Exactly. And like you even state many people also forget that many blacks are too moving to NYC, especially Caribbean migrants. And yeah blacks are moving to the suburbs nationwide, but either way if almost all the blacks in NYC leave the city to live in the metro area like Nyack or parts of Westchester, then I don't see that as a bad thing. Westchestor and Nyack(which is apart of my county) are RIGHT NEXT TO NYC and so they can easily commute to NYC if they have a job there. For all I care let the stupid midwestern yuppie whites pay the very expensive rent and live in a small as apartments, while we(whether we live in NY or NJ state) live in the nice suburbs with houses that are cheaper, while also being near the valuable jobs in the city.
NJ transit anyone?
Hell, even this educator that is helping with my college education said that some of the people who work in the Film and Media industry in NYC do their work in the city, but have families in and live in counties outside of NYC like my own county Rockland.
And yes white working class areas are indeed the first to go(look at Little Italy), but it doesn't seem as "obvious" because its whites pushing out whites.