Kid runs away from home by getting on a bike, peddling really fast while tears are flowing
Family dog jumping in slow motion and catching a frisbee in its mouth
People finding stray dogs, and bringing them home, and the dog fits in
Couples going to an orphanage, observing kids like they're puppies, and finding a child that's at least 6, and bringing the child home, and the kid is evil or really bad
Kids not getting spankings
Tv sitcoms: kid does somethng bad, heart to heart talk with parent, kid doesn't repeat behavior
Kid gets picked up from party where drugs and or alcohol were plentiful
Kid gets in car
Kid: Dad/Mom I can explain....
Dad/ Mom: Just...just stop
Silent car ride home.
Kid goes inside, runs upstairs to room
Music gets slow and sad
Parent eventually walks into kid's room, where female kid is laying on bed facedown, male kid is doing the same, or sitting on a chair while holding a basketball
Parent: blah blah blah...look (insert girl's name) or look son, I was your age once...blah blah blah
Kid: But dad/mom, I swear I didn't take one sip, or do any drugs
Parent: (BELIEVES KID) I know you didn't, but you're going to face these obstacles in life, and you have to say no.
Kid: I know. I won't do it again, I love you dad/mom
Hug, music gets slightly optimistic, audience claps
Parent: hey, want some ice cream?
Kid: (grinning from ear to ear) yeah sure![]()
You’ve been watching Full House I see.