My NYC Black Folk......Gentrification

Francis White

i been away to long, my feeling died.
May 11, 2012
New York, New York
I was talking to my shorty's best friend 2 years ago and even though she was shook to even speak about it, she told us something i won't forget. she used to work for bloomberg before quitting last year. she told us she sat in on a meeting where they revealed in a step by step plan over 12 years to move all of the poor minorities to the bronx. the sad thing about all of this is there is not one single candidate for mayor, comptroller or even borough president who is addressing this issue even though it is happening at an alarming rate. the thing that made new york an incredible city is being destroyed. the diversity of the outer boroughs is being compromised. there have always been the haves and the have nots but now it's becoming sneaky and strategic and they think we don't know what the fukk is up. or maybe they do but just don't care. i wonder if we're just going to let this slide or will we start to organize and speak out against this shyt. i hate the new condo buildings in crown heights in bed stuy. they look glossy as fukk and out of place. they mess up the character of the neighborhoods. they steal the soul of the streets that have so much history, good and bad.
Organize what exactly? Speak out against what? What should be done is simple , inform everyone how renting works and what your rights are as a renter. Second would be to inform the people in these areas that be committing crimes and vandalizing property helps devalue your area so its easier for the next man with more money to buy your landlord because he was feed up with late rent payments and having to repair something that was vandalized in the building . Same with the corner store that can't compete with a chain store on pricing. What needs to be spoken out on is people who ruin the areas and make it easy for developers to move in. Education and responsibility will save those areas not crying and yelling on camera after its too late and you don't know your rights. When the Cooper union co-op was bought , those people got on the ball and hired lawyers , real lawyers not unpaid guys who really don't give a fukk about you and won. They waged their war with the new owners in the media and in the courts and won. They didn't let themselves get priced out. There is no easy way out of these problems. Blaming hipsters and people who move here is a cop out. You can't be mad at people who are prepared to win. They have a plan and money ready . They see a paradise where there was a hellhole. Change will always happen, no matter what unless you own the property you staying at. People in 2013 have to let go off of 1993 and adapt or die. This passion for the glory days is over.


Sep 10, 2012
Cacs shopping in the keyfood on nostrand and winthrop though? Ive seen them slowly trickle from borough hall all down now to president. Youre right tho once they start getting deep in the bush ill be concerened. I doubt it though as the train access is basically non existent south of church.

Yo i got a story tho. Last summer I met up with this chic after work one day and we get on the train to go home. Shes getting off on Beverly im getting off on Winthrop.

About 7-8 hipster cacs get on the train at wall street. We riding the train talking about gentrification and what not and we made a bet to see if we could guess where these cacs is getting off at. I said atlantic, she said borough hall. We were both wrong.
We get to Sterling and the cacs still on the train and both of us are like :wtf: :merchant: :skip: where are these cacs going.

I get off they still on the train. Tell me why shorty was like when the train left winthrop the lead woman cac were like "one more stop almost there. This is where the jerk chicken is. Then when we're done, we come back we can go to our last stop at Flatbush ave" Shorty said she almost fell out on the floor. Cacs going on tour in the hood :dead:

Awfully Offensive ‘Ghetto’ Tour Stops Shuttling Tourists to Bronx to Check Out Neighborhood ‘From a Safe Distance’

'Ghetto' tours of Bronx ended after outrage


King Crimson

Member of a very exclusive gang
May 7, 2012
Cacs shopping in the keyfood on nostrand and winthrop though? Ive seen them slowly trickle from borough hall all down now to president. Youre right tho once they start getting deep in the bush ill be concerened. I doubt it though as the train access is basically non existent south of church.

Yo i got a story tho. Last summer I met up with this chic after work one day and we get on the train to go home. Shes getting off on Beverly im getting off on Winthrop.

About 7-8 hipster cacs get on the train at wall street. We riding the train talking about gentrification and what not and we made a bet to see if we could guess where these cacs is getting off at. I said atlantic, she said borough hall. We were both wrong.
We get to Sterling and the cacs still on the train and both of us are like :wtf: :merchant: :skip: where are these cacs going.

