E is for Extinction
New X-Men #114-117
Ms. Nova shows Bolivar Trask's nephew how homo sapiens slaughtered the neandertals thirtythousand years ago and then tells him that mutants will do the same to humans within a few generations. Xavier is trying out the new cerebra when a large spike of the mutant gene is spotted in South America. He asks Cyclops and Wolverine to investigate, as they are already back on the way from rescuing a new mutant in australia named Ugly John. Xavier hears a voice inside his head that tries to take control of him, but is saved by Jean. It appears that the voice may be of Ms. Nova, who takes Mr. Trask to a Master Mold facility in South America and introduces him to Wild Sentinels.
Ms. Nova and Donald Trask plot the impending doom of mutantkind. On Professor Xavier’s orders, Cyclops and Wolverine try to stop them while escorting a mutant passenger. During their mission, the inbound X-Men are attacked and captured by a squadron of wild sentinels protecting Ms. Nova and Mr. Trask. Beast is alerted and tells Professor Xavier, who is resting after Ms. Nova’s telepathic assault last issue. Ms. Nova betrays Mr. Trask by stealing his DNA and kills him.
She takes control of the wild sentinels and ordering them to destroy Cyclops, Wolverine, Ugly John, and mutants worldwide. Cyclops and Wolverine apprehend Ms. Nova, but not before Ugly John is killed and Cyclops must put him out of his misery.
Next we see Emma Frost teaching a psychic class in a school in Genosha. Suddenly, an arsenal of sentinels wreaks havoc in Genosha, killing millions while Xavier, Jean, and Beast watch via cerebra in horror.
Beast and Jean find Emma Frost amidst the death and destruction in Genosha. She seems unhurt and she’s developed a diamond hard outer layer of skin. The X-Men wonder what to do with their prisoner Cassandra Nova, the woman behind the Genoshan carnage. They learn that Cassandra’s a new kind of living being on Earth and she wants to destroy mutantkind so her species can dominate. Soon humanity will die out, leaving only mutants and people like her in existence. Cassandra attacks the X-Men and tries to use Cerebra to wreak havoc. Professor Xavier shoots Cassandra and Emma helps the X-Men during the melee, changing her mind after deciding to leave them earlier.
Taking a rest, Cyclops and Jean try to resolve personal and marriage issues stemming from Scott's experience with Apocalypse, while Professor Xavier comes out of the closet to the whole world. On television he announces that he is a mutant. The world now knows the Xavier Institute’s secret: It’s a home and training ground for mutants. The school opens its gates to them worldwide, accepting over one hundred new students, and the X-Men cope with sudden responsibility and public scrutiny. While anti-mutant protestors shout at the gates, the Xavier Institute forges ahead, determined to be a safe haven for homo sapiens superior. One student in particular, the Beak, has trouble fitting in and Beast tries to ease his anxiety. Beast experiences anxiety of his own when Trish Tilby, unable to deal with his feline-like mutation, breaks up with him. Jean seeks comfort from Wolverine due to her marriage troubles, but she asks for more than he can give. Cassandra reveals her deception, having taken over Professor Xavier’s body and we find out that they are related. She viciously attacks Beast and forces the Beak to beat him senseless.
Ignorant of the infiltration, the other X-Men proceed as usual while Cassandra plots. Through Professor Xavier, Cassandra organizes a trip through space with Empress Lilandra in a Shi’Ar spaceship, eager to cause destruction from the stars.
New X-Men #114-117
Ms. Nova shows Bolivar Trask's nephew how homo sapiens slaughtered the neandertals thirtythousand years ago and then tells him that mutants will do the same to humans within a few generations. Xavier is trying out the new cerebra when a large spike of the mutant gene is spotted in South America. He asks Cyclops and Wolverine to investigate, as they are already back on the way from rescuing a new mutant in australia named Ugly John. Xavier hears a voice inside his head that tries to take control of him, but is saved by Jean. It appears that the voice may be of Ms. Nova, who takes Mr. Trask to a Master Mold facility in South America and introduces him to Wild Sentinels.

Ms. Nova and Donald Trask plot the impending doom of mutantkind. On Professor Xavier’s orders, Cyclops and Wolverine try to stop them while escorting a mutant passenger. During their mission, the inbound X-Men are attacked and captured by a squadron of wild sentinels protecting Ms. Nova and Mr. Trask. Beast is alerted and tells Professor Xavier, who is resting after Ms. Nova’s telepathic assault last issue. Ms. Nova betrays Mr. Trask by stealing his DNA and kills him.

She takes control of the wild sentinels and ordering them to destroy Cyclops, Wolverine, Ugly John, and mutants worldwide. Cyclops and Wolverine apprehend Ms. Nova, but not before Ugly John is killed and Cyclops must put him out of his misery.

Next we see Emma Frost teaching a psychic class in a school in Genosha. Suddenly, an arsenal of sentinels wreaks havoc in Genosha, killing millions while Xavier, Jean, and Beast watch via cerebra in horror.

Beast and Jean find Emma Frost amidst the death and destruction in Genosha. She seems unhurt and she’s developed a diamond hard outer layer of skin. The X-Men wonder what to do with their prisoner Cassandra Nova, the woman behind the Genoshan carnage. They learn that Cassandra’s a new kind of living being on Earth and she wants to destroy mutantkind so her species can dominate. Soon humanity will die out, leaving only mutants and people like her in existence. Cassandra attacks the X-Men and tries to use Cerebra to wreak havoc. Professor Xavier shoots Cassandra and Emma helps the X-Men during the melee, changing her mind after deciding to leave them earlier.

Taking a rest, Cyclops and Jean try to resolve personal and marriage issues stemming from Scott's experience with Apocalypse, while Professor Xavier comes out of the closet to the whole world. On television he announces that he is a mutant. The world now knows the Xavier Institute’s secret: It’s a home and training ground for mutants. The school opens its gates to them worldwide, accepting over one hundred new students, and the X-Men cope with sudden responsibility and public scrutiny. While anti-mutant protestors shout at the gates, the Xavier Institute forges ahead, determined to be a safe haven for homo sapiens superior. One student in particular, the Beak, has trouble fitting in and Beast tries to ease his anxiety. Beast experiences anxiety of his own when Trish Tilby, unable to deal with his feline-like mutation, breaks up with him. Jean seeks comfort from Wolverine due to her marriage troubles, but she asks for more than he can give. Cassandra reveals her deception, having taken over Professor Xavier’s body and we find out that they are related. She viciously attacks Beast and forces the Beak to beat him senseless.

Ignorant of the infiltration, the other X-Men proceed as usual while Cassandra plots. Through Professor Xavier, Cassandra organizes a trip through space with Empress Lilandra in a Shi’Ar spaceship, eager to cause destruction from the stars.