My coding journey..


Aug 23, 2019
I'm about 70% done with JavaScript. Should I go straight to Typescript next?

Is it that different from JavaScript?

Do most companies use frameworks or is it good to know pure JavaScript?
The only real difference between JavaScript and Typescript is Typescript makes it so you think about the variable you're using. With JavaScript you don't really care if that 1 is a number or a string (since all variables are natively strings anyway) with Typescript now you're paying a little added attention to that kind of thing. It's a good practice and way of thinking to pick up. You're still learning JavaScript functions and whatnot but now you just have to think about what you're doing with these variable types.

I've only seen one company (out of 7) use pure JavaScript, and it was using Node.Js for backend development. The code was complete garbage btw. No structure at all. I had to completely rewrite the back end AND the front end and was on the first thing smoking because it was an extreme programming shop and one of my pairs was waaaaay too trash and unseasoned to be drawing as many lines in the sand as she was. She needed to be absorbing these coding practices, not snitching to management about me coming in early to write code so that I'd already have an argument and could clearly demonstrate clean code piff before she could formulate her dumbass thoughts :lolbron:

Ethnic Vagina Finder

The Great Paper Chaser
May 4, 2012
North Jersey but I miss Cali :sadcam:
Typescript is pretty much regular Javascript but with "Types".

It is designed to prevent runtime errors, by sticking to "Data Types" as Javascript is "Type Flexible".

Most companies are using Frameworks especially for frontend.

React, Vue, Angular or Svelte are the top options.

Knowing Pure Javascript is good, but you will also need to learn a framework or two (or more).

React and Vue are used more than other frameworks.
Angular used to be used more by a lot of Devs, I see it being used primarily by larger "Enterprise" companies.

Also you will have to learn HTML as all Frontend frameworks require HTML Dom Objects to function, even if the "Dom Objects" are custom components.

Back to typescript, you can learn it, or not.
In a large production environment, you will probably see a lot of adoption, as it helps eliminate runtime errors.

HTML and CSS are easy, just learn the basics.

Also as someone who has been coding for decades, my suggestion to you is to "Tinker".

I'm self-taught, know a lot of different languages and frameworks.
But "Tinkering" and understanding how to "think like a programmer", will take you a lot farther in my opinion.

:jbhmm: Interesting

HTML and CSS are easy. I didn't spend much time on it. JavaScript took a few weeks just to get comfortable learning it. Now i'm to the point where I can at least look at random code and understand what a function, object, conditional is. I'm going to give myself another month before I jump to React. I want to at least master all aspects of JS before I start trying to learn something else. The only thing i'm learning simultaneously is postgresql. And that's only because I have some database experience working with ms access.

I don't really like the styling aspect of web development. JavaScript though harder to learn than CSS is more interesting.

Ty Daniels

All Star
Dec 13, 2019
:jbhmm: Interesting

HTML and CSS are easy. I didn't spend much time on it. JavaScript took a few weeks just to get comfortable learning it. Now i'm to the point where I can at least look at random code and understand what a function, object, conditional is. I'm going to give myself another month before I jump to React. I want to at least master all aspects of JS before I start trying to learn something else. The only thing i'm learning simultaneously is postgresql. And that's only because I have some database experience working with ms access.

I don't really like the styling aspect of web development. JavaScript though harder to learn than CSS is more interesting.


Once you are ready to learn React, you will notice it isn't really that hard.

It is really just "Components" built/rendered via JS. JSX is simple to learn.

It doesn't even require advanced JS knowledge.

Regarding CSS, yeah it isn't the "funnest" thing to do, and can get tedious, that is why frameworks like Bootstrap & Tailwind exist.
Also when I am styling CSS I do most of it in the browser, and use the Web Dev tools to inspect elements and style live.

The auto complete, plus live feedback makes a world of difference.
Last edited:

Ethnic Vagina Finder

The Great Paper Chaser
May 4, 2012
North Jersey but I miss Cali :sadcam:

Once you are ready to learn React, you will notice it isn't really that hard.

It is really just "Components" built/rendered via JS. JSX is simple to learn.

It doesn't even require advanced JS knowledge.

Regarding CSS, yeah it isn't the "funnest" thing to do, and can get tedious, that is why frameworks like Bootstrap & Tailwind exist.
Also when I am styling CSS I do most of it in the browser, and use the Web Dev tools to inspect elements and style live.

