i wanna dap +rep everyone in here
whole thread funny as hell!
i was reading some of these to my girl
she was
This thread proves that "Last Action Hero" was way ahead of it's time. I'm struggling to find "new" cliches that already weren't being parodied way back then.
- subway exteriors covered in graffiti DECADES after they have been graffiti-proof. How many of us are even old enough to have seen trains that look like the ones in the movies.
Basically, every "regional" area in movieland is stuck in sterotypes that were already outdated by 1980 before a lot of these writers were born. I can mention that everyone from "Queens" is Italian with a Yiddish accent, and I'm sure not everyone from the LA Suburbs isn't either a Valley Girl or a member of the Mexican Mafia.
- Very little effort spent on any kind of accurate West Indian accent in the movies. That's why Steven Segal's "Marked for Death" is almost beloved as a comedy classic. Nothing about that movie makes any sense at all, but the bad guys SOUND like real Jamaicans so it's almost like an in-joke.
-The neighborhood so tough even the cops don't go there. Call me niave, but this can't really exist anywhere in the US, can it?
No-go area - Wikipedia