My Quest to Read All X-Men Related Comics in Order from Beginning to Present time


Hate White People
Dec 26, 2012
Weapon X#1-5

The Director, Malcolm has a nightmare about the time that Wolverine escaped and mutilated him, back when he was a guard for the original Weapon X program. The team's current mission is to bring in their newest recruit Madison Jeffries. Weapon X fight and defeat the Zodiac, a terrorist organization that brainwashed Jeffries into serving as one of them. Back at the Weapon X compound, the Director gives Kane a promotion, partially to annoy Brent Jackson, Weapon X’s second in command. Aurora tries to seduce the Director though with no success. She then takes Marrow under her wing to show her how to properly use her newfound beauty against men. Since Weapon X’s teleporting systems were damaged by Sabretooth, they need other means to teleport and Brent Jackson and Washout are sent to recruit Locus. However they discover her dead, apparently by Sabretooth who also stole the files on possible candidates for recruitment. Malcolm checks on Madison Jeffries, who now lives in Room X where he can build whatever the Director desires. Besides working on several versions of his old Box armor, he has also been given a special assignment by the Director - a model of a concentration camp.

Marrow is sent to a country in South America to assassinate it’s president during a soccer game. She succeeds, but is spotted by the crowd and chased by a mob. Mesmero, serving as her back-up, saves her by hypnotizing the crowd into believing that an old man was the killer. Aurora tries to seduce the Director again and he almost gives in, but then reminds himself to not let himself get distracted from his true goal. He sends Aurora and Wild Child on a mission to recruit a teleporter, hoping that their special romantic history won’t cause any problems. Once they arrive at the cabin of the teleporter, Aurora claims that she is in charge, and against better reasons enters first and doesn’t take Wild Child’s warnings seriously. It turns out to be a trap set by Sabretooth, there never was a teleporter to recruit. Aurora is seriously injured and Sabretooth forces Wild Child to watch the whole time. The Director decides to end this once and for all and calls in Agent Zero and sends him after Sabretooth. Meanwhile Agent Jackson discovers that Sauron leaves at night to drain people of their life energies. Jackson taunts him that the Director would not approve, but then offers his help in order to gain Sauron’s loyalty.

At the Weapon X headquarters, Aurora’s bandages are removed and it turns out that Sabretooth has scarred her face. The Director, who went through a similar thing, now wants to help her. Wild Child doesn’t seem to be too happy about that idea. Zero's search begins at a New York City morgue, where he discovers that Sabretooth has been killing people for three weeks now. Suddenly and inexplicably, he receives a note from somebody who can tell him where Sabretooth is. Disguised, he meets up with his informant: Omega Red, who claims to have become a legitimate businessman. It turns out that Sabretooth has been selling the information he stole from Weapon X and plans to sell his information to other countries so they can set up their own Weapon X programs. Later, Sabretooth arrives at the Waldorf Astoria hotel to make a deal, but he finds Agent Zero instead. Agent Zero defeats him and wants to kill him, but Weapon X stops him by activating his implants. Zero takes a handcuffed Sabretooth to the Weapon X compound to an overjoyed Director, who welcomes Sabretooth back.


Now that Sabretooth is back in the custody of Weapon X, The Director questions him about the whereabouts of the discs that contain full dossiers on nearly every mutant on the planet, but Creed has some mental blocks installed and they can’t access his memories. Even Mesmero doesn’t get through them. Agent Jackson wants to kill him, but the Director objects; unless they know what happened with the disks they need Creed alive. In the meantime he thinks that Sabretooth should be put to use, and he has Mesmero place his own mental blocks into the twisted mind of Creed, that prohibit him from acting out his violent rages unless directed so by the Director. The other agents (Kane, Marrow, Sauron and Washout) are sent out to try and locate former associates of Creed in hopes of obtaining information on the location of the discs. They hunt down Avalanche and the Blob, but they don’t know anything. Instead Marrow and Sauron get into an argument themselves. Secretly the Director visits the room of Madison Jeffries, and he shows his loyal servant that the earlier plans of a mutant concentration camp are well under way. The camp overseers are equipped with modified Box armors.


Screams ring throughout a home. Parents frantically rush to their children only to learn that siblings are exchanging horror stories of government controlled monsters. As the parents try to console the children the members of Weapon X break into the home. The family are mutants themselves and Weapon X has plans for them. They are boarded onto a jet with several other mutants. Aboard, Billy and Wendy Taylor befriend a blue skinned mutant named Maggott who has two giant slugs as part of his mutant powers. The jet arrives at some sort of concentration camp guarded by dozens of Boxbots. Some mutants try to fight their captors only to discover that they are powerless while they are beaten up without mercy. Cecilia Reyes, another detainee of the camp, explains that Weapon X is using the power canceling mutant Leech to negate all their powers. The mutants are divided into two groups. The ones that have green M's may somehow prove useful to the agency. However, the mutants with red M's are sentenced to die. Billy witnesses the death of Maggott and other red M'd mutants and tells his father. When Billy’s father confronts the Director about what happened to the red M'd mutants, he is led away and never seen again. In the following weeks, the mutants have to endure sessions in which the program attempts to pluck whatever useful powers they can find. There is only two options, join the program and become another agent of Weapon X, or slowly die. Some mutants accept the offer, while Billy’s mother, exhausted and on the brink of dying from the sessions, makes an arrangement with Dr. Windsor, who secretly helps some mutants escape. Windsor remains true to his word an leads Billy and Wendy, who has adopted one of Maggot’s slugs, to freedom.


