Cacs shopping in the keyfood on nostrand and winthrop though? Ive seen them slowly trickle from borough hall all down now to president. Youre right tho once they start getting deep in the bush ill be concerened. I doubt it though as the train access is basically non existent south of church.
Yo i got a story tho. Last summer I met up with this chic after work one day and we get on the train to go home. Shes getting off on Beverly im getting off on Winthrop.
About 7-8 hipster cacs get on the train at wall street. We riding the train talking about gentrification and what not and we made a bet to see if we could guess where these cacs is getting off at. I said atlantic, she said borough hall. We were both wrong.
We get to Sterling and the cacs still on the train and both of us are like

where are these cacs going.
I get off they still on the train. Tell me why shorty was like when the train left winthrop the lead woman cac were like "one more stop almost there. This is where the jerk chicken is. Then when we're done, we come back we can go to our last stop at Flatbush ave" Shorty said she almost fell out on the floor. Cacs going on tour in the hood