dont live in NY but this is what happens when you blacks don't practice group economics, other people of other races who will push you out.
dont live in NY but this is what happens when you blacks don't practice group economics, other people of other races who will push you out.
That's what irks me. They moved here and they're looking at you like you don't belong.
While interest in Ridgewood is growing, Bushwick remains the hub of activity.
A proposal by the Read Property Group to develop several rental buildings on a mostly vacant site that used to house the Rheingold Brewery was approved with conditions by the community board; it is making its way through the public approval process, including review by the borough president, the City Planning Commission and the City Council.
The project would add 977 apartments, retail space and a park to the area near Woodhull Medical Center and the Flushing Avenue J train. About 24 percent of the one-, two- and three-bedroom units are to be below market rate, according to Mitch Korbey, a partner in the law firm Herrick, Feinstein, which is working with the developer.
ask them where you can catch the irt atI got one better...
I'm going to go there asking for directions to shyt long time residents would know...
Very true. I'm black and born and raised in Canada but I did my homework. Most people don't even know I came from Canada.I find that funny cause every born & raised Ny'er I know looks at them the same way. Deep down inside...they know. That's why (in North Brooklyn) they stay in their little enclaves of coffee shops, gentrification cafes, kidult bars, and other tripe. Cause they know they'll never be accepted as true blooded New Yorkers.
I can't stand these hipsters and their view of NY like it's some extension of their pissant liberal arts college.
Straight up moving to the city and then crying when they actually get the grittiness of the city. Just because they saw Friends, How I met Your mother, or some shytty movie they decided to move here.
But...since they couldn't afford to live in Manhattan, invade neighborhoods in the outer boroughs inhabited by generations of New Yorkers of ALL backgrounds.
They just have this colonist/colonial view of New York. They don't care to assimilate and make friends with their neighbors. They don't want to mingle with the people that made the borough. They don't change to reflect the neighborhood...they want the neighborhood to change to reflect them.
I find that funny cause every born & raised Ny'er I know looks at them the same way. Deep down inside...they know. That's why (in North Brooklyn) they stay in their little enclaves of coffee shops, gentrification cafes, kidult bars, and other tripe. Cause they know they'll never be accepted as true blooded New Yorkers.
I can't stand these hipsters and their view of NY like it's some extension of their pissant liberal arts college.
Straight up moving to the city and then crying when they actually get the grittiness of the city. Just because they saw Friends, How I met Your mother, or some shytty movie they decided to move here.
But...since they couldn't afford to live in Manhattan, invade neighborhoods in the outer boroughs inhabited by generations of New Yorkers of ALL backgrounds.
They just have this colonist/colonial view of New York. They don't care to assimilate and make friends with their neighbors. They don't want to mingle with the people that made the borough. They don't change to reflect the neighborhood...they want the neighborhood to change to reflect them.
Theyre in East Flatbush now
Today I was in the keyfood on Nostrand and Winthrop looking for coconut milk and there was a cac in there in right next to me, same aisle with his whole family
I swore they wasnt coming to East Flatbush but it looks like i was wrong. Ive been seeing more and more getting off on winthrop. It used to be because they'd be working at the hospital or students there but no. Whole cac families and hipsters walking on nostrand and church
ask them where you can catch the irt at
Interesting development last night at a bar in Bushwick.
So last night I was there to meet up with some friends and have some drinks. I'm doing some fancy footwork/uprocking on the dance floor and these two white hipster girls start gravitating towards me. I wasn't really interested cause I wasn't feeling them, and I was drunk and trying to do some ill shyt on the dance floor (I ended up starting a dance dancing mayne). I guess one of the girl's boyfriends was there, some beta male hipster with the stereotypical black framed glasses, skinny jeans, chuck taylors, and vintage t-shirt and started getting kind of heated. Seeing me, a tall black male with an athletic build with his girls around me, must of set off something inside that dude. I rode to the place on my skateboard (since my apartment was four blocks away for the bar) and I had it against the wall of the dancefloor. While I'm dancing, I see him walking to the bathroom and he just deliberately kicks my board out from under the wall on some slick shyt.
I guess he wanted a confrontation but he realized that since I was taller than him (he was probably 5'5") and could probably beat him up, he backed down.