Hate White People
Dec 26, 2012
Uncanny X-Men #410-412
Wolverine, Iceman, Archangel, Nightcrawler and Stacey X, as well as Monet, on-loan from X-Corporation, are heading to Scotland after Xavier reported a distress call he picked up. Tensions run high between Stacey and Monet, and soon their jet is attacked by large fireballs which are fired from a nearby island. In Vancouver, a young boy with a fish-like appearance, Sammy Pare, is bullied by some other kids. He ponders commiting suicide, but returns home where he finds that Professor Charles Xavier is waiting for him. Xavier invites Sammy to the Xavier Institute. Sammy is very keen to go, and he meets the Beast who is piloting the jet that Xavier arrived in. Xavier realizes Sammy has a gun with him, and confiscates it. As they prepare to leave Vancouver, Xavier contacts the X-Men, and learns that they are in danger and injured. To complicate matters, the Juggernaut has appeared.


Suddenly, vines attack the X-Men and capture Angel. The Juggernaut then reveals that it was he who called the X-Men for help, surprising his long-time opponents. They are attacked by more vines, and everyone except Nightcrawler and Iceman are captured. The captives begin to have their energies drained from them, while Wolverine and Juggernaut try to escape from their captor - Black Tom Cassidy, whose form has mutated so that he is basically the root of a bunch of vines.


Nightcrawler tries to reason with Black Tom, and manages to free Stacy X, while Black Tom loses control over Iceman. Stacy uses her power on Black Tom, and while he is distracted, Wolverine, Archangel, Monet and Juggernaut are able to free themselves. Archangel’s appearance somehow loses its blue hue. Iceman attacks Black Tom with a powerful surge of ice, before Black Tom begins to tear the island apart. The X-jet with Professor X onboard has arrived. The X-Men and Monet make their way into the jet, but Juggernaut is knocked into the water by Black Tom. However, Samuel Pare, dives into the water and rescues the Juggernaut. With everyone safe, Xavier offers Juggernaut to return to the Xavier Institute to recover for as long as he needs. This surprises the X-Men, and Juggernaut accepts. The beginnings of a bond are also formed between Juggernaut and Sammy Pare.

In the meantime, a nurse named Annie Ghazikhanian is looking after an unresponsive man. She has been doing so for a year, and has developed strong feelings for him. While spending time with her patient and her son, she suddenly discovers that he resembles the believed-dead X-Man, Havok. Almost reluctantly, she phones the Xavier Institute and leaves a message informing Cyclops that she thinks she has his brother. Nurse Annie Ghazikhanian says her goodbyes to the mute Havok, who had been her patient for the past year. She reveals her feelings to him, which Cyclops overhears when he arrives to collect his brother. As he departs, Annie tells him that Havok will need someone to look after him.


Hate White People
Dec 26, 2012
Uncanny X-Men #413-415
Nurse Annie and her son, Carter, arrive at the Xavier Institute for Higher Learning. Annie is nervous about being there and admits to herself that she feels racism towards mutants. Xavier and the X-Men return to the Institute and have several medical emergencies. Husk communicates with Xavier telepathically, but when Annie is given the chance, she declines. Annie goes to the infirmary, to find Iceman and Archangel in need of medical attention. Annie is met with prejudice herself however, as Iceman refuses to let her stitch up his wound. She turns to Archangel, who has a broken arm and a broken leg. She tries to help him, but Stacy X and Husk begin to fight about Archangel. Stacy gets particularly nasty, and Husk runs away. Archangel scolds Stacy. In all the confusion, Xavier realizes that he had forgotten about Havok. The X-Men are surprised to learn their former teammate is here, and several of them accompany Xavier and Annie to visit the catatonic mutant. Wolverine, accompanied by Sammy and Carter, finds Juggernaut on the Institute grounds, and Wolverine warns him that if he crosses the line, he will cut him no slack. Sammy and Carter, however, decide that Juggernaut is cool. Xavier attempts to find Havok on the Astral Plane, but cannot reach him. Annie talks with him, and Xavier offers her a full time position at the Xavier Institute as its nurse. Annie is confused, assuming Xavier would have preferred a mutant, but Xavier explains to her his philosophy of unification and cooperation. Annie accepts the job, and then goes to check on Husk, to see if she is all right. Husk is not very welcoming however. Annie thinks to herself that, despite her racism towards mutants, she has her reasons for taking the job here - and goes to her quarters, where her son is displaying his mutant power.


At a farm in Ontario, a teenage boy is beaten by his father, only for the boy to manifest a mutant power, energy which radiates throughout the farmhouse. In Quebec, Professor X has a meeting with Northstar, inviting him to teach at the Xavier Institute, specifically due to his sexual identity. Northstar declines the offer, but agrees to go and assist a squad of X-Men, investigating the powerful mutant energy in Ontario. Archangel, Iceman, Nightcrawler and Stacy X arrive at the farmhouse, and are annoyed when Northstar shows up, arguing with them. The mutants search the farmhouse, they find furniture and belongings strewn all over the place. They soon locate the young children, and then their older brother. The X-Men prepare to take the children someplace safe, but the older boy explains he can’t go on the plane and announces he is going to explode once more. He does so, and knocks Northstar backwards. Northstar is annoyed, and scolds the boy, before deciding that he will fly the boy back to Westchester, as he is the only one who can withstand the boy’s energy. Northstar begins the journey, and after wanting to know why the boy’s father was angry with him, he reveals to the boy that he is gay. This concerns the boy, who struggles and tries to jump from Northstar, but he releases more energy, and falls. Northstar is knocked back by the blast, but manages to fly down and rescue the boy before he hit’s the ground. In the X-Men’s jet, Stacy continues to try and talk with Archangel, before suddenly her skin starts to turn into scales. The boy unwillingly explodes once more, and the energy knocks both he and Northstar into a field. Xavier telepathically contacts Northstar and tells him to get the boy to the Avengers, who have a special chamber. But Peter is very badly injured. Northstar begins to cry, disturbed that neither he nor Xavier have the power to save the boy. Northstar assures Peter that he won’t leave him. Peter knows he is going to die this time, and shortly, he does after exploding once more. Northstar soon wakes in the infirmary at the Xavier Institute, and learns that Peter’s brothers and sisters are safe with extended family, before assuring Northstar that there was no way to save the boy. Northstar announces that he has given the idea some thought, and would like to teach at the Institute.