The auto complete, plus live feedback makes a world of difference.

Do you use VS Code or is there a better option?

I think the biggest detractor in trying to learn to code is not trying to memorize everything. It will take too long honestly. At this point I'm simply trying to learn all of the concepts and how they fit together. When I start building my projects, I will probably look up a lot of the code I need just to save time. But I also know the importance of simply being able to write code as well (presumably for the hiring process). Once I get to that point, I will send a link to my completed projects.

Ty Daniels

All Star
Dec 13, 2019
Do you use VS Code or is there a better option?

I think the biggest detractor in trying to learn to code is not trying to memorize everything. It will take too long honestly. At this point I'm simply trying to learn all of the concepts and how they fit together. When I start building my projects, I will probably look up a lot of the code I need just to save time. But I also know the importance of simply being able to write code as well (presumably for the hiring process). Once I get to that point, I will send a link to my completed projects.

Yeah I use VS Code, I used to use TextMate (On Mac).

The editor is going to be a matter of preference, VS Code has a lot of support with plugins, to help extend its functionality.

You're correct, there isn't a need to remember everything, just as long as you know "how things are supposed to work", you will be good.

I rely on places like Stack Overflow, and more recently ChatGPT when I get "stuck".
I've actually been using ChatGPT to quickly code small functions, that I don't feel like coding, to save time.

I'd also suggest getting a Code Snippets app, so you can keep certain code handy, and reuse it when necessary.

Pretty much everything I code, I try and make the code "reusable", so If I run into a scenario where I need a similar solution, I already have working code that can be adapted.

But I can't stress enough of the "Tinkering" part, once you start working on your own projects, a lot of things will just "click".
You'll also run across scenarios, that you didn't anticipate, and will require you to adapt or find new/different solutions to problems.

Over the years/time with hands on experience, either with your own projects, or working on others, your skillset will expand.
That is when it is a good to start adding new languages and frameworks to your arsenal.

Ethnic Vagina Finder

The Great Paper Chaser
May 4, 2012
North Jersey but I miss Cali :sadcam:
Yeah I use VS Code, I used to use TextMate (On Mac).

The editor is going to be a matter of preference, VS Code has a lot of support with plugins, to help extend its functionality.

You're correct, there isn't a need to remember everything, just as long as you know "how things are supposed to work", you will be good.

I rely on places like Stack Overflow, and more recently ChatGPT when I get "stuck".
I've actually been using ChatGPT to quickly code small functions, that I don't feel like coding, to save time.

I'd also suggest getting a Code Snippets app, so you can keep certain code handy, and reuse it when necessary.

Pretty much everything I code, I try and make the code "reusable", so If I run into a scenario where I need a similar solution, I already have working code that can be adapted.

But I can't stress enough of the "Tinkering" part, once you start working on your own projects, a lot of things will just "click".
You'll also run across scenarios, that you didn't anticipate, and will require you to adapt or find new/different solutions to problems.

Over the years/time with hands on experience, either with your own projects, or working on others, your skillset will expand.
That is when it is a good to start adding new languages and frameworks to your arsenal.

I've already started the tinkering phase. I use this app called Run JS to practice writing JavaScript. You can't do any DOM, but I've use it to either save code or test what I know. It's a good tool. I'm learning though osmosis. I spent 3 hours doing nothing but functions. Then conditionals, then objects and so on.

I know I will be at a disadvantage going into the job market, so I don't want to market myself as a junior developer. So If I haven't tinker for a year so be it. I'll have about 10 projects completed at least. I already have 2 people who want me to rebuild their website and create a new one for them.

TikTok and IG are also great tools. Ive learned a lot off of those platforms. I haven't used stack overflow yet. I prefer looking at the the actual documentation.

Ty Daniels

All Star
Dec 13, 2019
I've already started the tinkering phase. I use this app called Run JS to practice writing JavaScript. You can't do any DOM, but I've use it to either save code or test what I know. It's a good tool. I'm learning though osmosis. I spent 3 hours doing nothing but functions. Then conditionals, then objects and so on.

I know I will be at a disadvantage going into the job market, so I don't want to market myself as a junior developer. So If I haven't tinker for a year so be it. I'll have about 10 projects completed at least. I already have 2 people who want me to rebuild their website and create a new one for them.

