Fast Money & Foreign Objects
what you doing to make millions? "Hustling?". Gentrification war has been won by the hipsters. No more of them goons on the street corners. No more blue collar workers working hard. No more middle class. I ain't a quitter, cause only quitters accept living in small boxes and think that it is prime living.
Working, investing, saving. Buying, renting, renovating, selling property.
Start a few businesses. Your only limitation is yourself at the end of the day.
You've limited yourself to defeat clearly. You've resigned yourself to failure. Instead of blaming outside forces blame yourself for your personal failures.
You want to go buy land from the very people that used to have your ancestors working in their fields, around the same people that fly the confederate flag, around the same that kill blacks for fun, under the same party that think you're subhuman and shouldn't have the right to vote.
What an enviable postion and condition blacks live under in the South.