Iceman and Archangel get into an argument about Iceman’s unwillingness to visit the school nurse, while Iceman berates Archangel for trying to get the attention of a female mutant. The mutant is called Josette and she is an empath. She tries to seduce Archangel. Iceman arrives in the infirmary where Nurse Annie is looking after Northstar. Annie and Iceman argue, before Iceman agrees to let Annie examine him - but not in front of Northstar. When Northstar never comes to Annie’s defense during the argument, Annie realizes that Northstar likes Iceman. Iceman shows his chest to Annie - which is becoming ice, and he cannot change it back.


He thinks it is a secondary mutation. Afterwards, Annie convinces Iceman to take Northstar to the diner to get something to eat. On the way, they encounter Josette, who begins to seduce Iceman. Northstar is very unimpressed, but Iceman is influenced by her empathic power. Iceman and Josette go outside and sit closely, until they are attacked by Josette’s husband, a clay-like mutant called Rober’. Rober’ is very angry and beats Iceman severely, despite Josette’s protests. Northstar arrives on scene and takes down Rober’ to rescue Iceman, eventually splitting Rober’ in two. Afterwards, Annie watches over the injured Iceman, and Northstar assures Annie that Iceman is not gay. Referring to Havok who is still in a coma, Annie points out that you can’t help who you fall in love with. Meanwhile, Nightcrawler visits an empty church and speaks about how angry he is.


Spiritual Stratocaster

Jesus is KING
Aug 14, 2014
I bought them all...


Nah I just google really. I've been pretty much able to DL entire series runs via torrents or rapidshare zips. Its all out there. However, now I do also have a Marvel Unlimited account, which is well worth the 9.99 a month if you want to read older stuff.
Might have to take the bite :wow:

Mr. Negative

Conspiracy Weirdo
Aug 10, 2012
A Mississippi Cotton Field
yeah, storywise they started to hit this really great stride at that point.

I kinda feel like this was around the time the rest of the industry realized that the 90's were over and books with great artists but shytty writers just wouldn't sell anymore.


Hate White People
Dec 26, 2012
Might have to take the bite :wow:

It's really silly not to .

yeah, storywise they started to hit this really great stride at that point.

I kinda feel like this was around the time the rest of the industry realized that the 90's were over and books with great artists but shytty writers just wouldn't sell anymore.

Yeah man you can really tell. More character depth. Plot lines that actually get completed.


Hate White People
Dec 26, 2012
Uncany X-Men #416-420
Nightcrawler encounters Iceman experimenting with his powers. Iceman makes comments about the state of the X-Men and how it seems anyone can hang around the Mansion and call themselves an X-Man. He inadvertently upsets Nightcrawler during this. Stacy-X, meanwhile is still in the infirmary, but has her bandages removed. During the process, Nurse Annie is very distracted as Professor X is in the infirmary, still trying to reach the comatose Havok. Professor X reveals that he has contacted Polaris and that she will arrive in the morning. Archangel accompanies Nightcrawler and Stacy-X to the X-Ranch, but flies alongside the jet. Stacy is worried Archangel is ignoring her, but Nightcrawler tries to explain that Archangel is getting over Psylocke. After leaving the X-Ranch, Stacy has collected some personal memoirs. Meantime, Juggernaut is leaving the school grounds, and Squidboy accompanies him. Their journey takes them some miles away from the institute, to an old house, which Juggernaut begins to demolish. It is the old Marko house. He relives some memories of his father beating him and displaying some of the same behaviors he now has, before continuing to tear the place apart. With the house completely destroyed. Juggernaut and Squidboy seem to have bonded, and sit down to watch the sun set.


A teenage couple, a boy who is a normal human and a girl, who is a mutant with an obvious mutation, are hassled by some bullies, who warn the boy that he will end up a mutant too if he has one for a girlfriend. Suddenly, the bullies are attacked and killed by what appears to be a group of mutant werewolves. The couple thank the strange creatures and attempt to leave, but the werewolves tell Mandy, the girl, that they do not approve of mutants mating beneath them, and kill her boyfriend David.

At the X-Mansion Archangel and Husk both try to deal with personal issues regarding their lovelives. Juggernaut bonds with Sammy Pare and Carter Ghazikhanian. Stacy X makes an unsuccessful pass at Nightcrawler. Only Archangel, Northstar, Wolverine and Husk make it to the assignment Xavier had for them, where they are joined by Charlotte Jones, who tells them it appears as if mutant werewolves have killed four human boys. They follow a trail to Lobo Tech, an industry owned by Warrens company, Worthington Industries, however he says he was not aware he owned it. Wolverine is attacked and badly injured, and Maximus Lobo makes his presence known.


