I've spent half my life living other places.
NYC is where its at if you live in America
Yeah, it's the shyt when you want things to do, and have fun, but if you want that real money, I don't know if that is the case anymore. Things have changed.
Don't get me wrong, if you have a strong hustle spirit, know how to save & invest money, have a goal plan, NYC is where you want to be due to the fact that so many people are there, and with people comes money. If you are just a regular guy, looking for a job, and who doesn't deal with money the best way, but want the "white house& picket fence" with money in your account, very little debt, , I don't think you want NYC to be your stomping grounds. Just look at yourself, do you really want money to have the basics needs or to enjoy life the way a lot of Americans live.
I remember I used to say I would never leave NYC, and thought we was living it up. I was partly right. Yeah, we had the clothes stores, the nightclubs, the food spots, the multiculture, but most of us didn't own anything that made us money, regular jobs, and working paycheck to paycheck. Only a few got to experience NYC the way it was meant to be experienced, and that was people who had money to spend continuously. When I went down south, and saw the big houses, the mutli cars in the driveway, and doing a lot of what you want without people being on top of you, it made me think twice of NYC.
The goal is to have the best of both worlds. Get that NYC hustle money, enjoy the environment, and live the southern life. For me it is easy to go back & forth from the south to NYC, because I'm not that far from it, and I have the money to get on Amtrak on the weekends or drive when I feel like it.
Life is a hustle, and sometimes you got to switch up your hustles, when everyone else is doing what you're doing, if you want to get that real money to enjoy life to the fullest.