Movie cliches/subplots you hate

Duke Dixon

Aug 12, 2017
sex scenes in movies. like brah I want to see people jumping out of helicopters with machete hacking people up not some romance nonsense

Somehow in these sex scenes the actress' titties are always covered. No one ever puts a condom on, and they cum in the p*ssy in under 30 seconds. Are all these characters on the pill?

I was watching Halloween and the dude fukks his girl for 15 seconds. She says how amazing it is afterwards, and they'reboth breathing like they're smokers that climbed 8 flights of stairs. You fukk a girl For 15 seconds and she if she hit something positive to say:mjlol:

Unrelated but another thing about Halloween. I'm assuming the husband takes the wife out for a good time, because she's stuck at home with their daughter most of the time. They go to a nice restaurant, and meet some friends for some adult conversation.

They come home and see their street filled with cop cars wondering wtf happend across the street, as they see police cars coming in and out of their neighbors home. The wife goes upstairs to check in on their daughter as she notices the baby sitter isn't as on the couch watching tv. The husband goes to the fridge to grab a beer and unwind because he can't stand his wife's dumb ass friends.

The wife screams as she steps into their bedroom. The husband turns to run up the stairs, and notices a teenage boy hanging to the pantry door by a knife to the chest. In the bedroom the husband finds his wife screaming as she looks at a tombstone laid above two dead naked teenagers. As the husband walks towards the bed he trips over the plethora of empty beer cans the teens left on their bedroom floor from their sex romp.

The wife notices all of their bedroom linen is stained with strangers' bodily fluids, and runs down the steps out the door to the police across the street. The husband stands at the foot of their bed like:unimpressed:

A man that took his wife out for a good time so he could get on of her "blowjobs where she plays with his the balls too" now has to clean up a house full of dead teenagers and a bunch of other shyt:snoop:

Every night, the husband tries to get some sleep before he has to go to work and deal with his jackass boss. He can't get a decent sleep since that night because their daughter runs into the room because, "The Boogeyman is coming to get her."

fukk Michael Myers:birdman:

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
Mahfukkas in a life or death situation, all kinds of stakes on the line

But wait, the main character is a hornball so we gotta have a love interest plotline going at the same time :martin: man if y'all nikkas don't lock in and save the planet....

I liked Tenet but what was he doing risking the entire fate of the world just to save the life of a woman who wasn't even a good person or particularly interesting? And as far as we could tell he wasn't even getting with her either. Nearly ruined the movie for me.

shyt happens all the time in Marvel movies too. It's like, "I have 10 minutes to prevent the destruction of all life on Earth....but let me waste the first seven minutes making sure I save ONE character."

The entire plot of GTG3 was "Let's have hundreds of us risk our lives and thousands of people across numerous civilizations killed just to save one fukking racc00n who is kind of an a$$hole anyway." I mean an entire planet is wiped out at one point, but thank god the racc00n lived!
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May 12, 2012
This is random but if y'all ever want a laugh just look at the background actors in any movie or show :mjlol: 9 times outta 10 we just told them to walk in circles and mouth conversations without actually making noise

But back on topic.

If Nolan makes another movie where EVERYONE is whispering their lines to one another imma lose my shyt :unimpressed: he already gives everyone an IQ of 1 trillion so they can figure out ridiculous formulas and problems within 5 minutes of conversation

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
When theses meetings between armed gangs/organization happen, they're in a convenient abandoned (yet well lit) warehouse the size of an airplane hangar. So when the shootout happens we can see the action and there are no innocent bystanders to worry about.

Breaking Bad makes fun of that cliche when Walter White sets up his drug handoff in some big-ass junkyard, and Tuco's first words were, "What's with the location, was the mall closed today?"

Men over 50 being able to fight and kill multiple men half his age, and not be tired or hurt afterwards.

I’m talking to you Tom, Liam, Bruce, and Denzel

Clint Eastwood beating up fools at 80. :mjlol:


All Star
Dec 31, 2014
The female stalker(usually either a new co-worker/neighbor that moves next door/high school/college student)

After they meet and end up having sex(after she tells some sad story about her past or something) the main male character(who is marred or has a girlfriend/someone he has been talking to beforehand)wonders what he was thinking and breaks things off with her,which leads to her flipping out and doing shyt such as constantly calling/texting him,leaving him packages then escalates to trying to get him fired from his job,etc..

When the friend or ex-boyfriend/husband of either the stalker or the main male character catches on to what she's doing and tries to warn him,she usually ends up killing him/her(right after they make the mistake of saying something like"i'm going to tell him/go to the police" :mjlol: )

Then its near the end where she does something that crosses the line,like kidnapping his kids or either his ex or the "good girl"who believes him,he goes to the rescue and they end up fighting,which ends with her getting arrested

Movie then usually ends in these ways:

-The next day the male character and his new love interest get ready to leave town then he sees a news report saying that there was"a incident where someone escaped from a mental hospital",and he has that"Oh no.." look on his face

-Last scene is of the stalker in said mental ward where the doctor/therapist talks to her saying how she's making good progress,then the very last shot is a close up of her with a crazed look on her face asking"Will YOU new friend..?" :dead: