"Mr. Robot" Season 4 Official Thread


refuel w/ chocolate milk
Jul 7, 2012
Elliot says "this won't work if you can't let go either" to us but I guess some people just can't let go :manny:

The only 'conspiracy theory' that needs to be investigated is Portia refusing to work with Rami :francis:

Their scene together looks like it was just an edit from the season 1 dream.
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Super Moderator
Staff member
May 2, 2012
I said it.....

Because when's the last time that shyt happened? This motherfukker been planning this magical machine since decades ago.. Amassed an ARMY of nikkas willing to murk out their brains for no other reason than they believed they'd come back.... All based on some weirdo gay nikka telling them there was an alternate universe with NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO proof whatsoever.. in 2019...

Had smart people like Angela convinced in one meeting.. Did she seem like a time traveling nutcase prior to that moment?

Now we got people in here saying things like "Don't worry about the machine... It wasn't important.. We just need to know WR believed it...."

Nah.... WE needed to see things Elliott did not, so WE would believe the machine works... So when a "dream" sequence happened at the end of the show, WE would believe he's in the machine. The machine doesn't matter cause it was only there to give an illusion TO US, that it COULD work.. Or else we'd have seen him wake up in that wonderland and we'd have instantly said "He's dreaming!!!" Again.. That's why he purposely hired the same Angela actress.. Had nothing to do with Elliott.. It was a casting device, used to fool us. We had seen her in a previous episode which lead US to believe. That's cheap

noun: MacGuffin
  1. an object or device in a movie or a book that serves merely as a trigger for the plot.

When is the last time what happened?

Millions of people go to church multiple times a week and worship something they never seen, to get into a place they have no proof exists.

Never mind the wars and massacres perpetuated through out history because one god or another demanded it.

Hell, I don't know how much more on the nose the religious comparison can get, than this scene:

Is she talking about heaven....or the world White Rose was selling to Angela? :jbhmm:

As far as "did Angela seem like a nut job?"....let's see....Branch Davidian, People's Temple, Heaven's Gate....there's dozens of real life examples of otherwise rational people being sold a dream and giving up literally everything for it. Sometimes even their lives.

So nah, nothing about Angela's arc really seemed that crazy to me.

As far as you saying :comeon: "so NOW the machine isn't important"....did you quote the wrong person? You can pull up any quote of mine and I been telling cats from day 1 the machine isn't important and probably doesn't work.

My post from a week ago telling people the machine don't work:


My post from the same day, explaining that Angela didn't actually see anything:


My post from 3 months ago, telling people Angela basically joined a cult:


Hell....here's me telling you the machine is only motivation for the Dark Army, 2 months ago. And you obviously didn't listen:


So....yeah. What are we even talking about here man?

:ohhh: I completely forgot 4 seasons of time travel back to future references all over the place.

someone explain what that was telling us the whole time :jbhmm:

Nothing. Sam Esmail told everyone two years ago there wouldn't be time travel:


Just as a general question, totally disconnected from Mr. Robot: Do you think season 3 of a television show is too late to introduce the concept of time travel?

[Laughs] The problem with time travel — I’ve always said in the writers’ room that whenever you introduce time travel, it’s game over. Then all of the rules go out the window. Throwing out time travel in the middle of a series run is a little late.



Super Moderator
Staff member
May 2, 2012
Also... I remember shytting on the Rom Com and nikkas flying in to tell me the deeper meanings and how it needed to happen cause blah blah blah... And what exactly did I say then.... "I HATE when people do shyt to do shyt and not because the plot called for it to happen.. Then you have posters posting dissertations on what REALLY happened, explaining and adding shyt that the director NEVER said was his interpretation"

shyt was just like I said.. A goodbye to Dom and Irving and Leon in a funny cute way.. "b-b-b-b-but it wasn't a real book signing, the DA set that up to warn them,". Just like y'all said he brought old buddy back to be the muscle against the DA. I said hell nah.. Then we get a 5 act play episode. :mjlol:

I see these tropes all the time. It's called Hollywood writing. They been doing the same shyt for 100 years. To be fair... I only think maybe like less than 10 ending episodes ever nailed it. Most let ME down. Mind fukk me and make me want to play that shyt back in an instant and 7 more times... Don't ever leave me on "Man I fukking knew it" and expect praise from ME.

nikkas typing monologues on what they THINK Esmail was saying and have zero fukking idea.. Reddit jerking each other off. "You see the blue light means the...... And remembmer he's foreign so........." :russell:

And I'd still put the show in it's entirety somewhere in my top 20

You're acting like the typical internet fan.

