My experience w/o Plentyoffish: day 1


Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Top 4
This is what I did a couple mins ago with my troll profile (It's a dude I know, I took his FB pics lol)


Meanwhile my real profile is getting nothing :snoop:

shyt is sad brehs :to:

So be cocky breh.

Put yourself in another city and go Ham.

I remember at one point I used my real city I think I wen t like 7 days with no notes, I put myself in Portland same pics same profile description I got 20msgs in one day.

Location location location.

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May 3, 2013
Women are getting like 100 msgs a day, unless your some tyson beckford nygga your gonna have to do the work.

Especially there are so many males if your profile isn't new your bottom of the barrel status, and only chicks who actually search will come across you.

Key is to rinse and repeat create and delete your profile every week so your always at the top, search for new users and hit them up, pof is filled with women who have been on there for months and years the 3 date a week chicks, the attn whores snapping their inbox totals and posting it.

Most of these chucks just want fb friends, instagram followers, text buddies or for you to take them out between lavar on Friday and stefnarian on Sunday.

When I messed with pof my best success was putting my height to 6 feet, changing my bachelor's to a master. Including art, photography, volunteering, cooking in my profile as interests

And then deleting and creating so I'm always at the top and I was eating that way.

It sucks for males because it kills your self esteem somewhat, how I get 30 views but zero messages. How I sent 50 msgs but no replies. But it's not you, these sites are fixed in that way, just have to learn o circumvent the system

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Yea your right, a lil more in-dept than i wanted to get about that site but i'd rather just not use it. I have deleted my profile a few times but its to much of a hassle to keep doing that shyt over and over to get noticed. Another thing important on that site is having a good description. Im a good looking dude but i always leave my description blank and im also not 6 ft which is another good point u pointed out, women will date a dude thats ugly and broke just cuz hes 6 ft. Theres a lot of competition and dumb hoes on there so why not just avoid it and go somewhere else where you are gettin at least 2-3 replies per day without having do do extra shyt. Just on tagged today 3 women messaged me and i didn't have to do any work besides asking for the number.



Apr 23, 2013
Trust me its not you bruh, POF has become the ATTENTION WHORE website. I used to get at least 3 messages a week without having to do any work. Now Just like you if i send out 10 messages i might get 1 or 2 replys. The women on that site aren't serious about nothin they more than likely already got boyfriends and are just looking for somebody to message them and bother them to fill there own ego. I have smashed A LOT of girls from pof, prolly 10-15 just last year. I don't think i hit one bytch from POF this year.

My suggestion is use Tagged, Mocospace, and Skout, those are providing all the pu**y i could want these days. :myman:

Women are getting like 100 msgs a day, unless your some tyson beckford nygga your gonna have to do the work.

Especially there are so many males if your profile isn't new your bottom of the barrel status, and only chicks who actually search will come across you.

Key is to rinse and repeat create and delete your profile every week so your always at the top, search for new users and hit them up, pof is filled with women who have been on there for months and years the 3 date a week chicks, the attn whores snapping their inbox totals and posting it.

Most of these chucks just want fb friends, instagram followers, text buddies or for you to take them out between lavar on Friday and stefnarian on Sunday.

When I messed with pof my best success was putting my height to 6 feet, changing my bachelor's to a master. Including art, photography, volunteering, cooking in my profile as interests

And then deleting and creating so I'm always at the top and I was eating that way.

It sucks for males because it kills your self esteem somewhat, how I get 30 views but zero messages. How I sent 50 msgs but no replies. But it's not you, these sites are fixed in that way, just have to learn o circumvent the system

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Thanks for telling it how it really is. That John Goodman troll is wack like them fake PUA's. I'll post my PoF guide I wrote last year for dudes.... but honestly PoF is a waste of time these days. Like, and the golden years have already passed, you just got to wait for the next best thing to appear. For now I'm really diggin the app Badoo.


Apr 23, 2013
Ok I've did the dating website thing mildy the past year but I finally found the one, a hot ass ginger head. :smile: It took alot of trial and error.... and even creating a fake female profile to square up my competition, here's a list of personal tips I've compiled. I used to be the guy complaining that he doesn't get any love and now I steadily have new females hitting me up.


1. Have fun and don't take it seriously, truth be told a lot of females use it simply as a entertainment medium and ego booster. You do the same. Majority of the females on free dating websites aren't about shyt, look like shyt, and have sorried lifes and pasts... If your truly looking for love with a quality woman use much more reputabale dating websites like

2. Women are just as visual as men, you ain't got to be adonis but atleast attemp to appear to be well kempt in your photos. No more shirtless bathroom pics. Keep the photos to the minimal and highlight your best features. Photos of you out and about piques womens interest the most and shows you aren't boring. Get hip to instagram.

3. Women get hit on upwards to 100 different guys a day BUT best believe she has seen and read every single message. DO NOT BE A SUCKER, if you sent her a message and she hasn't responded, she's not interested. MOVE ON instead of looking like a bytch hitting her up multiple times.

