Sep 4, 2015

Is there any additional footage/info on the actual release? Why didn't you guys go in detail on Orlando's murder like you did Poochie? That should be included.

Also, could you explain the Nation of Islam altercation with Bad Boy more? I didn't understand that part. Why would the NOI have beef with Bad Boy for "disrespecting the brothers in the East" when Bad Boy is on the East Coast?

We do explain that Orlando died in a shootout while collecting a drug debt, show the location, and show a couple of photos from the scene - I think that's slightly more than what we showed about Poochie's death.

I don't know too much more about the Nation of Islam situation with Bad Boy - I think the reference to the East Coast was that it had something to do with Bad Boy and the Nation of Islam back in NY.

I have one theory -and this is totally speculative on my part - that the "Nation of Islam-looking guy" who approached Eugene Deal outside of the Petersen may have been connected to that. It was the next night and he could have just been throwing a little extra intimidation at them in connection with whatever that beef was, not knowing that there was a shooter down the block. It was just a coincidence. On the other hand - and I know I've strayed from your original question - Deal's opinion was that the guy wasn't really Nation of Islam based on how he was acting, and there were incidents around that time of gang members dressing up like Nation of Islam while committing crimes. But that's all speculative - there wasn't any hard evidence for any of that, so we didn't include it in the film.
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Fortunate Lee

Jun 18, 2015
We do explain that Orlando died in a shootout while collecting a drug debt, show the location, and show a couple of photos from the scene - I think that's slightly more than what we showed about Poochie's death.

I don't know too much more about the Nation of Islam situation with Bad Boy - I think the reference to the East Coast was that it had something to do with Bad Boy and the Nation of Islam back in NY.

I have one theory -and this is totally speculative on my part - that the "Nation of Islam-looking guy" who approached Eugene Deal outside of the Petersen may have been connected to that. It was the next night and he could have just been throwing a little extra intimidation at them in connection with whatever that beef was, not knowing that there was a shooter down the block. It was just a coincidence. On the other hand - and I know I've strayed from your original question - Deal's opinion was that the guy wasn't really Nation of Islam based on how he was acting, and there were incidents around that time of gang members dressing up like Nation of Islam while committing crimes. But that's all speculative - there wasn't any hard evidence linking them - so we didn't go into it in the film.

I was reading that december 97 latimes article someone posted earlier on here.

Do you think it's possible that the crips killed biggie and not suge knight?? I know in your doc you(and kading) talked about poochie..but is it possible that keffe & em came to collect at the end?

so many twists and wonder the cops couldnt solve this shyt. :upsetfavre:
but you get a lot of props for actually doing this doc:obama:

totally unrelated question..but are you a fan both pac/big/hip hop in geeneral?

Tupac in a Business Suit

Middle aged....Middle paid
May 14, 2012
Harlem via Brooklyn
Its crazy to think how Suge Knight orchestrated this whole beef with Pac n Big. Suge clearly got wind of the NY situation with Jodeci n Puff n tried to sign them over to Death Row from Uptown. He basically knew through his street ties that Puff n em was paying for security from SSC through Keefe and Zip who probably found out from Jimmy H. that Puff was being extorted by them. He ran and signed Pac once he found out that dudes who set up Pac were the same ones extorting the dude he hates. On top of it he knew they shot his man in Atlanta. He couldn't wait to snitch to Pac and tell him who set him up. Im sure Zip ran his mouth and told Keefe and he in turn told Compton street dudes…

I swear man these old heads were snitching like fukk:scusthov:
Sep 4, 2015
I believe the documentary said he had a life sentence hanging over his head for drug trafficking (his family members were facing jail time too)

This was his get out of jail free card

What u mean u don't see why he would lie about something like this

This leaves out one very important detail: It was a proffer session. That's a special deal and makes this more than just a jailhouse snitch situation where there wouldn't be any blow-back if he made something up. If they catch you in a lie in a proffer session, the deal is off and you do that time. And he doesn't know what the investigators already know, so if he strays from the truth and contradicts evidence that they already have, he's done. It was his one chance to come clean about a huge crime without any repercussions. This is why I don't buy it that the South Siders did the Biggie hit - why not just cop to all of it in that proffer session? They already thought he was behind that anyway - that's the whole reason they went after him.