The type of cat that obsesses over a show....pores over every minor detail....discusses theories, does re-watches etc....and that's most of this thread....but it's damn near impossible to surprise someone like you.

And that's fine. But Angela literally said "you're not the real Elliot" in season 1.

The average person would see the revelation in the finale as a well earned pay off.

You see it as cliched and would rather they introduce sci-fi in the last 2 eps of the entire series, solely because it's unpredictable. But it's only unpredictable to you because like I said....it's damn near impossible to surprise you. The only way that happens, is to introduce something that wasn't even hinted at, at any point in the series.

We went through the same thing in season 2. 99.99% of the people watching this show didn't know he was in jail. Go on forums, or Reddit, or social media and it's :comeon:"how predictable." You cannot surprise people like that. You'll fukk around and wind up in "Lost" territory trying to cater to them.



Super Moderator
Staff member
May 2, 2012
A previous post called White Rose "transexual Chinese Jim Jones".


May 1, 2012
Des Moines, IA
Just watched.

Good finale, but pretty unmemorable overall. All that time yall spent on Reddit pouring over every scene was a waste of time. This was the big twist? The real personality was locked away and we were watching The Mastermind?

Ok? So? Why should I care? We never met the real Elliot in the real world, so it carries zero emotional weight.

I see that Sham Lessmail did his job though. Throw enough easter eggs at the screen and set all the clocks to the same time and the praise will come

But this show never did a good job connecting us emotionally with the plot or characters. That is why viewership kept falling.

Final season was a 7/10, overall series an 8/10. Really good and worth watching. But all time lists?

Every time I see a list like this:

1) The Wire
2) Breaking Bad
3) Mr Robot

I can't help but :russ:

A Family Guy skit come to life. :francis:


refuel w/ chocolate milk
Jul 7, 2012
You're acting like the typical internet fan.

The type of cat that obsesses over a show....pores over every minor detail....discusses theories, does re-watches etc....and that's most of this thread....but it's damn near impossible to surprise someone like you.

And that's fine. But Angela literally said "you're not the real Elliot" in season 1.

The average person would see the revelation in the finale as a well earned pay off.

You see it as cliched and would rather they introduce sci-fi in the last 2 eps of the entire series, solely because it's unpredictable. But it's only unpredictable to you because like I said....it's damn near impossible to surprise you. The only way that happens, is to introduce something that wasn't even hinted at, at any point in the series.

We went through the same thing in season 2. 99.99% of the people watching this show didn't know he was in jail. Go on forums, or Reddit, or social media and it's :comeon:"how predictable." You cannot surprise people like that. You'll fukk around and wind up in "Lost" territory trying to cater to them.

It's funny how people want to be mindfukked and surprised but in the direction that they expect :beli: if people who are disappointed with finale are trying to say they predicted MM Elliot being just one of the personalities or not surprised by the reveal they are damn liars :stopitslime:

I don't mind if people didn't like the finale, it's all subjective, but don't bullshyt that the reveal wasn't unpredictable and shocking. Just admit that you would've been happier if it was a sci-fi show instead of what it is, a mental illness, trauma and coping show :manny:

What makes this season's twist unpredictable is the misdirect of Whiterose's machine. That's also the reason season two's twist fell flat, it didn't give audience anything to work with it, it didn't have a twist. It was a one trick pony.

Season 1:
misdirect - Mr. Robot not being real, but made easy for people to figure out.
twist: Darlene is his sister

Season 2:
misdirect: Elliot being in jail. But there was no actual twist. There was enough clues for people watching closely to figure out he was in jail but tougher than Season 1 Mr Robot reveal and angered people not combing through minute details like us. So almost everyone was disappointed.