Carter tries to use his psionic powers to reach into Havok's mind and pull him through, but somehow he gets caught in there. Annie tries to coax him out, until Polaris arrives and attacks Annie. Polaris physically injures Annie, who is only trying to help Carter. Meanwhile at LoboTech, Archangel and Husk ask Northstar to bring the injured Wolverine to safety while they fight for their lives against Maximus Lobo and his mutant werewolves, until they are both so badly injured Warren can barely fly them to safety. Upon reaching a forest, they both pass out. Northstar arrives at the mansion and interrupts an argument between Iceman and Juggernaut and he tries to tell them of the situation Archangel and Husk are in. Near White Plains, Husk sheds her steel skin, having miraculously recovered from her injuries. She and the recovering Warren try to make their way out of the forest, but Warren is too badly injured to move very far. They begin to get into an argument when Paige predicts a different kind of war between mutant groups. Afterwards she tells him that Psylocke came to visit her in a dream, to tell her Warren was following the wrong path with her. Before they can continue the discussion, they are attacked by Maximus Lobo and his fellow werewolves.

Back at the institute Northstar rushes into the infirmary with the injured Wolverine, to find Annie being threatened by Polaris. Lorna sends him through the roof before they are joined by Xavier, Juggernaut and others. Xavier de-escalates the situation just in time to see Alex awake from his coma. Alex and Annie try to coax her son out of the void, and Professor Xavier enters the young boy's mind. He almost succeeds, until Carter is pulled out of Xavier's reach. As Iceman, Northstar and Juggernaut prepare to leave in the X-Jet, Iceman threatens to kill Northstar if anything has happened to Archangel, before a desperate cry for help is heard from Husk, before she is cut off.

At White Plains, Warren and Paige continue to battle the ferocious werewolves, and Warren finds out that Maximus was responsible for his father’s death. The injured Paige falls unconscious, and Warren tells himself that he must save her at all costs. He manages to get the werewolves off of her and they manage to escape. Though not for long as the werewolves herd them back to Lobo-Tech Industries. Warren discovers that he has a healing factor in his blood and uses it to heal Paige. The X-Men and Juggernaut soon arrive, and a battle ensues. As Maximus Lobo releases flammable liquid into the building he then sets it alight. Juggernaut shields everyone while they all escape. Safe in the streets below, the X-Men witness the building blow up and Juggernaut walk out. Archangel’s healing factor heals his wounds, and they return home.

At the Xavier Institute, Havok, Polaris and Annie try to help Professor X, who is still linked, to Annie’s son, Carter. When the two are finally separated, Xavier tells Annie that they need to have a serious talk about her son, and his father.
Later, Archangel says goodbye to Psylocke, before moving on with his life, and visiting Paige.

Nightcrawler in the meantime reveals his problems to Father Whitney, including that he finds it difficult to believe in God these days, before he is told rather bluntly to leave.


Hate White People
Dec 26, 2012
X-Treme X-Men: Mekanix #1-6
The anti-mutant group Purity claims that one of the students in Prof. Benes’ Advanced Physics class – a class that includes Kitty Pryde - is a mutant. Kitty is seething, but can’t do anything about it. She has to attend her first session of mandatory counseling with Dr. Maureen Lyzinski, since she’s been put on probation after beating up several fellow students. Kitty refuses to talk to the woman until the very end of the session. When looking at snapshots that show a younger Maureen as a soldier, Kitty mentions that her father enlisted in Vietnam as a young man.
As the girl leaves, Maureen worries about Kitty, who, once outside, breaks down crying. Later while working at the bar she runs into another former student of Xavier’s - Shan aka Karma , who’s also studying in Chicago and who invites Kitty over for dinner with her family. Later at night, they discuss their former and current lives. Kitty tells Shan that her father was killed on Genosha and that there are people who will never stop trying to get rid of mutants. Some of those people – three Purity members – Tom, Jeff and Alice are meeting in a dorm. Tom has hacked into the physics lab’s network and the command protocols of Prof. Benes’ experiment. When he leaves the room, the other two start manipulating it. Kitty’s class, in the meantime is getting ready for the big experiment. They also discuss the Purity’s site attack on them, with Kitty trying to keep out of the argument, until Benes asks them to start concentrating. Suddenly the experiment goes wild, the other students run and Kitty jumps for Benes as around them everything explodes. In another part of Chicago, Shola Inkosi, a Genoshan exchange student with no place to go, has nightmares about the destruction of Genosha. Determined not to fall asleep again, he goes looking for a coffee shop. When he is accosted by a gang he uses his psychic powers to dismantle their guns - and several cars as well – and then calmly orders his coffee. On Lake Huron a mysterious freighter resists any attempts to be boarded, and the Coast Guard members who try to do so, die in the process.

The experiment of Kitty and her class is about to turn into a runaway disaster. Professor Benes orders the students to flee through the getaway tunnel. He’ll shut down the system manually. Kitty knocks him out and asks the others to take him with them. She has a better chance of surviving. Kitty manages to shut down the system and follows the others. In the tunnels, she is found by volunteer helpers Tom More and Shan. They encounter the others and Shan possesses them to lead them to the exit. Just as the tunnel is about to collapse around them, they are saved by the telekinetic Genoshan mutant Shola Inkosi. Tom reacts with disgust towards Shola and Kitty angrily reveals that she is a mutant as well.
The next day, she reluctantly discusses both her father’s and her own tendency to keep secrets with her psychiatrist. Later, she is questioned by the police, who seem to be quite suspicious of her. When they ask her whether she is a mutant, she sarcastically says yes. Later, she learns that all her classmates gave the same answer.

