My Cousin Is Contemplating Suicide....


Dec 31, 2012
I saw his girlfriend DESTROY him. His parents let her move in when her home life was in shambles, they fed and clothed her for almost 2 years (they were together for almost 5). Then this chick wanna "explore other options" and now calls herself a lesbian. My cousin never saw it coming and was SICK. Dude couldn't eat, sleep, nothing. Had to drop out of college for a semester because he couldn't get it together. Now he has his mom crying cause he overdosed on pain medication pills. Seeing this made me keep my heart under lock and key. I swore that would never happen to me...


Dec 31, 2012
Man it sucks, For the most part, you cannot predict what a woman does. I talk to my friends, and when they were young, they might have been into all that player stuff, but when they got older and wisened up and met a woman who just gave them that emotional support, cooked, and just treated them well, they had enough sense to get out the game and decided not to go anywhere.

On the other hand, you treat a woman well and she's even more likely to do you dirty. I had the same exact thing happen to my friend... his girl's parents kicked her out. He let her move in with him and his parents since this was around high school/early college. She got to eat and stay at a place rent free... but I would be driving around at times and see her walking the street at night with a phone in her hand. I'm guessing she was talking to another guy... come to find out, that was the case. She was actually in ANOTHER relationship with another guy and my boy found out by running into the guy at college. Crazy thing is, later on she turned out to be lesbian as well. I have other stories, but that will suffice for now.

Many females simply will not award great treatment with loyalty. One thing to keep in mind is to NEVER get around to upgrading a female. Instead of appreciating it and being more loyal, she'll go talk to another dude with her newfound status.

Look what happened when Joe Buddens started putting his little woman in front of the camera and getting her all that attention. She goes and peels off. I think there was some show about some girl losing a ton of weight and her boyfriend was there for her all the time. Guess what happened when she started getting more attention after losing weight. That's right. Boyfriend got slid to the side. And also, if you see a man is paying for his girl's school, how many times do you want to bet she's cheating on him?

I compared the situation to stocks. Women typically have two sell-off points... One is when she thinks she's better than you. Another sell-off point is when she thinks she's found an upgrade over you. This is why women often stick with 'abusive men'. They deal with women in a manner that keeps her self-esteem low, so she never is able to think she is better than him. You don't have to be abusive and grating with your words or engage in any kind of abusive behavior, but this is why you NEVER compliment a woman too much. When you allow her to think she is equal or better than you, she's going to be out there looking for a new deal. That's why I also say upgrade yourself before you upgrade a woman. The greatest gift you can give her is to allow her to be in the presence of and to claim a fly dude.

As a man, if a woman buys you some clothes and upgrades your look, you can sit back and appreciate that and that might make you more loyal and appreciative of her. On the other hand, you get to upgrading a woman's look and getting her hair done, you're just making her look better for the next man. Now if you put that money into your own wardrobe, you'll be better off because she'll look at you like my man is fly. This is one of the reasons why you often see men who were players in high school and had fine women end up with a woman you don't really think is all that fly. To really keep a woman, she has to think you're better than her. Women really don't 'marry down.' They 'choose up'.

Sorry for the long post but i just felt like ranting a bit :snoop:
Jul 18, 2013
The Beach
I'm that your cousin is so distraught about that woman. Heartbreak sucks

That sucks that you only meet women who are into usury. Stop chasing the shallow bytches. A real woman can see potential and has loyalty


Fade Doe
May 3, 2012
Your boy shouldn't be feeling suicide. I can see the not eating, sleeping stuff but you and folk need to really get a talk with him.

my mother in law was contemplating suicide last night, after the gun went off and she missed, so she say , she quickly changed her mind about suicide

Same here. That's not contemplating. She actually carried out that shyt and just failed. What have you guys done for her?