NYC Rebel
...on the otherside of the pond
If you are educated you can feast in the South
Maybe the grade of negro I grew up around differ than yours.
If you are educated you can feast in the South
My only issue about that is that many of the people I know who've moved down south is that they have more than one job in order to make it.
Who'd want that?
Do they have alot of other responsibilities like kids and a wife, or spending problems?!? That more than one job thing seems to be the standard up north and out west according to some of the people I've spoken to
Granted, I'm still in college, but my mother raised me and my younger sister off the strength of 1 job (Medical billing) in South Carolina and we lived well.
It might be different for alot of others tho
You have to understand....a LOT of the cats who left NYC to run down south left because they didn't have much of anything up here, whether it be education and other things. Many of the dudes I know in the south now are former hustlers turned working/Jamaican men. LOL They're working three different part time jobs and shyt just to get by.
These numbers ... 15K avg household income around 125th St 4/5/6 train stop?
Census Tract 019600 in New York County, New York
If you are educated you can feast in the South
black people complain about the black areas in New York being a dump and now they are upgrading some of the areas and they are still compaining.
are yall ever satisfied?
The Bronx Is Heating Up -
I suspect the next mayor of NYC will be the one to announce they will tear down the projects in the south bronx.