Returning to her apartment, Kitty finds that it is being searched by the FBI and that, despite her protests, she isn’t permitted to enter. She leaves, easily shakes off her FBI “tail” in the subway and pays a visit to her lawyer. Afterwards, she attends another of her mandatory counselling sessions, where her psychiatrist tries to understand why Kitty feels so responsible for everything bad that has happened in her life. Later, working at the bar, Kitty is met by Shan and her siblings – their apartment was also searched by the FBI. As a result, Shan was thrown out. Kitty’s boss, Dylan, helps by offering the two girls a new apartment. While Dylan plays babysitter, Kitty and Shan want to make sure that Shola, the Genoshan mutant who saved their lives, is all right. Unfortunately, they find his apartment ransacked and several mutant-haters throw Molotov cocktails at the building, not caring that Shola has upstairs neighbours, whom kitty and Shan have to save from the fire. The two girls confront the armed fanatics but, unfortunately, due to a can of pepper spray, they cannot use their powers on them. Help comes from Tom More, who’s learned that his girlfriend, Alice, used the computer virus he created to cause the accident at Bessemer Station and had made sure that Shola was outed as a mutant. They are joined by the angry Shoal, who is about to kill the mutant-haters, until Kitty convinces him that there has to be a better way. The fanatics are arrested and Kitty asks Tom to help them move. In the meantime, the freighter, Amazon Belle, closes in on Chicago. Its mysterious passengers scan several mutant targets and intend to follow their prime directive – find them and destroy them.

Tom More helps Kitty and her friends clean up her apartment after she got it back from the FBI. The doorway has also been defaced with anti-mutant messages. Kitty, who has installed cameras throughout the building, reveals to her landlord, Dylan, that it was a neighbor's kid, from a "decent family." Shola, in the meantime, promises Tom that he'll give him a demonstration of his powers the next day. The next day, Kitty has another psychiatrist's session and asks Maureen about her war experiences. Maureen opens up about her past but Kitty refuses to do the same thing when it is her turn. Tom, in the meantime, pays a visit to his girlfriend and fellow Purity member, Alice, and realizes how torn he is about his loyalties. Shola expects him in his car, has him drive to an abandoned quarry and there gives him a spectacular demonstration of his telekinetic powers, which may or may not include a possible threat. In the evening, Shan's siblings insist that there's a monster at the window. Shan and Kitty find one of the new breed of Sentinels and together manage to beat it before it can notify the other Sentinels, who are responsible for several disappearances of people during the last few days. Unfortunately, the other Sentinels deduce what happened and decide to embark on a "search & destroy mission."

Kitty and Shan find that their fight against the Sentinel scout is not over, as the creature keeps on adapting to whatever they throw at it. Even collapsing a warehouse on it doesn’t stop it. Help arrives in the form of the telekinetic Shola who manages to destroy the creature for good. The next day, at her shrink session, Kitty angrily reveals to Maureen that she is a mutant. Later, her classmates ask her to speak at a student meeting that decides whether Purity will be banned from campus and Kitty reluctantly accepts. While Kitty argues her case with Alice Tremaine, Shan and Shola realize with horror that the other Sentinels are coming for them all.

Shola fights against the Sentinels, who are attacking the student union, while Shan, whose powers are useless, runs away. Soon, she is joined by Kitty and together they take care of one Sentinel, until Shola joins them to take care of the other. While Shan possesses all students to evacuate them, Kitty calls Tom to come and get them. They drive away, luring the Sentinels after them. Eventually, they make it to Bessemer station, where, using teamwork, they lure the robots into a trap and destroy all of them – or so they think. In the meantime, Alice Tremaine has found a damaged Sentinel at the student union and has made it her project to repair it, so it can kill more mutants. Later, Kitty has a talk with her shrink and, for the first time, is willing to work with her. Later still, at the bar Lieutenant Ramos tells Kitty that she has the Police’s respect for what she did and she goes to join her friends in the bar.


Hate White People
Dec 26, 2012
Wolverine v2 #187-189

Logan meets up with an old drunk at a bar. Strangely, Logan requests a ride with him and the new acquaintances hop into the drunk’s truck and speed off to the west. On the ride to the drunk’s destination, Logan brings up a question about the two dead bodies in the back of the drunk’s truck. The old man tells him that they were a couple of men that had done him wrong. Telling more stories, the old man does not see an oncoming semi and barely misses getting the two of them killed, as he swerves off the road. Logan demands the keys from him and the two continue on with their journey. On the way, Logan tells the old timer that he noticed that one of the men was shot in the back. The man confesses that they were just a couple of hitchhikers he had killed a couple of days ago. After a brief conversation, the two of them end up at their destination and Logan gets out to allow the man the ability to do what he came there for. The two men stand near a bridge that has been condemned and serves now as a dead end over looking a large drop. The old man is there to kill himself but does not have the guts to do it, so Logan drives him over the cliff to help him.

A detective by the name of Lester Brown is investigating the tragic death of a drug dealer named Elijah Snow, or as some call him, “No-Show.” Lester finishes a bottle of alcohol, as he nears the apartment of Juwan and Tawanda Barnes. Lester meets Juwan and, after an accident on one of the steps of the building, he meets Tawanda too. Tawanda defends her child and she denies Lester any hints about why Detective McLawry shot and killed Snow. Lester gets frustrated and leaves. In his car, he finds that his case against McLawry is going to be closed, which drives Lester to a nearby liquor store, where he purchases more alcohol. Waking up in front of his headquarters, Lester stumbles in to find that Tawanda is there, filing a report against him for police brutality. Before her report can be finished, she gets disgusted with Lester and leaves. Lester is called into his chief’s office and told that he is no longer on the McLawry case, he is also told to stay away from Tawanda and her kid. McLawry overheard the conversation between Tawanda and Lester. He tells his partner, Murphy, that he has to pick up his dry cleaning so he will see him later. Murphy, confused, tells Lester about McLawry’s laundry pick-up, leaving Lester to worry about Juwan’s safety. His worries are confirmed, as he shows up at the apartments to find Juwan murdered and that room in shambles. Later that night, Lester and McLawry meet at a local bar. Lester accuses McLawry of killing Juwan but finally leaves after causing a scene. Logan, mysteriously walks in after Lester leaves and asks if a drink that McLawry offered Lester was still up for having.