I get off they still on the train. Tell me why shorty was like when the train left winthrop the lead woman cac were like "one more stop almost there. This is where the jerk chicken is. Then when we're done, we come back we can go to our last stop at Flatbush ave" Shorty said she almost fell out on the floor. Cacs going on tour in the hood :dead:
I don't know whether to laugh or cry. :ld:
if i see cacs at Juve tomorrow night i've gotta leave BK. it's over.
I already seen em. :deadrose:

Real talk though, this thread is bumming me out. I'm not usually a sentimental person, but seeing my neighborhood being overrun and taken from it's people is almost too much. shyt hurts too when I see the young misguided brehs hanging in the streets with a care or clue in the world about what's coming.
One homie in this thread made some sound proposals on how to fight back, but I can't help but think we already lost. :to:


Top 75 All-Time
May 23, 2012
Man so many white people are living on my block/moving in.:snoop:

I swear to god, its like every week I see a new set of white people moving in. :snoop:


Top 75 All-Time
May 23, 2012
we must live on the same street :snoop:

Breh IDK wtf is going.. It's like white people don't give a fukk anymore. I live in a house, but there's projects all around this area.. And white people are still moving in like its nothing. Hell, the only where you know cacs aren't moving into is project buildings.

I'm on my way to work and I see these three 20-something white dudes unloading there stuff into a house down the block. I'm like :snoop:


Fast Money & Foreign Objects
May 21, 2012
Breh IDK wtf is going.. It's like white people don't give a fukk anymore. I live in a house, but there's projects all around this area.. And white people are still moving in like its nothing. Hell, the only where you know cacs aren't moving into is project buildings.

I'm on my way to work and I see these three 20-something white dudes unloading there stuff into a house down the block. I'm like :snoop:

Yeah, I really wonder when enough is enough. I really don't want to live around these people. I'm in ch and they're popping up all over the place.
They're already driving the rent up. A lot of people move in the summer time, idk. I need to go to bed before I get angry but I'll add on tomorrow.

Francis White

i been away to long, my feeling died.
May 11, 2012
New York, New York
Man so many white people are living on my block/moving in.:snoop:

I swear to god, its like every week I see a new set of white people moving in. :snoop:
So it's only white people too blame I guess? What about the Spanish people who got their act together. Same with the West Indian and Indian people from India and the Koreans and Chinese . Shouldn't everyone be outraged at them for establishing areas for themselves. Why not target them for the same hate and envy most have for whites. All I see on this site is guys crying about how whites took over but nothing about the Asian and Spanish areas. Caribbean people have their shyt together, they buy and invest into their communities same with Asian and Indian areas. They don't get on websites are cry about hipsters moving in . They instill a work effort into the other kids to have pride in your area and to own it . Not talk about the good old when drugs and poverty made it unlivable like that's something to be proud of. I'm sorry but until people look into the mirror and stop blaming everyone but themselves we going to lose more by not being prepared. Some guys say invest in black business I agree 100% but not joes ribs or lil robs silk shop. I mean we need to but money into pharmacies and car dealerships and real estate offices . Restaurants we own but cater to every race to bring in more for more jobs. A trade school would help also and more IT schools , a nursing school anything that could improve the current youths chances of getting jobs that will allow them to adapt and make more money to afford increases in rent, lastly there should a travel agencies where you can help stuck in the past never getting anywhere in life people move so they don't ruin another generation with their non work ethic complaining asses. We should set a quarantined area for theses relics to pout and talk about how gully the places that they use to live changed for the better and they mad about. We should use these people for body parts to see since they are useless being alive .

King Crimson

Member of a very exclusive gang
May 7, 2012
@Francis White
I agree with you to a large extent. I think you're oversimplifying the matter just a bit though. Also, I won't presume to answer for anyone, but I think there are very few people in here reminiscing over the bad old days and wishing they'd return. I think it's more an acknowledgment of his the area has changed and how we've seen it firsthand. To see the are change so suddenly is a bit of a shock to people. I think that'd be the case regardless of race. I mean, the term "white flight" exists for a reason.

On another note, this thread has me wondering how many of y'all I've actually walked past and interacted with. :ld:

Da King

May 1, 2012
Before the cacs moved to Brooklyn in droves no one would go near that borough

It took cacs to revitalize that place and even make it a hot spot to go to, people in manhattan actually going to Brooklyn to party sometimes now :wow:

Black folk fukked up now they getting the boot, it is what it is at this point but I can't just blame cacs, we have to blame ourselves for this shyt