Real Talk
I know this guy he was one of my instructors when I went to school for audio production.
I know this guy he was one of my instructors when I went to school for audio production.
oh yeah ...is dope on the beats
Mpc2000xl/Maschine/SP555/yamaha su700/po33 ko and dj equipment
Modern day classic!!! If I just bought a MPC Live or X, I'd be sick. Other than outputs, which can be worked around, this unit is the same as the higher priced samplers in the AKAI lineup. For me, the MPC One is the new 2000.
Native Instruments.... You on notice!!!! They need a standalone at this price point before holiday season.
NI is rumored to be working on that but I heard soooo many things I don't know what to believe. To keep it a buck the mk3 IS the center of my home studio that workflow and just how intuitive it is to move around the controller to personally is unbeatable. Hell you can pin screens. I want something portable to move around with right now it's between the live and the MPC one.
The live has Bluetooth/WiFi and I believe you can change the the hard drive on it .
The only thing I don't like about both is at times TO ME it's seems like they rely to HEAVY on the touch screen if you coming from mashcine mk3 were you can't touch the screens but the platforms buttons is butter smooth and the workflow is flawless ....man listen ...the only thing that trash is the arranger/song mode
Im get one cause I want to learn another platform BUT ....if I want to touch the screen that much I would just get an iPAD
Damn, I was hoping to snag one but now they’re on back order until June
I have a 2000(busted screen) Renaissance and Studio, but I’ve been looking at another stand-alone. Was thinking of gettin the Live.
I think the One is the way to go tho.
after having the live , my mpc gotta have a battery. 10 hour road trip in mexico was nothing between my switch and mpc. made about 20 beats in the whip.