Inside the Chief of Police’s office, Detective Lester Brown is questioned about what has recently happened. During the conversation, he states that he lost his gun and his keys. After he is suspended, Detective McLawry heads out to a bar to celebrate along with his buddy Detective Murphy. In the bathroom, McLawry is confronted by Logan, who tells him that he knows what happened. Outside the bar, McLawry smacks Logan over the head and takes him out in the middle of nowhere. After a conversation ensues where McLawry confesses what he had done, McLawry shoots Logan in the head and buries him in a shallow grave. Once he leaves, Logan escapes and heads to Sullivan’s where Lester is at. Once he goes to the restroom, he leaves a package for Lester that contains his gun and a map. Ecstatic, Lester heads out to prove what he had said about McLawry was right. Content with what he did, Logan drinks the Bourbon he had left for Lester.

This is the end of Wolverine Volume 2. Crazy that I've finally made it through. A lot of this series was not too entertaining in my opinion, but some good moments. I like Logan best when he is operating in Madripoor with people like Viper, Yukio and Silver Samurai as guest stars. The next series will be written by Greg Rucka so I'm definitely pumped for that


Hate White People
Dec 26, 2012
Wolverine v3 #1-6
While dining at the Doggie Diner and reading a book, Logan is watched by Lucy, one of the waitresses. Lucy goes home that night with one of the other customers. Later, the man leaves, insulting Lucy by throwing some money over his shoulder as he walks out. Across the hall, Logan is watching through the door of his apartment. The next night, Lucy is writing by lamplight when she hears something in the hallway outside. She opens the door to see Logan with a knife sticking out of his leg. The next day at the diner Lucy notices that he does not have a scratch on him. Logan leaves one of his books on the table when he leaves and Lucy takes it with her. She works up the nerve to knock on his door and he lets her in. Only a blanket and a pillow on the floor surrounded by beer, books and a desk lamp furnish Logan’s apartment. Lucy gives him his book back and she tells him that she calls him Mean Man. Since he reads so many books, however, Lucy presumes he’s the kind of Mean Man that only does mean things to mean people. Before leaving, she asks Logan if he’ll look out for her and he says yes. Back in her apartment, Lucy cuts out most of the interior of the Poe book and hides her journal inside. She sticks Logan’s books on her bookshelf among her own volumes. Soon after, two young men enter the apartment building with machine guns. They leave moments later, after killing Lucy and gunning down Logan. They think him dead. Later, Logan finds the Poe collection and takes it to the Doggie Diner. There, he begins to read Lucy’s journal.


Wolverine removes a bullet from his body and heads off to the local gun shop to show it to the shopkeeper, Blaine. He tells Blaine that he wants to know about some guys calling themselves ‘The Brothers' who weild Mac 10s. Blaine gives him a name, Tom Leeds, who does shows all over the state. Cassie Lathrop prepares for the show where she assists Tommy.


Wolverine approaches Tommy at their stall. He asks for some AR-15’s and lots of rounds. Tommy says that he can hook him, and might even have something in his private collection if he’s interested. They meet up and he asks how many AR-15’s Tommy can get him, but he tells Logan that he can get him what he really needs, M16’s, no conversion needed. They agree to meet in Melford where Logan can check them out the next day. Logan then casually asks if he has any converted Mac 10’s. Tommy says he got cleaned out of them last December. He enters his motel room alone where Wolverine forces him to reveal who he sold the Mac 10’s to. After a little gentle persuasion, Tommy reveals that it was to a guy in Westfall called Dennis Terril. He leaves the motel, but not before he spots Cassie outside, aiming a gun at him. He tells her not to do it and she doesn’t, but she does call someone on her walkie-talkie and tells them they have a problem.

ATF agents surround the gun shop belonging to Tommy Leeds and arrest him in his apartment upstairs for several firearms violations. Cassie is amongst them and Tommy calls her a traitor as he is lead away to jail. Cassie is adamant that she wants to dig deeper, and find out who the little guy was who wanted to buy weapons from them. Wolverine arrives in Westfall, Oregon and calls at a café. There, he is confronted by a large, bearded man, who takes offence when Logan mentions the name Dennis Terril. He tries to get Logan to leave but he isn’t going anywhere, instead taking the issue outside where he is jumped by the man and his friends after mentioning Lucy Braddock’s name. Discovering that the bearded man is Joe Braddock, Lucy’s father, Logan gives him her journal as Joe breaks down in tears. Cassie, meanwhile, uses unorthodox methods to find out where Logan has gone from Tommy Leeds, and heads out to Westfall on Logan’s trail. Logan talks to Joe at his home and gets the low-down on the Brothers he’s looking for and Dennis Terril who he learns is the crooked sheriff. The Brotherhood of the New World is headed by a man called Cry, who likes young girls. Lucy was kept in a cell overnight by Terril but then mysteriously vanished. As they chat, Logan senses something outside and finds Joe’s shack surrounded by the Brothers along with Terril. When Logan isn’t forthcoming, they attack.