4. Diversify youself, create a profile on multiple dating websites to increase your chances of meeting women. Funny enough the females you find on one dating website you'll find across many. Beware of serial daters whose only interest is using you for all your means.

5. Everyone lies and exaggerates to the fullest about who they are online so do read women's profiles but take what they say with a grain of salt.

6. Everyday hop on the Meet Me game and just hit yes to each and every female for a full minute or two. Don't even pay attention to the pics. If she likes you, she'll hit you up and you can take it from there.

Sticking out from your competition.

Again you are against an insane amount of competition so you got to stick out. Messages like "Hey, wasup, how are you" are boring and unless you are model status, chicks ain't going to entertain your ass.

Here's an line opener that works for me.

"GOOD LAWD! How many necks have you broken with that (insert her smile, t*ts, ass etc)?" :P

"GOOD LAWD! How many traffic accidents have you cause with that....?" :P

"GOOD LAWD! How many guys have you sent to the hospital for for falling over that.....?" :P

By the way yes it's true, bytches love smily faces.

If she plays along, I follow up with a "My name is 4north1side2, whom do I have the pleasure of drooling over today?"


This is my template I use on Plenty of Fish, alter it to where it fits you. Women love my profile and it gets complimented all the time.


Remember your trying to instantly grab women's attention so I rotate between 3 depending my mood.

"I'm the shyt at being a classy respectable gentleman"

"Tell me the craziest, creepiest message you've received? LOL"

"I am not what your looking for :smile:"


Look, I'm not one of those thirsty ass dudes trying to sell you that tired ass dream of "looking for the one,love, or all women are crazy". As much as I enjoy it, I'm looking for much more than just sex.. I have been quite deprived of good conversation lately and I'm looking to change that. I want an fun attractive woman that provides great company and has the intelligence to stimulate my mind. PS, I love a goofy woman who doesn't take themself to seriously.

First Date

You feeding me grapes on a platinum plate in the bathtub followed with a back massage of the finest African oils since your ass wanted a "surprise" that was "different" and "creative" the first date.


Apr 23, 2013
Here's the template I used for the fake profile, I stole it from some chick and thought it was awesome. When I'm tired of my profile I'm going to alter some things and use this template.


I'm new to this, go easy on me!


Things that I'm great at:

Cooking.. I'm a fat kid at heart so how could I not be super awesome at it? I do eat mostly healthy though, no red meat, and lots of fish and veggies.
Meeting your friends and/or family.. I am the sh*t at being a respectable lady with manners and parents always love me :smile:
I am pretty good with power tools, I can build or rig up pretty much anything..
Making people laugh.. I'm very witty and sarcastic.
Tickling.. who doesn't like to laugh, cry, and scream all at the same time while slowly losing your supply of oxygen? LOL

Awesome facts about me:

I'm extremely loyal and very protective of my friends and family.
I'm currently working on my fitness, I try to work out 3-4 times a week.
I have my own house so we don't have to hang out in your mom's basement.. lol
I love the outdoors, fishing, camping, traveling, and exploring new places, going to the gun range and bon fires :smile:
I can knit, sew, crochet and I'm wild with a glue gun.. If you piss me off, you may wind up bedazzled, but its worth the risk!
And I own a firearm.. I'd love to find someone to go to the range with.

Hopefully you get that I'm easy going and kinda funny (see above) and maybe you are looking for someone fun, intelligent and sweet to date.. Message me and we can go from there.. :smile:


Let's go panthers
May 1, 2012
Breh, I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but the last one "Balkan_Made" was probably a dude or ugly chick trolling you. One of the pics is a playboy model named Jessica Burciaga.


i swear yall dudes need to start using google image :lolbron:

i google image every female

even on instagram :lolbron:


May 3, 2012
I'm not gonna lie, I started my POF profile on Saturday I got about 20 different chicks messaging me over the past few days. Got the digts of 2 so far. Half are fat or ugly but a few 7s in the mix. This site is ridic


Living the dream
May 16, 2012
Depending on of course how you look and present yourself... use the following opening message and you WILL get responses;

"Bar or lounge? Cooking dinner with your S.O. Or going out for dinner? Fruity pebbles or frosted flakes? Heels or flats? Sun dress or jeans? Back massage or foot rub? Comedy or drama? Cutting or coloring? Thongs or quarter cut boy shorts? Flowers or chocolates? College football or the NFL? Ready... Go! Lol"

Good luck fellas!:salute:


Apr 23, 2013
Breh, I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but the last one "Balkan_Made" was probably a dude or ugly chick trolling you. One of the pics is a playboy model named Jessica Burciaga.

Your wrong. Check your eyes. Better yet post up the pic instead of spreading ducktales.


Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Top 4
I'm not gonna lie, I started my POF profile on Saturday I got about 20 different chicks messaging me over the past few days. Got the digts of 2 so far. Half are fat or ugly but a few 7s in the mix. This site is ridic

That's what pof does you sign up to keep you a member your featured everyone is clicking on your page

Wait a week and you'll see buried st the Bottom

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