You a hater DOG. if this is not a SPIN thread. You definitely have been wanting to fck shorty. Which is why you went and told on YOUR homeboyI've talked about this situation before. I had a one night stand with my homeboy's wife like 2 years ago after she found out about him being a cheater. I'm the one who told her at the time, but I didn't feel bad about it at the time and I still don't. She wanted to confess to him after we slept together, but she ended up deciding not to. I thought that was the end of it, but we've still been talking and texting every now and then. She said he was changing, but I knew that was bullshyt. The dude is still always cheating on her, but I didn't want to cause drama by telling her again. Well, turns out I didn't have to. She caught him cheating by herself. She called me crying to tell me she was tired of him and basically confessed feelings for me. I won't lie, I've caught feelings too, but I don't know if I wanna go through the drama of breaking up a marriage and the fallout that might come from it. What do you guys think? Go for it or tell her to forget about it?

I hope she confesses to her husband, your homeboy so that he can put hands and feet into your world.