TikTok and IG are also great tools. Ive learned a lot off of those platforms. I haven't used stack overflow yet. I prefer looking at the the actual documentation.

YouTube is a good place for tutorials also, here are a few good channels:


Ethnic Vagina Finder

The Great Paper Chaser
May 4, 2012
North Jersey but I miss Cali :sadcam:


• M Δ § † ë ® ¥ °
Jul 26, 2015
Black Hands on Green Money
The only real difference between JavaScript and Typescript is Typescript makes it so you think about the variable you're using. With JavaScript you don't really care if that 1 is a number or a string (since all variables are natively strings anyway) with Typescript now you're paying a little added attention to that kind of thing. It's a good practice and way of thinking to pick up. You're still learning JavaScript functions and whatnot but now you just have to think about what you're doing with these variable types.

I've only seen one company (out of 7) use pure JavaScript, and it was using Node.Js for backend development. The code was complete garbage btw. No structure at all. I had to completely rewrite the back end AND the front end and was on the first thing smoking because it was an extreme programming shop and one of my pairs was waaaaay too trash and unseasoned to be drawing as many lines in the sand as she was. She needed to be absorbing these coding practices, not snitching to management about me coming in early to write code so that I'd already have an argument and could clearly demonstrate clean code piff before she could formulate her dumbass thoughts :lolbron:
What back-end stack do you recommend?


Aug 23, 2019
What back-end stack do you recommend?
If you're just starting out, I'd honestly recommend JavaScript/Typescript or Python as those are the easiest languages to solve interview questions with and that's really where the industry is at right now. If you're somewhat seasoned in coding either Java or .Net Core 7, but I'd still just recommend Javascript or Python if you're trying to get into a big tech firm since until you get to be early Senior level they really only are evaluating if you can leetcode.


• M Δ § † ë ® ¥ °
Jul 26, 2015
Black Hands on Green Money
If you're just starting out, I'd honestly recommend JavaScript/Typescript or Python as those are the easiest languages to solve interview questions with and that's really where the industry is at right now. If you're somewhat seasoned in coding either Java or .Net Core 7, but I'd still just recommend Javascript or Python if you're trying to get into a big tech firm since until you get to be early Senior level they really only are evaluating if you can leetcode.
My current stack is React/ Typescript and Next.js, I guess I just need a database and then I'm fullstack then??. I'm self learning so it can be crazy trying to find a proper path with so much information out here. And I don't really have any real desire to work in big tech. I would rather a chill dev job for a start up or or non tech company.

Ethnic Vagina Finder

The Great Paper Chaser
May 4, 2012
North Jersey but I miss Cali :sadcam:
My current stack is React/ Typescript and Next.js, I guess I just need a database and then I'm fullstack then??. I'm self learning so it can be crazy trying to find a proper path with so much information out here. And I don't really have any real desire to work in big tech. I would rather a chill dev job for a start up or or non tech company.
I’m learning postgresql. I want to learn MongoDB.

Databases aren’t that hard to learn.


Aug 23, 2019
My current stack is React/ Typescript and Next.js, I guess I just need a database and then I'm fullstack then??. I'm self learning so it can be crazy trying to find a proper path with so much information out here. And I don't really have any real desire to work in big tech. I would rather a chill dev job for a start up or or non tech company.
Ohh got it yeah if you're not planning on working in big tech and your current stack is React/Typescript then stick with Node.Js for your back end and just make sure you understand how the language works with regards to concurrency and know how to use Arrays, Lists, Hash maps, Hash Sets, Stacks and Queues. And yeah if you're gonna be full stack you'd need to familiarize yourself with Relational SQL and NoSQL and the pro's and con's of both and also know how to use ORMs, Micro ORM's or raw SQL tooling. I'm not the Node.JS guy tho so I'm not familiar with what tools exist for that language as far as SQL goes :hubie:

But once you get that stuff down, then you can start looking at design patterns.


• M Δ § † ë ® ¥ °
Jul 26, 2015
Black Hands on Green Money
I’m learning postgresql. I want to learn MongoDB.

Databases aren’t that hard to learn.
I think they'll be easier to learn for me than Front-End thus far. My brain seems to like algorithms and logic more than design. But I didn't know where to start. So much talk about Postgresql or mongobd or mysql or whatever. It gets confusing lol