The Devil's Advocate

Call me Dad
Jun 1, 2012
Better to reign in Hell than serve in Heaven
You're acting like the typical internet fan.

The type of cat that obsesses over a show....pores over every minor detail....discusses theories, does re-watches etc....and that's most of this thread....but it's damn near impossible to surprise someone like you.

And that's fine. But Angela literally said "you're not the real Elliot" in season 1.

The average person would see the revelation in the finale as a well earned pay off.

You see it as cliched and would rather they introduce sci-fi in the last 2 eps of the entire series, solely because it's unpredictable. But it's only unpredictable to you because like I said....it's damn near impossible to surprise you. The only way that happens, is to introduce something that wasn't even hinted at, at any point in the series.

We went through the same thing in season 2. 99.99% of the people watching this show didn't know he was in jail. Go on forums, or Reddit, or social media and it's :comeon:"how predictable." You cannot surprise people like that. You'll fukk around and wind up in "Lost" territory trying to cater to them.

I’ll give you that :yeshrug: I’m a film nerd more than anything. Maybe even possibly music. Maybe. So I do damn near study things I watch. I nitpick. That’s why I say it’s still a top show to me. But people said top 3 show EVER. Now you being graded on a Harvard level. You don’t have to fool me. Plenty shows don’t even try. But IF you try. Don’t give me “the explosion caused a coma and put you in a dream that is exactly what white rose said would happen”. That is my issue right there. If you aren’t going to take it to an alternate universe, why show us “the alternate universe” episode... only to say “no it’s the dream episode, why would you think it was an alternate universe” :troll:

Using the same actress to talk to the character she previously played.... back to the future. Playing the same songs from the movie. All the stuff we was posting right here in the coli. shyt like that was used to fool us. And it wasn’t from Elliott’s mind like season 2.

It wasn’t baseless like we pulled it out our asses. But I give you all the props. You were the one person who nailed it. They had us all fooled but really you never let the machine become bigger than a prop to the story.

if anybody got it spot on, you was telling us

The Devil's Advocate

Call me Dad
Jun 1, 2012
Better to reign in Hell than serve in Heaven
It's funny how people want to be mindfukked and surprised but in the direction that they expect :beli: if people who are disappointed with finale are trying to say they predicted MM Elliot being just one of the personalities or not surprised by the reveal they are damn liars :stopitslime:

I don't mind if people didn't like the finale, it's all subjective, but don't bullshyt that the reveal wasn't unpredictable and shocking. Just admit that you would've been happier if it was a sci-fi show instead of what it is, a mental illness, trauma and coping show :manny:

What makes this season's twist unpredictable is the misdirect of Whiterose's machine. That's also the reason season two's twist fell flat, it didn't give audience anything to work with it, it didn't have a twist. It was a one trick pony.

Season 1:
misdirect - Mr. Robot not being real, but made easy for people to figure out.
twist: Darlene is his sister

Season 2:
misdirect: Elliot being in jail. But there was no actual twist. There was enough clues for people watching closely to figure out he was in jail but tougher than Season 1 Mr Robot reveal and angered people not combing through minute details like us. So almost everyone was disappointed.
To be clear cause I’ve said it many times. “It was a dream” is the laziest shyt writing in the world to me. It’s right up there with “I’ve got to tell you something...” then for some dumb reason it never gets said (larenz Tate in the last episode of power type shyt)

First off, you don’t have to try and fool anyone. Everything doesn’t need a twist. But ok you’re going to go for it. Now be original.

to go with your list

season 4 misdirect:

The machine works. elliot is in the machine. He met his other self. Angela back. Perfect world. Where’s Darlene. Oh he killed himself. What is this. Whaaaaaat?

Season 4 twist:

elliott was dreaming and the real Elliott used that time to wake up, like he almost did when he OD’d. It wasn’t him the whole show, he was actually an alternate

Please tell me that’s not mind blowing to you. Please tell me you haven’t been on the coli for 5 plus years now, and never seen the theory, what if Elliott is actually the alter. We ain’t been doing dissertations on that dream and what if that was the real him the whole time?

y’all blaming reddit. Blame the coli. No I wasn’t shocked on some “whooaaaa this is now the third best show I’ve ever watched in my life”.
