I never want to see a white person in my life again. What am I going to do? Moving isn't an option.
what do you mean?
I never want to see a white person in my life again. What am I going to do? Moving isn't an option.
This is what they're doing with the area. Its gonna be mixed income rentals with another mini shopping plaza. I saw a deli, and a barber shop already. They're bringing an Asian sit down and an organic burger shop
You already have the Nehemiah homes
Never say never brehs. If they do some drastic increases to transportation, its a wrap for this area.
maybe jay can do something about brooklyn
maybe jay can do something about brooklyn
I was talking to my shorty's best friend 2 years ago and even though she was shook to even speak about it, she told us something i won't forget. she used to work for bloomberg before quitting last year. she told us she sat in on a meeting where they revealed in a step by step plan over 12 years to move all of the poor minorities to the bronx. the sad thing about all of this is there is not one single candidate for mayor, comptroller or even borough president who is addressing this issue even though it is happening at an alarming rate. the thing that made new york an incredible city is being destroyed. the diversity of the outer boroughs is being compromised. there have always been the haves and the have nots but now it's becoming sneaky and strategic and they think we don't know what the fukk is up. or maybe they do but just don't care. i wonder if we're just going to let this slide or will we start to organize and speak out against this shyt. i hate the new condo buildings in crown heights in bed stuy. they look glossy as fukk and out of place. they mess up the character of the neighborhoods. they steal the soul of the streets that have so much history, good and bad.
Jay is my goat but to be honest he led the way for gentrification with that barclays center. that's why i don't support the brooklyn nets because it's more than just a basketball team. it's literally a trojan horse.
AS far as its concerned in my opinion, Jay being appointed as the face of Barclay's and the Nets was the final nail in the coffin of Brooklyn.
Jayy is my goat butto be honest he led the way for gentrification with that barclays center. that's why i don't support the brooklyn nets because it's more than just a basketball team. it's literally a trojan horse.
personally, to me, all this shyt is just a setup for failure in the long run. none of the people that are moving into nyc are going to stay there. they'll eventually have to move the fukk out. the place will become too rich for them to live in. with that said, where is the money coming from? where are the jobs? where is it all coming from? doesn't new york have a high unemployment rate? i mean this country is getting poorer. it wouldn't surprise me if the city ends up tanking in the next 10 years. the rest of the country happens to be going broke and yet new york city is the only place where money is coming in. doesn't make any sense.
AS far as its concerned in my opinion, Jay being appointed as the face of Barclay's and the Nets was the final nail in the coffin of Brooklyn.
I was going to say it but held off on it, but it just seems all too obvious the New York is no longer in the hands of the people who made it in anymore, but foreign interests and money.
New York City in 2013 is a Disneyfied Prison Playground. fukking yuppies, hipsters and out of place social retards roam free in streets that would of been dangerous to walk through at night 5 years ago.
I remember hearing Bloomberg saying he wanted to make New York into a luxury city. But just from what Ive observed, it seems the idea behind that is to make New York unaffordable for anyone who's not rich and push all the poor minorities out of the city completely. It'll just be a city for rich white people. It's a damn shame because what made New York is it's diversity on so many levels...and that's just being destroyed to cater to the interests of investors, property owners, and the lily white transplants who move here from Bumfukk America who are trying to recreate suburbia in Brooklyn.
personally, to me, all this shyt is just a setup for failure in the long run. none of the people that are moving into nyc are going to stay there. they'll eventually have to move the fukk out. the place will become too rich for them to live in. with that said, where is the money coming from? where are the jobs? where is it all coming from? doesn't new york have a high unemployment rate? i mean this country is getting poorer. it wouldn't surprise me if the city ends up tanking in the next 10 years. the rest of the country happens to be going broke and yet new york city is the only place where money is coming in. doesn't make any sense.
Interesting development last night at a bar in Bushwick.
So last night I was there to meet up with some friends and have some drinks. I'm doing some fancy footwork/uprocking on the dance floor and these two white hipster girls start gravitating towards me. I wasn't really interested cause I wasn't feeling them, and I was drunk and trying to do some ill shyt on the dance floor (I ended up starting a dance circle...house dancing mayne). I guess one of the girl's boyfriends was there, some beta male hipster with the stereotypical black framed glasses, skinny jeans, chuck taylors, and vintage t-shirt and started getting kind of heated. Seeing me, a tall black male with an athletic build with his girls around me, must of set off something inside that dude. I rode to the place on my skateboard (since my apartment was four blocks away for the bar) and I had it against the wall of the dancefloor. While I'm dancing, I see him walking to the bathroom and he just deliberately kicks my board out from under the wall on some slick shyt.
I guess he wanted a confrontation but he realized that since I was taller than him (he was probably 5'5") and could probably beat him up, he backed down.
That's already been happening and you're right. most of the people that move here from whereever aren't making NYC a permanent place of residence. The yuppies/hipsters will all go through the same pattern of cities (Los Angeles, San Francisco, Austin, Portland, Berlin, etc) and drive up the prices of living there. It's a neverending process that's been happening all over the country (and world).
The first wave of Williamsburg gentrifiers got priced out and had to move to Bushwick/Bed-stuy. Then they get priced out of those places and spread out all over to Crown Heights, Prospect Heights, etc. Then the rents get higher and they'll be pushed out into South Brooklyn. I can imagine places like Sheepshead bay, Prospect Park, Bay Ridge, and Bensonhurst becoming the next "hot spots" in a couple of years for people. Let's not act like the NYT hasn't been selling the idea of gentrification though heavily (the term first appeared in an issue of the Times in the 80s).