Was going to say the same. A lot of black men in Texas are married to Latinas. i wouldn't be surprised if 40% of black men that got married in 2008, married non-black women. Black dudes just don't marry black women at a high rate...they knock em up and leave them most of the time. If it is 22% for white women in 2008. By 2015, it will be 25-27% and by 2020 it could be 33%. These young black boys and white girls are getting it in with each other in HS, especially in racially mixed burbs here in Houston. When I was in HS, I didn't even talk to white girls even if they were cute...I, just like my friends only messed with black girls and latinas. My first GF was Asian too.
Also, I think about the amount of black men that almost refuse to get married and are dating women of other races, having babies with them. That is happening everywhere. I don't think the US has a full grasp of the amount of mixed babies black men fathering