what is the true culture of NYC?
Andtheres plenty of black wealth in this area
Exactly my point!
what is the true culture of NYC?
Andtheres plenty of black wealth in this area
Me thinks YOU never been to Queens...
I lived in Queens for 3 years
Good. I have friends who have also lived in Queens. And much longer than a mere 3 years and they are well off. I may not live in Queens, but I do visit it from time to time. Lets STOP acting like there are no affluent black neighborhoods in New York City itself or the metro area of New York City( Westchester, Rockland, parts of NJ,etc). Cambria Heights anyone? Which has a large black middle class?
http://www.nytimes.com/2006/10/01/nyregion/01census.html?_r=0Across the country, the income gap between blacks and whites remains wide, and nowhere more so than in Manhattan. But just a river away, a very different story is unfolding.
In Queens, the median income among black households, nearing $52,000 a year, has surpassed that of whites in 2005, an analysis of new census data shows. No other county in the country with a population over 65,000 can make that claim. The gains among blacks in Queens, the city’s quintessential middle-class borough, were driven largely by the growth of two-parent families and the successes of immigrants from the West Indies. Many live in tidy homes in verdant enclaves like Cambria Heights, Rosedale and Laurelton, just west of the Cross Island Parkway and the border with Nassau County.
Huge swaths of the city are still very black and I don't see that changing
You could drive down Merrick Blvd from the Queens border all the way into Jamaica and see only black people. I have to imagine there are quite a few black home owners in Southeast Queens as well as East Brookyn, and probably parts of the Bronx too.
Does Cambrie Heights not have a stable black middle class? Old article from 2006, but still...
Black Incomes Surpass Whites in Queens
Agreed 100%!
People should have BEEN expected places like Manhattan in the city to get gentrified. Manhattan which is a freaking financial/commercial leader and even media leader! So no duh Manhattan will be horrendously expensive to live in.
Though from what I'm seeing is that blacks are not really leaving the city, but just moving to areas of New York that are not business magnets like Manhattan. Those areas like Southeast Queens and East Brooklyn. But its still not over for those blacks imo, because they are still close to the big jobs(Manhattan). Like I said let the clueless transplant yuppies pay for the horrendous price of living in Manhattan.
I'm pretty sure it's still true.2006..2 years before the 2008 crash. So I would be very surprised if that's still true
Exactly, obviously you won't be able to rent an apartment in the Lower East Side for 500 dollars a month anymore, but that doesn't mean it's all over if you're not a wealthy cac.Does Cambrie Heights not have a stable black middle class? Old article from 2006, but still...
Black Incomes Surpass Whites in Queens
Agreed 100%!
People should have BEEN expected places like Manhattan in the city to get gentrified. Manhattan which is a freaking financial/commercial leader and even media leader! So no duh Manhattan will be horrendously expensive to live in.
Though from what I'm seeing is that blacks are not really leaving the city, but just moving to areas of New York that are not business magnets like Manhattan. Those areas like Southeast Queens and East Brooklyn. But its still not over for those blacks imo, because they are still close to the big jobs(Manhattan). Like I said let the clueless transplant yuppies pay for the horrendous price of living in Manhattan.
Does Cambrie Heights not have a stable black middle class? Old article from 2006, but still...
Black Incomes Surpass Whites in Queens
Nobody is suggesting that all black people live in the projects. Many of the black homeowners that live out in brooklyn and queens are leaving in massive numbers. My grandmother is a realtor who works in Brooklyn in Queens and this is all she has spoke about for the past decade. Also, the demographic of young black homeowners in NYC is very small. While many blacks may not live in projects lots of them are living in HUD buildings. My ex was living in a HUD building where the owner had 2 properties in Harlem and a few others out in Brooklyn. He chose not to renew the HUD contract for the usual 5 years and only opted for 1. He wasn't even going to renew the contract at all but some community outreach people came knocking on the doors in her building one day to notify the tenants that he was not planning to renew. Someof the apartments in her building were market rent but many had subsidies. Once the HUD contract was lost, all the apartments in the building would go to market rent in a few months time. He already did it to the 2 buildings in Brooklyn and it was too late for the tenants to do anything.
This is a situation where black people are being strategically priced out overnight and it's very common. Even if it's not a HUD situation then it's a rent stabilization situation where the price of the rent goes up dramatically and the income does not. The black homeowners to black renters ratio is insanely lopsided. You're talking about a last foothold of homeowners in Brooklyn who are still in Flatbush and some parts of Brownsville then you've got some out in Jamaica and Cambria Heights, but that's a very small number in the grand scheme of things.
You don't know what you're talking about.
Renderings revealed for the Bronx’s Universal Hip-Hop Museum
you don't read?
And what grand scheme of things??? Manhattan does not represent all of NYC...
Seems small
The 82,000-square-foot courthouse built in 1906 sports soaring ceilings, granite walls, terrazzo floors and spiral staircases.
A sculpture of Lady Justice - without her usual blindfold - watches over the front doors, flanked by 40-foot-tall windows whose stained glass panes were looted during the 1980s. The exterior of the building has city landmark status.
Like I said I commute to NYC literally ALL the time since I live like 45-50 minutes away from the city. New Jersey transit anyone?
Do you even live here?