Thats a long train ride thoTo be fair Gun Hill Rd from like 210 st on is okay, not saying it's beautiful but you'll be straight. Olinville is okay too, and over by the last stop of the 2 train is alright too.

Especially at nite

Thats a long train ride thoTo be fair Gun Hill Rd from like 210 st on is okay, not saying it's beautiful but you'll be straight. Olinville is okay too, and over by the last stop of the 2 train is alright too.
Abandoning NYC is not an option.
Abandoning NYC is not an option.
Exactly. NYC is getting gentrified to the point that the structure of the city is in question. Theres not gonna be a middle class here in a couple of decades, and all those middle class jobs that keep the city running won't be filled. I mean making $40K in the city, you can barely support yourself, let alone a family.Thank you. Hipsters somehow ran many black folk who claim they grimey outta NYC. The only realistic opportunities black folk have left is to move to a place where they can OWN assets like a home or land to build businesses. Nearly 80% of black folk live south of the Mason Dixon line right now. Might as well leave the gentrified cities to the yuppies. There is nothing left worth saving in these old hoods cause they never loved it enough to own it.
Exactly. NYC is getting gentrified to the point that the structure of the city is in question. Theres not gonna be a middle class here in a couple of decades, and all those middle class jobs that keep the city running won't be filled. I mean making $40K in the city, you can barely support yourself, let alone a family.
Even people who can afford to stay are leaving. The price to culture ratio is dropping rapidly.
cats don't know. They think that rent and cost of living is going to drop somehow![]()
you sound like a quitter
Quitter, no. A realist, yes. Holding on to a place that you don't legally own isstatus at best.
Damn 88m3 u make good points
All of this would be fine, if the hipsters moving in would just say hi and hang out.So you rather see your own black folk suffer and paying hyper-inflated rents over owning properties in metro areas of the south filled with professional black folk?
If you don't own buy something. If you do own something the only reason to leave is if you don't care about making money.
If you stay you could make tens of millions of dollars more than you would normally had made in your life.
Moving to the south is an automatic loss. Your ancestors fled from there and you came crawling back because you were to weak to survive? Disgusting I'd rather put a gun in my mouth.
Uhh, only if you are in a financial or banking industry, and even then, it is still very slim. Very, very slim. Most people in their lives don't even make a million dollars, and unless you an innovator of sorts, what makes you think that you the exception?
LOL @ hating the south like they less than human beings when they somehow own homes and have a laid back lifestyle.
you have the mentality of a looser/quitter no wonder you want to move south.