Cassie arrives in Westfall and asks a couple of men where Dennis Terril might be. They point her in the direction of the sheriff’s office down the street. Later, a man arrives in a pick-up with some friends of his and enters the office, using a key. Cassie wanders over and finds him with his hands inside the drawer, looking for something. The man tells her that he’s a good friend of Terril and calls himself Cry; because he makes so many ladies cry for more. He again puts his hand into the drawer as two of his friends approach Cassie from behind. Sensing danger, she reaches for her gun but Cry uses mace to blind her and the three men beat her unconscious. Wolverine and Joe Braddock flee the house as the gunfire begins and make their way to a stream nearby. Wolverine tells Joe to get to his friend’s house and then head for Portland to tell Blaine at the gun shop what has happened. After Sheriff Terril orders some of the Brothers to check out Joe Braddock’s friends, he drives into town with Logan in the back of his car and, when he stops, Logan threatens him, forcing him to reveal Cry’s whereabouts. Terril makes the mistake of bad-mouthing Lucy and Wolverine kills him, before spotting Cassie’s Jeep parked outside his office. He sets off to find Cry’s place. Cassie, meanwhile, finds herself a prisoner in Cry’s fortress in the desert, where captive women pay a high price if they disobey him.

Taking a mirror from one of the other prisoners, Cassie breaks it, which provides her with a shard of glass to use as a weapon. Wolverine manages to enter the compound and blends into the shadows. He finds a man who is taking a cart of food and drink to the prisoners and forces him to lead him to the generator. Before he gets there, though, he smells Lucy in another room and inside he finds bloody clothing belonging to her and many other items of female clothing. The man flees and three other Brothers appear. Wolverine is furious and attacks in a berserker rage. The man with the cart, believing Wolverine to be of no further trouble returns to his duties and enters the room where the prisoners are being held. Cassie quickly grabs him and stabs him in the back. After disposing of his three foes, Wolverine heads outside and Cry orders him killed. He slips back into the shadows and soon finds the two men who killed Lucy. He does the same to them and heads off to find Cry. It doesn’t take him long and he kills Cry, as Cassie arrives, aiming her machine gun at him. He tells her not to pull the trigger; he isn’t her enemy and never was. He departs as Cassie waits for help from her fellow ATF agents.

Wolverine is drowning his sorrows in a New York bar, having driven three days from Oregon to meet with Nightcrawler. Kurt tries to get to the bottom of why Wolverine is feeling particularly morose. He enquires about the dead girl, Lucy Braddock, and the two discuss death, murder and the fact that Wolverine killed twenty-seven men three days ago. Wolverine needs reassurance, maybe even absolution, for what he feels are his crimes and Kurt provides the reassurance, but not the absolution, arguing that he doesn’t need it. He asks if a wolf is evil because it culls sickness from a herd? Wolverine is an honorable man, not an animal. Meanwhile, Cassie struggles to obtain a clear picture of Wolverine from a police sketch artist, who tells her that it’s difficult to draw someone when emotion is clouding Cassie’s judgement. Later that evening, Cassie dreams about him killing her in bed. He is in her, head deep, and she can’t figure out why.


Hate White People
Dec 26, 2012
X-Treme X-Men #19-24

The team is having a party in celebration of their recent victory over Khan's forces. Jean sits down at the table and asks the X-Treme team if they are willing to move back to the Institute to become teachers. The team does not answer her question, but only ponders if they should or not. Kitty's recent troubles over her father's death surface, causing her to leave the table. Beast helps Gambit in the Garden as he tests Gambit's recent injuries and finds that Gambit has greatly improved. Rogue approaches Gambit and tries to comfort him over his recent revelation that he has also lost his power along with hers. The two decide on not leaving one another, as they want to take their relationship day by day and see how it all turns out. The next morning Kitty says her good-byes and leaves to head back to college. Gambit and Rogue inform their friends that they are planning on leaving for a while to explore their relationship further. Neal and Heather also decide to leave together to hunt down Heather's brother and to make sure he is all right. Jean decides that it is their time to leave and Logan offers to stay behind to help Storm in her recuperation and they agree.

In Rogue’s New Orleans mansion, Sage and Bishop have a very serious conversation about why Sage doesn’t want to return to the Xavier’s Institute. Interrupting their conversation, Storm collapses to the floor above them. Sage receives a police distress call over her tech-glasses and Bishop and Sage go to investigate it. In Alaska, a Sheriff informs the two X-Men about the horrific killing of seven people, frozen to death on a glacier. The X-Men head to the victims last known residence. Sage finds disturbing evidence of abuse by the victims. Following the mutant trace found on the property, they are lead to a cabin where they find more bodies; these, however, have been buried. Sage discovers that the bodies here are the ones that were tortured and the two X-Men continue to follow the mutant’s signature to its source. Arriving at the Xavier Institute, the two X-Men are attacked by the grounds students. After defeating them, Bishop and Sage pull their suspect to the side to try and ask him why he committed the murders. The boy goes by the name of Jeffrey Garret and does not give the two mutants time to question him, as he teleports them away.

Sage and Bishop appear naked in Times Square and are taken by police to the precinct. Once there, two detectives quiz them about their knowledge of the murders in Alaska. Interrupting their questioning, a riot breaks out, in which Bishop and Sage save the day by stopping a mutant’s involuntary rampage. The detectives release them in hopes that they will solve the Alaskan murder mystery. An hour later, Storm tries to reason with Emma Frost about Jeffrey Garret's admission to the school. Emma takes herself and Jeffrey through Jeffrey's own memories. Jeffrey becomes scared and teleports Emma over a frozen lake, but then saves her. Xavier tries to contact her and asks her about the situation with Jeffrey. Emma does not respond though, causing concern for both the spying Sage and Xavier himself. Behind Emma, two red eyes glow and blood streaks down Emma's face. At Harry’s Hideaway, a drop of blood appears next to Sage's right eye and she knows that Bogan has Emma.

