
Warpath & Risque are attacked by the Blob and Mimic at a club, apparently they are there to bring Warpath to their boss... something that Risque was supposed to do before she developed feelings for him. They defeat the two and head back to her apartment, but then Warpath is drugged by Risque who finally plans on doing her job.

Nightlife Blob:


The X-Force team tracks Risque down in Florida, and she is forced to tell them that Warpath is with a man named Sledge whom she owed a favor in Detroit. Worth noting: In Caliban is starting to have random seizures. They track Warpath and he has made a deal with Sledge that if he gives James info on a former member of his tribe he will owe him. Before they leave, Warpath breaks off relations with Risque once and for all.

Lastly, Domino learns from GW Bridge that Dani Moonstar (Former New Mutant, now undercover in the Mutant Liberation Front) is a SHIELD agent.

X-Man #27-29
Nate Grey teams up with Havok's Brotherhood on a mission to retrieve a mutant hostage from Department H, in order to see if their cause is worth fighting for. They save Aurora of Alpha Flight and Nate decides the team is good and stays with them, though he is shocked when he discovers the Dark Beast is a part of the team, and he is the one who gave Nate his telepathy powers back. When he finds out that they are storing a lethal gas he decides he can not trust this group, so he leaves destroying the gas and telling Dark Beast he better help Aurora or he'll be back.

Meanwhile, Selene, Fitzroy and Tessa decide they need to make sure Madelyn Pryor and Sebastian Shaw can not stay together.

Deadpool #6
Deadpool & Weasel are hired by two different people to 1) rescue a woman from a mental institute and 2) kill her. While there they are attacked by a woman named the Vamp, who is really a man named Animus (who hired to kill Deadpool). Weasel manages to kill this person with an ambulance and they break out the psychopath woman from the hospital. She turns out to be Typhoid Mary, who has many personalities and they find out that she was the one who hired them to break her out, kill her and also the one who hired Animus to kill him... Confusing shyt, pretty funny.


^That bytch cray.

Cable #44
Madelyn Pryor contacts Cable on the Astral Plane while he is meditating. As his mother, she tries to convince him to join her side in a fight against the X-Men, Sinister & Apocalypse. He obviously declines and the two part amicably, but he warns her he will fight her if she hurts innocents. Meanwhile, some dude from Cable's future has traveled to the present time to bring Cable back, and has made a deal with the Hellfire Club to ensure this happens.


Too many wavy women, gotta log outta IG
May 4, 2012
Not sure what's going on currently, but I agree about Nate. I had already heard that he pretty much disappears which is wack. It might be my favorite title that I'm reading currently as well.

Not sure what you mean... this is what I use to read them all in order.

The Complete X-Men Readingorder (READ-ONLY!!!)

That help?

Yea thats what i wanted good looks!

So u just downloaded all these?