Jun 24, 2013
You dumb ass hell that's a compliment not a jab at Tupac but the thirst of ignorance in you can't understand that.


Basically by that they saying Tupac was intelligent and not just another worthless, degenerate thug.


If Im dumb you are clinically retarded. It is not a compliment because the way it was said (along with the imagery) the people were basically implying that Tupac was some sort of Fraud.

For the record Tupac him self said that he's doesn't consider himself to be a gangster, he considers him self to be a soldier (for his people) and a man with pride that doesn't back down. Cacs see a black man not submitting and they marginalize him as a trouble maker.

Fortunate Lee

Jun 18, 2015
If Im dumb you are clinically retarded. It is not a compliment because the way it was said (along with the imagery) the people were basically implying that Tupac was some sort of Fraud.

For the record Tupac him self said that he's doesn't consider himself to be a gangster, he considers him self to be a soldier (for his people) and a man with pride that doesn't back down. Cacs see a black man not submitting and they marginalize him as a trouble maker.

Nah breh..that filmmaker already explain it on here...they were just saying Baby Lane was a real gangbanger and Pac was not.

now that rape comment by that female cac had me :birdman: tho.
Sep 4, 2015
I was reading that december 97 latimes article someone posted earlier on here.

Do you think it's possible that the crips killed biggie and not suge knight?? I know in your doc you(and kading) talked about poochie..but is it possible that keffe & em came to collect at the end?

so many twists and wonder the cops couldnt solve this shyt.

but you get a lot of props for actually doing this doc

totally unrelated question..but are you a fan both pac/big/hip hop in geeneral?

First, thanks for the props. I look at this like the investigators did - I go where the evidence points. There was no hard evidence linking the Crips to Biggie's murder. There was the debt, and there was a mid-90s Impala parked in a yard connected to Keffe that turned out to be a dead end. So all that's left is speculation - how mad were they about the debt, did they feel like all of their options were used up, was it worth risking the empire that they had built in Compton, etc. When Keffe got that proffer deal from Kading's task force, they wanted him for the Biggie hit. That was a golden opportunity for him to cop to it without any repercussions because of the proffer deal, but instead he told them "That wasn't us" and then proceeded to tell them about a different murder that made things a lot more complicated for him.

My dad grew up in Compton, and I love and respect hip hop, but I didn't come at this from the angle of a super-fan. I think that kept me objective and focused. I came at it from "Here's the evidence, cold and without melodrama or hyperbole - decide for yourselves." If some fans don't buy it, that's their call, but at least it's finally out there - this is the story about what a massive, years-long investigation uncovered.
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Sep 4, 2015
First, thanks for the props. I look at this like the investigators did - I go where the evidence points. There was no hard evidence linking the Crips to Biggie's murder. There was the debt, and there was a mid-90s Impala parked in a yard connected to Keffe that turned out to be a dead end. So all that's left is speculation - how mad were they about the debt, did they feel like all of their options were used up, was it worth risking the empire that they had built in Compton, etc. When Keffe got that proffer deal from Kading's task force, they wanted him for the Biggie hit. That was a golden opportunity for him to cop to it without any repercussions because of the proffer deal, but instead he told them "That wasn't us" and then proceeded to tell them about a different murder that made things a lot more complicated for him.

My dad grew up in Compton, and I love and respect hip hop, but I didn't come at this from the angle of a super-fan. I think that kept me objective and focused. I came at it from "Here's the evidence, cold and without melodrama or hyperbole - decide for yourselves." If some fans don't buy it, that's their call, but at least it's finally out there.

One other thing on the Crips and Big's murder: Keffe admitted back in '97 that he was at the Vibe party. His fellow Crips told police he was there, too. No arm-twisting - they all were like "Yeah, he and Wen were there." He readily admitted to talking to Combs and Big inside the party, too. I got the sense that he had nothing to hide regarding what happened to Big.