Sage and Bishop prepare themselves to break into the mansion. Underneath the mansion, they notice Emma's astral form heading towards Jeffrey Garret's dorm room. In the room, Emma removes a copy of Jeffries memories and takes it back to Cerebra’s room, where her physical body is. Emma takes those memories and programs the computer to play out those memories in the Danger Room. After Emma leaves the room a shadowy figure sneaks in and reprograms the scenario, taking all the security locks off line. Leading the room, Emma is attacked by Sage and Bishop. Blindsiding Emma, Bishop sends her sailing through the ceiling and into the waiting arms of Storm. Bishop and Sage hunt for Jeffrey’s dorm room. While they're doing that, Emma and Storm battle outside the mansion. After their confrontation, Emma and Storm are shocked to see a blast coming from the mansion. Emma tells Storm the she can hear children screaming. After the two arrive at the mansion, specifically Jeffrey Garret's dorm room, the women only find piles of clothes. After finding Sage's scanner, they come to the realization that Jeffrey has taken the children into the danger room and, if they're not saved, everyone in there will die. Horrifyingly, this scenario has the ability to be just as dangerous as real life, since the security protocols are all turned off. The two women enter the Danger Room to find a large mansion, filled with three employees and five well-dressed business people. They also find the students behind bars, with Bishop and Sage hung up by chains being tortured. One man named Oliver seems to be possessed by a mutant named Elias Bogan and he tells his captives, through his subjects’ bodies, how he will use them to kill all the X-Men; except for one, whom he wants to keep alive for his pleasure: Emma Frost. With that said, Storm knocks Emma out and tries to use her as bait.


Bogan posses Emma’s body and captures Storm, leaving her plan in shambles. Garret, sensing his time to escape, uses his powers to save the possessed Emma and his fellow students. After defeating Bogan’s unknown telepath, they turn their attentions to getting out of the Danger Room, in which they do just in time to hear a summons from Xavier asking them to let him in. After the X-Treme team cleans up, they have a meeting with Xavier. In the meeting, Storm tries to convince Xavier to turn Garret in to the proper authorities but Xavier rejects their suggestion. Leaving the mansion, the X-Treme team tells the others that they are fighting for a world that does not need a haven like the school to feel safe.

Meanwhile, Cannonball has been helping with the rescue effort at the Channel Tunnel in France. He was in a battle with Weapon XII, where he lost a friend and hundreds of people lost their lives. He’s trying to make right what another mutant made wrong. After setting down an injured woman, Xavier contacts Sam and asks him to meet up with the other X-Corp members so they can leave. Sam declines, choosing to stay till all the bodies are accounted for. During his aid work, Sam befriends a group called Sappers after saving one of their own from a cave in. Later that day, they are moving debris when Sam hears a noise from a pile of rubble. After searching through the pile he finds survivors and becomes a hero to the workers in the tunnel. After their search is over, the Sappers reveal that they know about Sam’s secret powers, but they like him just the way he is. Flying off and giving the Sappers a show of his powers, Sam goes to visit the grave where they buried his teammate, Darkstar. While he’s there, Xavier gives him a note that reads the location of his one time girlfriend, Lila Cheney. Sam goes to visit her and the two decide to runaway together for a while. Months later, they reappear on Earth and Sam gets a visit from Storm. She offers him a chance to join the X-Treme team and he accepts.


Hate White People
Dec 26, 2012
Uncanny X-Men #421-422
The original X-Men finally have some time to talk to Havok, who tells them all how much he missed them, and Polaris proposes to him, surprising the X-Men, and upsetting Annie. Juggernaut tells the Professor that he wishes to teach at the institute and join the X-Men, Xavier welcomes him, but tells him that he will have to ask Nightcrawler about joining the team, to which Nightcrawler tells Xavier he is stepping down as team leader and going on vacation with Havok and Polaris, who are taking leave before the wedding. Before he leaves, Havok goes to talk with Annie, launching Annie into a very embarrassing monologue. Ready to leave, Havok comes over to thank Annie, and tells her that he feels like he knows her somehow, before he is interrupted by Polaris telling him to go. Two days later Husk and Annie are chatting, when they are interrupted by the arrival of Alpha Flight, who order them to hand over all the children in their care.

Alpha Flight, the FBI and police officers are attempting to remove all of the mutant students from the institute, as they believe them to be in danger while Xavier is talking to his legal counsel, who at this stage cannot do anything. Sasquatch and Guardian discuss the one student they are particularly interested in removing, a Canadian boy, Samuel Pare. Juggernaut gets mad when he is told Sammy has to leave and a fight between the X-Men and Alpha flight breaks out.


Eventually Sammy settles the battls by telling everyone he will leave if the other students get to stay, so that it means there will be no more fighting. This compromise is agreed upon, and Sammy leaves, much to Juggernaut’s chagrin.

At an archaeology dig site with their old teacher, Havok, Polaris and also Nightcrawler are witness to a startling discovery – a mutant civilization uncovered that predates Ancient Egypt. While there, they are attacked by a religious sect, who are trying to stop the news of ancient mutant bones being discovered to the world, and apparently commit suicide by blowing themselves up. Arch-Angel gets an embarassing goodbye present from Stacy X who has left the mansion and Chamber has to face the fact that Husk seems to be getting close to Archangel.